Jurassic world: Fallen Kino


Looks fucking rad.

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The first movie was probably the single worst blockbuster movie ever released.


>nigger geek

>spoils the climax
>uses the same climax as The Lost World
What did Universal mean by this?

This actually looks pretty good

Wtf, why did they have to have a soy nigger. Ffs do they have to add some ugly shitskin to everything now?

This shows a sliver of potential only for the fact that it shows dinosaurs in a new environment (the suburbs) but as said it's just an extension of what happened in JP2.

I'm not watching anymore trailers for it. It looks pretty good though.

If you think thats not a training simulation house you're retarded

>I-Raptor is supposed to be more intimidating than an I-Rex

Was that a new mutant dino? Did they somehow create a new hybrid in this and not let anyone find out?

>spoils the climax

market research says that if people know whats going to happen in the movie they are more likely to go watch it.

Yes. The Indominus Raptor.

Horse dinosaur yippee!

Well damn. Props to them for actually keeping something a secret for once.

Producer on Twitter when trailer #1 came out said the shit in the trailer was all from the first 50 minutes of the movie

It's essentially the iRex without the TRex size

Wow this looks utterly awful. I didn't think it would be possible to up the shittiness the first had but they already fucking did it

I fell asleep during the last one. Normie trash

I couldn't finish watching it, the videogame sheen to the film got too annoying and apart from Chris Pratt everyone else were unbearable.

market research says that if people see BDH's fertile hips they are more likely to go watch it

Soon we'll get to manage and care for a qt T-rex.


Looks like every character is gonna be 10x as annoying. Fuck this series

>it's people running away from the dinosaurs for the nth time

jurassic park is the most boring franchise in the fucking universe.

So whats the splice now? also noticed they've got an Allosaurus now

I-rex with a raptor.

Leaked spoilers. Starting to sound legit.

Four years after the outbreak at Jurassic World, Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), the park’s former operations manager, has founded the Dinosaur Protection Group to protect the creatures of Isla Nublar, which is now a forbidden zone. Upon learning that the island will be destroyed in a volcanic eruption, Claire convinces the government to authorize a rescue mission led by her ex-boyfriend, Owen Grady (Chris Pratt), who is determined to save his raptor companion, Blue.

Benjamin Lockwood (James Cromwell), who co-founded InGen Corporation and developed the dinosaur cloning technology alongside John Hammond, supports Claire’s organization. InGen has gone bankrupt after the outbreak and the cloning technology has been outlawed by the United States government. The company's new CEO, Eli Mills (Rafe Spall), is determined to save the company through weaponization of dinosaur DNA.

Owen and Claire reach Isla Nublar alongside Claire’s team and mercenaries employed by Lockwood and led by Ken Wheatley (Ted Levine). Owen, Claire and Claire’s assistant Franklin Johnson (Justice Smith) venture into the ruins of Jurassic World, where Owen is briefly reunited with Blue before she is sedated and captured by the mercenaries alongside several other dinosaurs, in order to be safely extracted from the island.

The Baryonyx attacks the trio in the ruins of Jurassic World, but they manage to escape just as the volcano erupts, killing the Baryonyx and several others. The T-Rex saves Owen, Claire and Franklin during the chaos, but is then captured by Wheatley and his men, who also subdue Owen, Claire and her team and take to a secret research facility where Dr. Henry Wu (B.D. Wong) is creating weaponized hybrids. Mills intends to present the hybrids to numerous political and military representatives to restore InGen's power and wealth.

Wu’s greatest creation is the Indominus Raptor, whose intelligence has surpassed his expectations. Owen and Claire meet Lockwood and his granddaughter Grace (Isabelle Sermon), and find out that he is behind everything, having used Claire’s expedition to gain access to the dinosaurs and study them them to complete the hybrids that he believe will restore his reputation.

