Mission Impossible: Fallout trailer


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Pure kino.

One of the few franchises still worthwhile to watch in theaters.

My dick is hard as a fucking rock now. Can't bruise the Cruise.

Tom Cruise is Xenus gift to humanity.

How can one human be so fucking based

>that bathroom fight scene
Fucking KINO

absolutely based


Holy shill thread. Guess the church of scientology's IT force is out in full to support their guy.

OMG! How fast and furious!


It's beautiful

>that cinematography
Shit this looks fucking GOOOOD
Who did Tom hire for this?

he looks younger than he did in the last movie

Holy shit Cruise is making kino lads

T. Unmasculine StarWars fan

>Henry Cavill might end up joining the team

A Chad is coming to break your fucking face, what do you do?

>more Cruisekino
I'm okay with this

>Rebeca Ferguson
>Michelle Monaghan
>all those stunts
my body is ready

henry cavill looks like a tank

mission impossible has always been /comfy/ kino desu
good action flicks with good quality

>same old Ethan
>next shot is Tom Cruise running

I'm marathoning the series for this, today I watched MI3 and it was great

>Ethan and Ilsa are fighting again

based cruise saving cinema. How does he do it ?


The guy who did cinematography for Ex Machina, amongst other things. McQuarrie returns to direct from 5.

>mustached Henry Cavill firing a machine gun from a helicopter while Cruise pilots it


Why are manlets so succesfull? Can we normal people even compete?

>mfw Cavil replaces Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt's son as the head of the franchise once he is too old

Those little hands tho

>Mission Impossible and Fast and The Furious are the most kino franchises going
Worst timeline?

When he beats the shit out of you, it will be in front of your wife/girlfriend.

Cavill´s hands look somewhat small for a guy his size.

Dude is a fucking tank. No way Ethan beats him.


Imagine being this much of a kike faggot. The kikes hate based scientology because it’s an alternative power structure in hollywood.

Will watch for stunts. Shame about the stronk retarded feminist again so I already know it will be a shit movie. Won't be watching in cinema.


Cavill's character is shooting AT Tom Cruise

>little hands
Compared with the rest of his size, yeah. But those are normal sized hands, hes just huge.

Are you two dense? He's obviously the Villain

>they kept the shot were cruise fucked up his anckle

Absolute mad man.





breddy good

>conveniently forgetting MI:2

I'd be hard as fuck when he does that though

>Cruise is 55
We have limited Tom kino left lads

Has he dropped the bitch woman from the last movie?
Call me strange but when I go to watch a male esacpeism movie I want to watch a bloke go around killing people not some stick thin fucking cunt.
Didn't he see what happened with Jack reacher 2?

visuals look good, but that nigger yelling during a song distracted me

He better hitch his wagon to this superior franchise. He plays his cards right he could be the one to take over for Tom cruise

it's obvious, Cruise piloting an airbus light helicopter
it got no space for side gun
also in scene at begning, with truck ahead, Cruise is in same helicopter



The mustache that killed the DCEU

Tom movies are certified non soy though

t. UNMSCULINE critic


He's fighting with ethan not against him

My names Henry too, but I'm taller than he is, I can't grow facial hair though

That's been the rumor since the beginning, but it'd be more interesting if they put a twist on it and have him join their side in the end.

Looks good desu. Can't wait

Me neither. Mission impossible is cucked forever since the 4th movie. Fucking politically correct bullshit now. Will catch the stunts on YouTube.



>talking shit about Ilsa

Dude MI is everything you could want from an action franchise. That bathroom fight scene actually looks thrilling.

I'm sad they removed Renner but looks fun.

>Mission Impossible had 6 films

He's fighting with ethan in the bathroom.

And yes there is a rumor that's what's going to happen.

And scientology call out the lies of the pharmaceutical industry run by the kikes.

WHY DID NIGGER YELLING DURING A SONG HAVE TO HAPPEN? it ruined the fucking trailer for me

He looks really good in this one, not sure how much of that is movie magic. Glad they changed his haircut.

People said that when he was 40. Then collateral came out.

it's fucking good that's why


The most consistent film franchise in history

>Rebecca Ferguson

>MI is politically correct


Cruise literally broke his ankle while jumping across to that building in London and kept running after he climbed up the other side. Based Cruise despite what you may think of his Scientology connections.

Cruise Generated Imagery.

I'm genuinely surprised Ving Rhames is still alive. He didn't look too good in the last film.

55 is old though

That's still another decade of kino.

>Mission Impossible is more kino than Bond

40 isn't really that old. Pushing 60 is a different story.

MI2 is boring as fuck, Nyah was a mistake

>implying it was missed
>implying based Tom didn't fall and break his ankle on purpose to add a dramatic effect to the shot

Because it´s fucking great, that´s why. #CantBruiseTheCruise

It is. One of the few instances where I walked out of the theater

Nothing can salvage that god awful direction.

Fucking corny as fuck.

Except it isn't. 2 is a woo flick Hong Kong retarded action. Then 3 is star trek 2 JJ garbage. 4 is modern action with powerful women. 5 is woman ninja franchise and now it is Mr and Mrs Smith.

Kino trailer song

>What's he doing?
>I find it better not to look.
I'm sure they partially meant it for Tom, not just Ethan.

Looks really good. Not gonna lie. I have liked all mission impossible movies and i am really looking forward to this one. They even have the scene in the trailer where the guy actually broke his leg

It was tight how they kept the scene in. If you rewatch the trailer that is the cut where he breaks his ankle.

dude never drinks, never smokes anything, never takes in caffeine. He's had a Tom Brady like diet now for over 35 years.

He'll be 60 and look fine. Based L Ron Hubbard was right lol

Fuck so many shots in there I wanna make a grid from

Will this be the new trend now with non disney sequels outperforming disney?
Jumanji > Thor Ragnarok
Mission Impossible > Solo
Fast and Furious > Misc.

They aren't cranking them out constantly so they put some effort into them.

>tfw he really was alone in the helicopter so they just put a go pro or some shit to record the interior takes

looks as good as the last 2 movies, hoping to see more of the action and stunts in the coming trailers

shill thread

Has MI surpassed Bond?

This. I loved the Mission Impossible movies before he was a part of them, and as long as Tom Cruise and Ving Rhames are in the movie I'm happy, but Renner always makes movies better.

Looks like Kino is back on the menu boys and this mission just got a hell of a lot more impossible