Could we have a thread for all the commercials played during the Super Bowl, since that's what I'm mostly watching?
Super Bowl LII Commercials Thread
Jack Green
Jonathan Hill
Grayson Gray
Tilda Swinton is looking good
Hunter Wright
All the Sup Forums threads are moving too fast I'm gonna make this my home
Evan Garcia
Nolan Morales
I'd eat Danny Devito.
Bentley King
he looks like hed taste like dirty chicken
Cameron Adams
>Don't have cable cause its a meme
>Cant get OTA networks even with a $100 antenna
>Vudu/Vue/YoutubeTV wont stream NBC to me
>Either have to watch an up to date stream and miss commercials or one thats 5mins delayed
Anthony Fisher
>Cant get OTA networks even with a $100 antenna
you live in a fallout shelter or something?
Jace Ross
You mean like a Rum Ham