The I-Raptor escaped and slaughters Wheatley and his men, unleashing the captive dinosaurs before hunting down its creators for revenge. Lockwood attempts to kill Owen and Claire, but is killed by Blue, who then faces the I-Raptor and is severely injured. The National Guard arrives to rescue the facility's personell, and Claire’s team manages to sneak an injured Blue out. Wu also escapes.

Owen and Claire go back to rescue Grace before the National Guard bombs the facility to wipe out the dinosaurs. The I-Raptor chases them, so they unleash the T-Rex to fight it, but the I-Rex gains the upper hand. Owen, Claire and Grace are extracted via helicopter. The I-Raptor hears the approaching helicopters and escapes before the facility is bombed, killing some of the dinosaurs, while others escape into the wild. The I-Raptor manages to civilization, ready to unleash hell.

Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) only appears once, testifying in Claire’s favor on a Congress hearing to determine whether the rescue mission on Isla Nublar should be approved or not.

Sounds like setup for a far more interesting sequel.

>Toby Jones
Fuck yeah

Does Rexy die?


You cunts are the same ones that bitch and moan when a nigger is portrayed as better then the whites.
So why are you bitching when a nigger is played as a unmanly and kinda pathetic, especially when compared to the white male lead?
Is it just that time of the month? Are you just gushing blood out your vaginas?

Yeah, I'd rather see that movie instead.

>They're going down the retarded DUDE MILITARY DINOSAURS plotline

Why stop this is so fucking retarded and not what JP is supposed to be about.

Those minority plants are like the monkeys in 80s cartoons/


Why couldn’t they just adapt the Lost World book into a movie? Why did this have to happen?

The one line in TLW book where Malcom ponders just how intelligent the raptors were as he watches one eat a candy bar and how the only reason they’re as violent as they are is they’re essentially feral children with no parental figures is more interesting and terrifying than anything in any of these movies past the first one.

>it shows dinosaurs in a new environment (the suburbs)
Are you retarded?

>this is so fucking retarded

That's the point. It's a stupid idea and will blow up in their faces.

>Let’s go back to the island and rescue the poor dinosaurs!
Why? Why not let the dinosaurs die? Or better yet, why not bomb the hell out of the island and make sure they are all dead.
>Let’s make a Super Raptor
Why? The Super T-Rex failed horribly. Now you want to make a Super Raptor?

You are completely missing the point.

If your entire movie's premise is predicated on "dude look at how stupid these fuckers are" then you need to restart your screenplay immediately.

Suits are stupid.

>another fucking mutant



If they had any intelligence, they'd create small hybrid dinos with the raptors sense of smell and tracking (and maybe even intelligence) that are herbivores and are to be used in place of sniffer dogs.

Think of it, you'd be able to sell them to pretty much every military on Earth without people or governments complaining about war profiteering or selling weapons to enemy nations. You'd also be able to sell it to police and border security forces around the world as well as search and rescue groups.

>Why? The Super T-Rex failed horribly. Now you want to make a Super Raptor?

given the Lego leaks, the officials (rafe spal character) have some sort of "remote controller" (a lego radio piece).

and given the start of the trailer, the fucking hybrid will likely start as a remote controlled dino until something breaks up in the climax and he went full lethal.

also they literraly gave away the second part of the movie, that's sad.

Looks interesting

The dinosaurs are probably worth billions of dollars.

Market Researcher here. Can confirm

>more ball scenes
>still using aberrations instead of real, unexplored dinos
>bad CGI
>raptor taming
>T-rex saves the day for the xth time
I hate this reboot.

welcome to 201x, the 199x are gone now

General audience here. Can confirm market researcher is right in their assessment


Not enough new dinos in this one, I'll pass.

I'll still watch it on torrent for mommy though

>Not enough new dinos in this one
Nigger are you stupid? There's at least 9 new dinosaurs already confirmed counting the Indoraptor. If anything there's too many new ones and they're not gonna do anything special enough to be remembered.

Sounds like someone has some reservations about letting the past die and killing it if they need to.

>tfw Sorna Spino is extinct

That dinosaur has a taste for cunny.

so what exactly is this movie about?

