Best Cinema experience you've ever had?

Mine was fairly recent, being from the UK I went and saw Blade Runner 2049 in the BFI IMAX 70mm screen and managed to get our seats in a packed theatre right in the centre about 3/4 way up towards the back. Was perfectly aligned with the centre of the screen and saw what is now one of my favourite films.

Don't think I'll ever top that experience.

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Getting stoned and watching Fast Times at Ridgemont High on the big screen. Judge Reinhold was there too

Nice one mate.
Were you on here a month or so back asking whether it was still out on iMax? You were checking seats etc...
And yeah, saw it there too, might have been the same seat - you have to be very picky at the imax for 3d films where you sit.

best cinema experience? It was Hudsucker Proxy at a packed screening in the Prince Charles cinema (before they ripped out half the auditorium to stick a hundred seater upstairs...)

interstellar in imax, say what you want about the movie but it was a cinematic achievement

You are such a loser.

While not exactly related I recently dropped md for the first time and it was incredible though it was a party atmosphere.

I want to try acid next and am considering watching BR49 when I do since I hear it makes you feel like you're in these worlds when watching

Some little kid sat right next to me when I went to see TLJ. He was so fucking happy and excited it just melted my bitter heart. Not the best experience I had but it was recent, too bad the movie was pretty dumb.

It was incredible wasn't it? And I don't think that was me though I was so excited to see it when I secured those seats. I agree, I don't visit the cinema that often so I try to make an event of it every time I do, hence wanting the perfect seats and with the original Blade Runner being my old favourite film I was so happy to see it done justice and in my opinion improved.

I've been meaning to go to the Prince Charles more but that sounds incredible as well, you just get a better energy to the film in a packed theatre of patricians rather than parents with their kids etc

my theater had the sound fucked up. Was hard to hear during their initial launch. Other than that, I agree. Only Avatar tops it as far as experience.

Thats sounds nice, depending on the film kids can bring out your inner child or be nuisance but for a film like Star Wars that seems like the perfect setting

If you haven't seen LoA on the bigscreen, you don't know shit about theater experiences.

Cinema showed The Thin Red Line before the midnight premiere of Blade, so my best friend and I (14 at the time) got tickets for both. TTRL bored us senseless and dragged out forever, but that made Blade even better once it finally started. The opening scene, fuuuuck! I remember being hyped and pumped af and loving every minute of it. Still have a weakness for the Blade OST.

Not him
I only go to the Prince Charles for events, like The Room or anniversary showings. Never for new films - the audience just never shuts the fuck up

Fav cinema has to be Greenwich Picturehouse - cosy, great bar, respectable audience. Quality

Watching Mad Max in theatres

this. holy shit it was like being on a rollercoaster

Watching JP in theatres with DTS surround. Can't be topped ever.

this or interstellar at imax were the most visually entertained ive ever been at the movie theatre

I saw BR2049 in IMAX on acid and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Went with my brother to the first Hobbit film on imax, the film itself wasn't that great but we were the only people in the showing and it was comfy as fuck

Unironically Rush Hour. People were yelling and clapping and laughing a lot and it just fucking worked for that movie to be in a crowd that just pure fucking enjoyed it.

The Lion king, or

paid $12 for tickets to 'Delta Farce' in a soon-to-be-shut-down theater with one of those 'pay by weight' candy machine things

plebidon at it again with the rambling videos and the shilling on Sup Forums

Blade Runner 2049. Visually impressive as fuck.

Watched Gone Girl with my friend, his gf and another girl. Was so tense watching it in the cinema, you could see every guy shifting uncomfortably in his seat and every girl fidgetting guiltly. Was amazing.

Silence. I was just fucking awestruck by the end of that movie.

went to a theater that just opened. Very few people.
They have a full bar, I don't know what to get, ask for something with cognac. Get a super fancy drink for $10, and it's delicious
Get into the theater, they tell everyone to turn their cell phone to silent.
Someone started texting during the movie and within 1 minute someone who worked at the theater went to him and told him to stop

it was a surreal experience

my bros and I ordered thai takeout, stuck it under our jackets, and went to see super troopers. none of us had any idea what a masterpiece that movie was going to be, we were just trying to kill a friday night. having a pretty damn good thai dinner in the theater only made it better.

Back to back screenings of the Back to the Future trilogy in October 2015. Free popcorn and soda, too.