>"im so happy when im with you", you dont have to say that.
>"i want to be real for you", you are real for me.
>"you look lonely, i can fix that" "you look like a good joe".
My heart is broken
>"im so happy when im with you", you dont have to say that.
>"i want to be real for you", you are real for me.
>"you look lonely, i can fix that" "you look like a good joe".
My heart is broken
She never loved him, just followed her programming. He should’ve taken Luv up on her offer, maybe they could’ve ran together instead of finding Deckard.
If only
>you are real for me
TFW you will never have Ana de Armas virtual wife technology in your lifetime
It would've been cliche'd as all fuck but k should've ran into the desert with luv in tow and the movie should've been about them slowly growing to love each other.
We're all just following our programming kid.
People like to say Luv was just being evil when she crushes Joi’s emitter but there was more to it than that. She’s jealous of it, Luv was a few paces behind K developmentally, but she was starting to break from Wallace. With time, she’d have ran, or at least tried to. There just wasn’t time, K had to kill her.
What could have been...
But he loved her.
Imagine you're on of the Beatles,some girl somewhere has a poster of YOU on her wall. Every night she falls asleep think of you holding her hand.
She falls asleep and wakes up happy.
Meanwhile you are taking a shit while shouting at your maid about the wrong toilet paper.
She is happy.
You are not even able to know she exists.
Being loved doesn't matter,it's loving that makes a person happy.
There is a Bible quote about not being loved,but the act of loving that transforms a person...I don't know it and most anons are too edge to consider it.
tl;dr. Loving is more rewarding than being loved.
It doesn't matter.
He dies at the end of the movie.
Han dies?!?!!!!?
>Luv was a few paces behind K developmentally
But luv could walk around and affect (effect?) the world.
Good sir,please expand your post.
Genuinely interested.
>There is a Bible quote about not being loved,but the act of loving that transforms a person...I don't know it and most anons are too edge to consider it.
If you ever find it, I would like to know how it's like.
>Reading this thread
>Seeing the images
>Remembering this masterpiece
>All that while listening to that song youtube.com
I'm crying.
Literally Rachel and Deckard.
...and the other replicants.
>implying he loved her any more than she loved him.
There is no logical argument that his feelings are any more real than hers was. He just like her is man-made software running on man-made hardware.
They loved each other. The whole point of their story was to show how love can breed anywhere, even between a replicant and a hologram.
How about the old gal?
she gets no votes
all Luv v. Joi
I hope we see Sylvia in more films, she was amazing in 2049
Stop it guys it hurts
>you look like a good joe
What does that mean exactly? English is not my first language, could someone please elaborate?
This. It was also shown that AI holograms are the new underclass. Mariette was prejudiced against her. If the replicants win they will just bully holograms.
Joi was shown to gradually develop self awareness. She disconnected herself from the wallace Corp grid and started to show curiosity in vegas even when K was sleeping. If what K got from the giant Joi scene was that Joi wasn't real, then it just made her character even more tragic
and i cant have that
I assumed it to be a reference to things like "average joe"
Joe is the generic name that the Joi program gives to potiential customers, he looks like a good guy hence "good joe".
However, the subtext of the scene is that:
A) Its supposed to undermine the Joe's belief that their relationship was real and that Joe was special to Joi, since the name she chose for him turns out to be the generic name that she is programed to give to every male she doesn't know the name of.
B) It further hammers home the fact that Joe is a completely unremarkable "average joe" right after he just got off the rollercoaster of believing that he was a real boy with a family who cared about him, only to discover that he was just a manufactured tool after all.
Kinda sucks if you don't have the cultural context to make sense of the scene.
>not listening to the superior Summer Wind
how about the prostitute replicant
she gets no votes
just Luv v. Joi
>a literal whore
>jewtube removed my mix of the 3 last songs because of copyright
>wasn't even making money out of it
Well fuck you crooked noses pieces of ashes. To anyone who wants the mix you can download it here mediafire.com