It's up!

Looked like Rogue One.

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Unironically looks interesting

Wtf that solo character looks like ass, good pick for Lando though

Looks alright desu


He doesn't even look like Harrison Ford

Yup. Looks pretty fucking good desu.


YES PLEASE! Day one.

Looks like exactly what everyone thought it was going to be

The trailers always do.

But then you see the movie...and, once know The Mouse has conned you out of another 15 bucks. AGAIN.

star wars is dead, bury it.

He won the ship in a gambling match. They didn't really put in the vibe that he was a he was.

30 second spot. Wait for the trailer at least before you feed us your hot takes based on nothing

I like that we had to wait for... that.

but to be honest i won't be expecting much, just in case

Looked terrible. Like a fan film.

>No ugly nigger
>No ugly Mary Sue

Was it so hard Disney?

This but ironically

looks like it's gonna be a sad attempt to mimic the style of blade runner with some inserted marvel quips

Emilia Clarke looked really pretty

as usual uwu

Oh fuck man.

its just a shitty teaser, nothing of it makes it seem interesting or not

>they didn't move it back to december
*breathes in*

ehhhhh. its fun to dip your toes into rebellion era star wars, but disney burned me on tlj. also han solo origin is totally unnecessary.

Last Jedi had some good trailers and it's the worst film in the franchise


I usually like ron howard's movies

Agreed. I wanted to hate it as much as the rest of you shitposters, especially since I hated TFA so much; but I’m unironically in.


I hated TLJ, Ill prolly hate the guy playin Han Solo. But the story looks good and Donald Glover is magnetic.

You Must've missed them.

I honestly thought it was one of those tie in brand commercials that star wars does, like for Nissan or something

If TLJ has proven anything it's that a decent trailer means fuck all

none of these shots will be in the movie
screencap this

I've been unironically hopeful that they will make it good.

Me too!! I was waiting for the coca cola logo

Looks like a poor mans BR 2049

this, but it's a trailer

it's meant to look good

Is this the new hot meme you guys are gonna push?
It didn't remind me of BR at all. Gritty is not a BR exclusive.

>lando is now a space pimp

left probably not
right yeah I can see them in it

Without the trailer music, it looks boring.
Shouldn't they show the action?

Same here. It looked exactly like that. I almost thought it was a parody. Then they got into it.

good god it's a stupid television spot don't be a sperg

Lando's actor is the only solid pick. Nailed it. He looks exactly like a young Lando and I trust Jorden's acting enough to pull it off perfectly. The rest will be atrocious. Calling it. He will be the only saving grace as long as they gave him enough screen time.

>This is the only real thing 3 months before the movie releases


>Han Solo: A Star Wars Story looks like it will be a soulless, painfully average, made by committee blockbuster. And that's a good thing.

it's the worst casting so far

his hairline is completely off and he has that stupid grin/smirk(?) all the time lando looked way cooler and more square faced

dude wore a cape in empire, of course he was a pimp

It's a bad sign that a teaser was released this close to premier. A teaser should've been up months ago.

lando is in the trailer

>ugly nigger
Lando is literally /ournigger/

>mimic the style of blade runner
Just because of the BWAAAAAHHHHS? because that's every trailer now

Did she lose weight for this film?

Lando or Donald?

>Did she lose weight for this film?
If she couldn't keep the weight off for GOT, I don't see why she would bother for Solo.

It was short and only show-cased some of the visual effects--which any video game can do.

Once we see the strong womyn* of color come out and basically steal the show from Han Solo, we will see how shitty it really is.

you're only saying it because you're racist

all those shots look okay except for the bottom left one, which looks like a crappy soundstage.

donald isn't

Wow, a multi billion dollar entertainment company can make 30 seconds look interesting. What a shock.


There was a bunch of action in the teaser user.

It looked like they didn’t have many good shots to put in the teaser

Looked decent in all honesty.

Why does Lando have a Stark fur coat?

This is guaranteed the best 60 seconds the film has to offer

Looks stupid. Disney can go fuck themselves. I'm sorry I gave that video a view.

What about Episode 8 though? Just think about it, the Empire's military tactics have evolved for 1000s of years, they are experts in every sort of engagement in space battle. Yet when a bunch of the Empire's ships come out of hyperspace behind the rebels in Episode VIII, they have absolutely no idea how to deal with the rebels.

