it's another dexter jeopardizes an otherwise perfect life due to his uncontrollable addiction episode
It's another dexter jeopardizes an otherwise perfect life due to his uncontrollable addiction episode
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>character has flaws
No way
it's almost like he was an autist
>its going to happen again tonight
>i'm going to watch sonic the hedgehog and then murder some guy who broke a law once
Something a lot of people can relate to. Truly, Dexter was kino.
>its a dexter's next victim leaves their home door unlocked and their computer open so he can see exactly where and how to kill them episode
to be fair, he did pick a lot of locks throughout the series. but the computer being open was always convenient
Was there ever a more tense moment in TV?
Dexter could have been defeated if people just put fucking passwords on their laptops.
he could have been defeated if just ONE single security camera was functional. HE NEVER WORE A FUCKING MASK
>it's a Dexter makes a friend then kills them season
In the books he was a 1337 hax0r
Should have ended it at season 4
>It's a Deb is not sure if it counts as incest episode
Jesus Christ that Thanksgiving scene had me cringing
>It's a Dexter smashes his girlfriend's ex husband over the head with a pan episode
There was never any tension after the first season for me. He always killed the bad guy. I thought Trinity was kind of laughable. He should have just killed him instead of fucking around.
Fuck off now, the only time he calls him "dexter" is in the cabin
>it's a Harry's Code was actually developed by a brilliant female neuropsychiatrist who cultivates psychopaths and is Dexter's ideological mother episode
They tried really hard to get worse than the books, and I think they got there
>it's a deb says fuck episode
>it's another "Dexter decides to let a stranger in on his secret life against his schizo dad-hallucinatory-personality's better judgement" season
Season 2 at best.
Not only is that incorrect, but what the fuck does it matter?
Dude that shit with the limey doctor toward the end was weird as fuck. One episode ends with them like..cuddling or something. They really fucked up that show.
yes when rita wasn't in it, it sucked
They literally lost the plot. The lead up to the end and the end are very bizarre.
Season 3 marked the end
In the books he was also possessed by some ancient demon that came to Earth on a comet and can spot the demons possessing other killers so all killers instantly recognise each other
No point really, I just like reminding people that Jeff Lindsay is a hack when someone mentions the books
His dark passenger is a fragment/offspring of Moloch, the first evil. This is a major plot point of book 3, when Dexter invades Bohemian Grove in a similar manner to Alex Jones in "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove". Other ridiculous elements of this book include Astor and Cody becoming junior serial killers. This was dropped like a hot coal from later books after fans reacted badly to Dexter becoming fantasy, but remains a meme because it's just too hilarious to not mention. Thanks for your contribution!
I still think it should have ended with Deb on the table, and Quinn finding Dexter in the middle of it. Quinn shoots Dexter, and covers Harrison in blood. Harrison becomes a serial killer or something. My fanfiction ending is better than the real ending.
Pretty sure Showtime wanted a sequel series and made them do an open-ended finale, ruining the show completely since a sequel never manifested
>Other ridiculous elements of this book include Astor and Cody becoming junior serial killers
The book was a colossal mess front to back but yeah, that bit stood out and I stopped reading after that
Interesting to know they dropped it and didn't really know he was still writing them.
>sequel series
sounds like it would have been garbage. They need to learn to leave shit alone.
Now with Netflix, no series is ever allowed to die with dignity.
>inb4 Dexter Cinematic Universe
>prequel series about Harry Morgan as a cop
>prequel series about Captain Matthews banging hookers
>sequel series where Deb mysteriously comes back to life for some reason
it could happen.
Season 4 was kino just because of Trinity
Fuck that show. I stuck with it for as long as I could. The last season was fucking total garbage. I didn't watch the last episode I couldn't stand it any longer. How do people ruin shows that start out so good so spectacularly?
LaGuerta: The Early Years
A Netflix original
Season 2 was amazing the first time around. But watching it over, it kinda sucks because you realize they killed off Doakes way too early. Though Trinity Killer was great, they never followed up with a proper final adversary to end the show with, and should have saved Doakes for that after all.
>series lasts 8 seasons
>last few episodes feel like they're scrambling to wrap everything up
What the fuck happened?
I would saran wrap myself to a table if this ever happened
it wasn't just the last few episodes, it was every later season. Just trash.