Why did the Lannister army meet the Dothraki on an open field?

Why did the Lannister army meet the Dothraki on an open field?

Because literally no one involved in the production of that television show give a fuck any more.

>look Bronn, the famed gigantic mesas of THE FUCKING REACH

When has anyone ever said there WERENT mesas in the Reach? They might've been passing near the Dornish border/marches, in which case mesas would make total sense.

So winter is not coming after all i guess? In the books it was snowing in king's landing even before mother of burgers landed in wetseros

The Reach is famously extremely green, fertile and perfect for growing crops. A fucking mountain range running through it would fly in the face of those established facts would it not? Surely such a range would also be noted on The Land of Ice and Fire maps, too (no such luck, I just checked). Also, since we know Jaime SHOULD be marching West to King's Landing via the Rose Road, those mountains are therefore to the North and thus can't be the Red Mountains of Dorne, unless Jaime has made a quick detour into Dorne for no reason at all. Face it, it's a dumb as fuck addition to make plebs go "wow so varied landscapes what a rich world" rather than a justifiable piece of scenery.

Every battle in the last season was dumb in terms of strategy and tactics. Armies don't have scouts, battle formations and terrain don't matter, difference in weapons and armor is purely visual.

weren't they trying to protect the wagons so they can get in the city?

*East to King's Landing, apologies

they didn't meet them, they were fucking ambushed you idiot. they were returning from sacking high garden and had no idea they'd get rayped from behind by dothniggas and a dragon. dumbfuck.

>tfw to intelagent for scouts while moving your army