Looks like a Baryonyx to me. Fuck, why does it have to be an I-Raptor why does this movie have to be so gay. Baryonyx is scary by itself, not everything needs to be an I-dinosaur faggot bullshit.

Dinosaurs killing people.

Universal has to know everyone is here for BDH, right?
Just kill off Pratt and turn her into the next thicc Tomb Raider or some shit.

>cute little boys from first film are nowhere to be seen


Look, I know you are new here, but you don't have to pretend every board is like Sup Forums.

>To get the island systems up and running again we'll need a hacker; the best in the field.
>It's a nigger

Her ass reminds me of my gf

>Piece together a purposely vague story based on what info we have
>Call it a leak

Go do something else with that time.

It better not be. Sorna is an awesome location and idea factory, killing it offscreen would be idiotic.

Goldblum's grandkid?

Possibly. Even if so, it's unfortunate they didn't just give him the name R.B. from the book, it looks like they're similar enough characters.

It's been posted before the first trailer even dropped.

Lurk more.

Imagine being chased by Jeff Goldblum running on all fours

>we made the raptors and t rex tame and cuddly, who's gonna be the bad dino now?
>how about an eviler raptor?
>sounds good

>military dinosaurs
>not awesome
fuck you I want to watch dinosaurs with lasers up the ass.


my nigga metriacanthosaurus better show up, they been teasing him since jp 1

>velocirapetor sexually assaults little girl, filmed live and unedited, no condoms no feathers

can't wait for the sequel where she gets pregnant and gives birth to velocidaughters that hunt down lonely men in their early 30's and turn them into pusy slaves

holy shit so badly acted

also they need to stop recycling the same scenes from the first movie

"omggg dinosaurs walking by look how lovely they are". its forced and gay. and makes no sense. theyre in a park where people were eaten like youd suddenly be all calm.

so raptors move and drool like alien now?

And nothing we have seen in this trailer is new, if you were following close enough that is. The leak only matches up because it is as bare bones as possible while still hitting everything we have learned from the lego sets and behind-the-scenes footage. Notice how he never mentions the Mosasaurus, despite us knowing it attacks a research sub at one point.

Dinosaurs are cool and magestic, not monsters. That is the whole point, they are dangerous yes but no more than lions or bears. That is why nobody wants to nuke the island and why the Indoraptor is such a big deal.

why don't they just clone people

>he leak only matches up because it is as bare bones as possible while still hitting everything we have learned

Or maybe it just matches up because it's a fucking leak.


>iRex was smart as fuck and huge
>iRaptor will be even smarter
I bet it will learn human speech next.
we Planet of the Dinos now.

Fallen Kingdom introduces a human/dinosaur hybrid for military purposes - so you'll get your wish.

I regret imagining that

I'd rather see more prehistoric creatures from other periods than another mutant. It's not like they care about accuracy, so why can't we have a cool dunkleosteus?

Am a person, can confirm research is correct

user I'm sorry. That nigga got re-extinct.

Source: The reports section of the Dinosaur Protection Group tie-in website

>raptor tamings
there's nothing wrong with this

The T-rex gets killed

Would make for a good horror film desu.

Just because you are so desperate to be the most enlightened person in the room doesn't mean you are any more than the most gullible idiot in this thread.

Blue dies, seriously. You can tell that by the trailer, the fuckers always kill the innocent good willing creature.

Not going to watch Blue get killed, fuck you.

I just don't buy the premise of these movies. There is zero reason to not just wipe them out. It is an idiot plot of insane magnitude. I know damn well that they're going to go full apocalypse with this shit and just have dinosaurs overrun the earth in future installments despite how ludicrously easy it would be to avoid it.

First part sound terrible, like an abridged Lost World but still Lost World, but that second half sounds decent till the cliffhanger ending, guess they gotta milk the already dry cow even more dry

What the fuck is that bedroom scene? AvP: Requiem? The prop raptor looks about as shitty as the xenomorphs in that movie too. This movie is going to be dogshit.

Am research, can confirm being correct