they are doing this to wake us up and cleanse them with fire
they want to be killed
why else would they do it

I knew it would be tyrone before it even showed

They should have gone all out and used a nigger name.

Or perhaps they know that victory is inevitable for them

"Alexa, play country music"
>obnoxious niggerbeats start playing

or perhaps that's what they want you to think
like showing polls saying your candidate has a 1% chance of victory so you don't vote

Shit, i've been reverse psychology'd by them


ah, ok i like the ad now

What? I'm simply celebrating ANOTHER victory for the White Race, fellow kekistani!

>quick, the goyim are waking up, how can I make Trump a part of this?

yes based kekistan praise kek i love trump

>quick, i must distance myself from trump to avoid any criticism. haha i surely outsmarted you internet foe, i'll just lie about my undying love for a reality tv scam artist.

Why can't neckbeards make their own technology, internet, & social media? Why are you dependent on Jewish ones?


who's the qt on the right?

But Trump is literally Jewish

why would you want to spam this thread and devert it's topic
just be honest

haha, way to show (((them))), fwend! I too show the kikes by voting for Trump. 1488!!!!

>quick, let me derail this thread that has nothing to do with Trump

Why do you get so mad at questions?

Holy fucking shit bro

Holy shit

This is literally the thousandth thread I've seen you flooding with these same pics, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you the Barney guy from Sup Forums?

Alexia, add two end dildo, ducktape, and vaseline to the shopping list

kill yourself.

Alexa, call the kinoseum

so if i dont like jews was i supposed to vote for clinton

These kids look like they're having fun

All of that was created by white men. Kikes just bought it.

Yes, vote Democrat

strawmen aren't questions
anyway i want you to know you are very transparent and predictable in your movements and nobody here likes you
any positive effect you think you have made in your "work" is only in fact the opposite

so this... is the power... of reddit...


>what race should the bull be guys?
>let's make him asian to fuck with everybody


now that would have been a good commercial

Sounds like you habitually visit shit threads.

I wonder who a white woman would prefer more.

A.) A nigger. Not just any nigger, a really niggy nigger from Baltimore

B.) A """white""" (i.e. probably polish/slavic-descent) autistic NEET neckbeard who posts on Sup Forums

i know

Soros money is fun

Yeah I post on Sup Forums

For instance this one cocksucker flooded EVERY Weinstein thread for weeks

>admitting you're from reddit

i can make up things too


"Trump is a kike shill" is an obvious shill tactic that has been used on all boards since he won.

he called out Soros in the debates and is actively undoing Jewish leftist PC influence in society.

>hurr b-but he said positive things about Israel, now you must hate him, my fellow 4channers

it's called diplomacy

Do Shareblue/JIDF agents get double time on Sundays?

they are everywhere, they start most threads and create most memes

Do you really think having a literal joke pushing your ideas will help? The man doesn't even have his own values, he's just another sheep.

Alexa, call Robert.

White people don't have any culture, goy

>all those years hating the kikes
>all those ben garrison edits
>now jews are alright since Trump is friends with them


jews are shameless