Did you see this in Theaters in 1999?

Did you see this in Theaters in 1999?

no cause I'm not old as shit

baka forgot this board was full of 12 year olds

Don't remember, don't think so.
I had it on tape though.

I wasn't born yet

I did I was 12 I think. I saw it with my cousins and I remember I didn't want to watch it because I was never a big fan of over the top flying kung fu movies, which is largely what the commercials implied. I hated the intro, had no idea what was going on, but at the same time I was intrigued. I walked out of the theaters loving it. The special effects at the time was just simply something that hadn't been done and were simply mind blowing, and of course the plato's cave plot fucked with my 12 year old mind.

someone born in 1999 can vote old man

I was 10 years old, I wasnt allowed.

Yes and I was traveling
Living in Australia at the time
I was 24

No, but saw Reloaded. Remember my sister and father quiting the series then and there