Cast him in the inevitable movie adaptation of My Twisted World

Cast him in the inevitable movie adaptation of My Twisted World

Idris Elba

That faggot who played Roderick in the wimpy kid remake. Only if they make him a manlet

He's half jew half chink so they will cast a Christian white male.

>wanted to either be a writer or a mass killer
>decided writing was too hard
>went on an unsuccessful rampage and kills himself
>thousands of people go on to read his manifesto post-humously

what did he mean by this?

dwayne johnson

Tommy wiseau

why would you cast a minority as the bad guy ?

Crash Bandicoot.

Jonah Hill and make it a tragicomic

ITT: "Villains" who did absolutely nothing wrong

A role literally made for me

9-11 hijackers

ezra miller


This is the only answer. Assuming he's not dead.

mumkey jones

adam driver

that'd actually be the ultimate insult to him.

>hey elliot you get a movie
>tommy wiseau plays you
>because fuck you, you sperg


Ezra miller as Elliot Rodgers.