Why didn't a couple of the the Empire's ships jump to lightspeed directly in front of Leia's ship? Then the empire could attack from multple directions, wouldn't this be standard practice in this situation when the Empire has more than one vessel?

The rebels literally went on holiday to the Rivera during the battle, and fucked up the F1 race at Monaco, while the Empire had no idea what to do. F1 teams need children in the pit lanes as only a child's fingers can manipulate the small parts of advanced engineering, this is not exploitative at all, those children go on to have careers as pit men and whores. How fucking stupid are Star Wars fans? Even Lucas wouldn't have done something as stupid as this, this is absolutely retarded.

>Feelings of optimism rising.
It's as if this movie is some kind of new hope.

Why are you not excited like there goys?

this tbqh
>inb4 all SW trailers look good
TLJ trailer looked like trash and further lowered my expectations for it

cause she doesn't have to keep it off for GOT. Her character was guaranteed 6 seasons based on the books alone. She wants to get other roles though she's gonna have to actually look good

>Wow, a multi billion dollar entertainment company can make 30 seconds look interesting
do you really think that looked interesting reddit

kill yourself

What's up with that dude's tongue

After Mark Hamill's car accident in 1977, they wanted to kill off Mark Hamill, as he was just too ugly to play a leading role, this is why Yoda claims, 'there is another', in reply to Kenobi mentioning that Luke is their last hope in the 2nd installment of the Star Wars franchise.

Luke was also based upon Lucas (Luke=Luc-as), Luke was originally a pudgy short fat character who overcomes expectations by becoming a hero, Luke was always a Beta male character. Star Wars itself was a platform for the career of Harrison Ford, who Lucas used again in the Indiana Jones series. Han Solo's character is based upon Lucas also, Solo is actually a representation of the origins of NASCAR drivers, who were originally smugglers who tuned their cars to go faster than what the law could.

> History article on NASCAR's origins in the Prohibition era

Lucas himself was a racing car enthusiast and was potentially going to become a racer, but on June 12, 1962, then 17-year-old George Lucas was in a serious car crash which he said was as a miracle that he survived, Lucas would go on to explore this aspect of his life in the 1973 film American Graffiti.

Han's character in Star Wars is a continuation of Lucas' previous film American Graffiti, which also stars Harrison Ford as a street racer from the 50s. Han Solo is a smuggler/racer who's always fine tuning his vehicle/spaceship in Star Wars.

Star Wars itself was really just a one off film that morphed into a franchise, it's sole role was to undercut Frank Herbert's Dune, Star Wars is largely adapted from Herbert's Dune, but also Star Wars copies from other sources too.

People who do this with their kids SUCK!!!!

I agree.
It's strange, it would have to be comedy

you're pretty much one of them faggot

I'll wait until the full trailer but that teaser was surprisingly good

Who are these guys?

Yeah it was good. Got me interested in seeing the full trailer

Depending on how well/bad this does, and let say Disney gets their act together for future Star Wars films, who would you guys like to see as future director(s)?

some gay shit

Brad Bird
Ron Howard again if this is good

tyler perry and lars von trier

I'm responding to the other posters comment. Even TLJ, "looked" cool. That doesn't mean it will be any good as an actual movie.

And yes, it was a good trailer, considering the movie is probably total shit. And, as I said before, it's because Disney is a multi billion dollar entertainment company. Ofourse they can make a decent trailer.

Writing a decent plot. That's something they can't seem to do.

There's a bloody Targaryen in the film. I'm not going to sit around watching a movie with foreign invaders in it. Where's ya shame OP?


He's gonna get cucked.

fuck off shill

I'd like to see them giving a spin-off to George Lucas. That would certainly draw in the crowds.

I also want to see what Star Wars on steroids looks like so, give one to Michael Bay as well.

Why is that game of thrones cunt in this? Fuck I can't stand her.

WOW! The new actor playing ranger solo is so bad, they hide his face through the whole trailer.

>, and let say Disney gets their act together for future Star Wars films,
they're made 3 shit movies and this trailer is also shit. why would you think this is going to be good?