After the war, krabs stayed secluded in a deep depression that seemed endless

After the war, krabs stayed secluded in a deep depression that seemed endless

What war?


But his luck changed after acquiring a bankrupt retirement home

Weird War 5: Cthulhu Returns Again

the war where he watched people explode by swallowing bombs,eleven times as a matter of fact.

The Battle for Bikini Bottom

I always thought this was a reference to Walt Disney

whale war.

he killed pearl's parents

>we participated in a genocide, plankton

That War was Insane

>I saw what you did Krabs. You thought that every one had moved on to the next hut to clear but I waited. For you. To make sure it was clear. But oh god, I saw what you did to those whales. I heard their muffled screams. I saw everything Krabs.

>and I liked it.

Did anyone screenshot what that one user came up with yesterday?

The one where Dump banned trans folk

did he killed people?

You can tell he used those claws for more than just counting money.

>9 minutes between first posts
I don't know why this made me kek.


Of all Trump's fucked up shit, this move seems the weirdest. Why bother? Or more importantly, why do this and not reinstate don't ask don't tell? I'm sure gays are just as 'distracting' in the army as trans folk are...

Medical costs of unneeded surgery for people with a mental illness.

>no, I loved it but at the time feared the thought that you too enjoyed it.

They say that every mating season, you can hear the lonely cry of the 52-Hertz Whale, an anomaly whose song cries for a loved one who will never come.

When you ask Krabs about this, he expresses a rare hint of dismay. "Don't remind me," he says. "If Sheldon hadn't called for backup I'd have had him in the Marianas Trench along with his wife and kid."

Why are we here? Just to suffer?


I want this speech done in Krabs' voice.

I did. Because I was that user

Thought this was a Dr. Pig thread


No, Krabs killed his wife in the war.

She was also voiced by Lori Alan.

Why would the military take in limp-wristed, attention-whoring simps in the first place?

"I'm such a faggot that I think not literally having a pussy is grounds for killing myself. Where would someone with my delicate sensibilities thrive? Hmmm... how about the army?"

The 2003 video game (with an "of") or the 2007 episode (with a "for"). I'd be much, much, much, much happier if you hinted it were the former.

Transgender individuals have certain medical costs and complications that gays don't. Gays just prefer to have intercourse a certain way, which doesn't affect anything outside of their own bedroom. Other than that, they're functionally identical to other soldiers. Trans people have certifiable biological differences at their own insistence.

Most of the LGBT community don't even like the military so why are they getting angry about the ban?

Justice League Flashpoint Paradox.
He was on the frontlines assisting Aquaman. He fucked at least 5 Amazonians from WonderWoman's army
They dont call him Crab Cakes for nothing

shit, is this from a movie or something?

There is a staunch lack of predatory fish-folk in Bikini Bottom.


Go on...

what episode is this?

There is a bill in congress that included a lot of stuff Trump needs to get passed, but it was stalling out because some idiots insisted the bill include language that would remove funding from the Pentagon for gender reassignment surgery for soldiers, and some other idiots were threatening to blow up the entire bill rather than include the language. So Trump just outright banned trannies and nullified the dispute in the hope that they would get back to working on the bill

tl;dr the tranny ban has more to do with the border wall than it does with trannies

>Why bother?
It's a distraction

It's from the Flintstones comic. Seriously.

damn, i've been wanting to read that. looks amazing