What is it called when a tv commercial is intentionally repulsive and yet intriguing?

What is it called when a tv commercial is intentionally repulsive and yet intriguing?

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sometimes it's called Irritainment.

> OP still watches TV

literal horse face.

>it’s so bad and annoying it looped back to being kino
10/10 effective ad



This. And her whole vibe makes me wanna eat her out

That's a man, isn't it? Fuck Apple.

The song is what makes it catchy though. The piano riff is gr8 b8. How does Apple keep getting away with this?

La creatura...

It's right next to her and it's acting as her face.
Literal. horse face.

I've had the song stuck in my head for weeks now.



im triggered that she doesn't focus on the other side of her face for a long period

Better without sound

fucking disgusting

I want to _____________ her.

So how many times will we see this commercial tonight?

This one is much better than that original one w/ the fat black ginger


All Night

Once at most

They'll be too busy showing a new commercial with kevin hart and some rapper farting or something like that

la creatura...

so cute :3

Nailed it.

>you will never have her lick cum off your dick


I want to jizz in her butt if you know what I mean



Every time this ad played during the playoffs the room went dead silent, it's so disgusting

somebody post the one with the migos song

They put a mole over her adams apple removal scar.


kill me pete

who the fuck will even use this?

when will normies get tired of rap, it's so fucking boring

Apple glorifying drug dealing?


Fuck you nigga I know I'm dope

pls no

Whats this a commercial for? Haven't owned a tv in years and dont use netflix

Apple's new phone.

Did the dog shit and now the poo is singing along with it? Is that how this works?

Wasnt that awhile ago? Anyone whos gonna buy that shit already has

welcome to the uncanny valley


>This feature is supposed to make you spend $1000

Please tell me this doesnt work on people

she looks like she fucks black guys

I know this thread is going to attract Sup Forums but people have become soooo fucking dumb, so fucking inarticulate this decade that "Mumble Rap" is a thing. We have a Fast and Furious series that's been going on for 9 movies now and it's more popular than ever.

el creaturo




is this the best apples got?

el encantamiento de la creatura

I want to grind my dick against her canine tooth. Fuck shes hot.

I'm sure someones done this already

>56%: the commercial

The fact that such a "look" exists in your mind says more about you than anything else.

Which one is the emoji

el demonio de las Americas..

From "Im a Farner" to "Thank God I'm a Country Boi"

"black people were a mistake"
- God

el atrocidad...

Females under 25 and guys under 21. Give or take

Oh now I get it, they are all mixed race! How progessive......

Serious question, why do this make me so mad?

Apple was a mistake. Should have gone out of business in the '90s.


the anglo is such a hideous creature



With all these replies I was expecting it to cut to the shovel dog clip, this isn't even that bad, it has the same amount of shitposting potential that Zoobe had



Should We hack the program and do a amerimutt emoji for the masses to use?

I can't imagine it being that hard to do, but I know next to nothing about technology.

It's pissing me off but I can't stop watching.

A confused muh dick

Look at that jaw. Tyson couldn't knock her out.

Why hasn't this technology been used for porn yet?
I want cartoon JOIs

I hate the damn commercial, but I would hate fuck the shit out of her.

I only heard about this commercial because on Sup Forums

jesus could they not find a better looking mixed girl? she's only perpetuating the le 56% meme

>mixed girl
>Good looking
The best you're getting is hapas and stacy dash.

I seriously don't understand why some people have a boner for her.

She's average. Nothing spectacular.

i have seen better looking mixed chicks at gas stations. not anywhere near 10s, but better looking than this roasted cauliflower. how did she even get past auditions? cause she has green eyes??

how long until we get real working megaman style helpers?

I prefer this girl, but the blonde is quite attractive too

she needs to be BLACKED

Because you know dumbfucks will fall for this and happily hand over their face to Apple so they can show all their friends how cute they are as a cat or some shit

I wanna Racemix with you all night

el crimen contra la naturaleza...

Now make it move like her with the music and make a webm I will give you one amerimutt coin.

didn't she model for american apparel?

I fucking hate animojis so much

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