So, what's the point of the show?

So, what's the point of the show?

Nazi america would be worse? Would be similar? Would be better?

They fucked up and made it Utopian.

The show clearly states that America is better off with Hitler alive rather than dead, so I guess it's a moral grey area

is the book worth reading?

the resistance did nothing right

What are the odds Smith becomes a 'good guy' in season 3?

100% he's the only likeable character. Can't have a Nazi be likeable in 2018

I like that Anal Vise song.

he's already the good guy

It’s a great book but people on this fucking board flip their shit if a book isn’t exactly like the movie, so go into the book with an open mind because that shit is completely different. I also recommend Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, even though it isn’t Blade Runner: The Book.
So take that as you will


>tfw you will never live in nazi usa
>you will never work your way up the ranks and become obergruppenfuhrer
live is suffering

All of Sup Forums would be aborted or euthanized for being subhumans. Wait, that's a good thing.

Not with that attitude you won't.

The times, they are a'changing. Make sure they change in your direction. Chaos is a ladder, etc.

nazi uniforms looked cool. if they had this + pickelhaubes for the infantry they would've won.

Do Androids Dream is much denser than Bladerunner. The movie missed a lot of shit from the book like the whole point of empathy, Mercerism, the animals, and so on. The movie is great but the book is miles better. The Man in the High Castle is always good but it would go over a normies head

You need an IQ over 50 to understand the blatant subtext in this show

Lord of the Rings? That was a racist piece of shit movie though

> hurr durr we elves look pretty so we must the good guys

>Starship Troopers
The movie was highly critical of militant authoritarianism, the book was not
>American History X
Had a different ending where Norton stays a nazi. That being said, white supremacist skinheads are the scum of the earth and should be put down
Dances with Wolves in space
Paints a highly sympathetic picture of the germans tricked into following Hitler's cult of personality
>He's Back
Made hitler a pretty likeable guy, and said quite literally in the last 5 minutes if you don't like refugees you're a nazi. Failed in the ideology department, but was a good movie still

>white supremacist skinheads are the scum of the earth and should be put down
oy vey, i completely agree!


>defending white supremacist skinheads

everybody point and laugh at this faggot

here's laughing at (you)

oy vey i know right! those stupid nazis! remember the six trillion!

Wait are you some kind of anti-nazi faggot?

>the best way to spread our nazi beliefs is to smoke meth, play lo fi punk, and loot stores
yeah that will show them what a civilized, reactionary ubermenschen we are

>haha you guys are with me right? just like my pals down at reddit