Is there a comfy or show? I've been binging a lot on the old ones but I even like the new season...

Is there a comfy or show? I've been binging a lot on the old ones but I even like the new season. I know I'll catch a lot of shit for that but let's be honest most of you decided to hate it before you ever saw it, also this board has an irrational hate of the red hair chick


Best All Time
1. Pod People
2. Manos
3. Boggy Creek 2
4. Master Ninja
5. Time Chasers

I disagree a little bit but I can respect that list

Old top gear
Stargate SG-1

There's an interview where Joel makes an interesting point that Manos is popular more for the strangness of the movie than the quality of the riffs. The comment about every frame being someone's last known photograph was fantastic, but other than that I can't recall any

The reboot sucks. Very grateful that Rifftrax exists though; every one of their releases are top-notch, and Mike, Kevin, and Bill have gotten even funnier since their MST3K days.

It's also one of those background shows that you don't have to follow along with because r the plot is stupid and the acting sucks and the directing is non-existent.

Riff Traxx also has a few episodes on Amazon Prime.

>the twilight commentary tracks

The movie is incredibly strange but the bits with the little girl and her dog, and the couple making out all the time were great. Plus Torgo theme music.