Do you feel the prequels ruined Obi-Wan's character to any degree? Or was his characterization faithful to and in line with what the originals established?
Do you feel the prequels ruined Obi-Wan's character to any degree...
Prequels made him a lot better than fucking "Old Ben"
The prequels just reinforced that Obi Wan was never good at fighting.
That explains the weak ass lightsaber fight and Alec Guinesses slow as spin move.
obi had like no actual characterizatio in the OT, he was just an old space wizard.
It was ok but i never really got how Old Ben became this wise old sage when Obi Wan was a fucking dumbass throughout the prequels
Obi-Wan, Sheev and the Jedi getting their shit pushed in were the best parts of the prequels.
Absolutely not. He's amazing in the prequels
Obi-Wan was great in the PT. He and Qui-Gon were quintessential Jedi.
Obi-wan as the lawful good mentor is a pretty fitting role for him I think. He's not a gary stu either which seems to be the problem of anons like
Obi wan and qui gon wete the only good thing about the prequels
sheev never loses a fight in the prequels tho
Mace Windu beat him.
No, palpatine just pretended to be beaten by Windu so anakin would protect him
Why has Star Wars turned into revenge of the autists? Why is there a prequels Renaissance?
The prequels made Obi Wan a retard, explained the magic, ruined Yoda on a fundamental level, and made Darth Vader Jesus. I don’t see how people can ask questions like “did the prequels ruin x”, because the answer is invariably “yes”.
Obi-Wan was great, and the characterisation doesn't conflict with Old Ben in the OT at all.
He has all the best adventures in the prequels as well, his storyline is the only saving grace of AOTC. Actually its the same for a lot of ROTS. You get pummelled in the face by a shitty Anakin/Padme relationshit scene before getting a reprieve with a comfy Obi-wan investigating shit and fighting cunts scene.
yes. they are basically two difference characters
The prequels didn’t ruin the characters of anyone who also appeared in the OT. Anyone who tells you otherwise unironically browses wookiepedia and have created an elaborate headcanon no one can break them out of.
I hadn't actually seen ANH for years when I rewatched it last week.
I love how Obi Wan is clearly excited to get back into the action. He gets the message from R2 and is off to the fucking races. He has one line about being 'too old for this sort of thing', but that was clearly just to guilt Luke into coming along. He found the ship, got the deal, figured out a plan, and seemed to know all the important steps right off the bat.
There are certainly ways the Prequels could have embellished on these traits, or maybe showed how he developed them in the first place. Maybe he was originally more bookish, but learned to love the dynamism and action of the lifestyle. Maybe he learned the attitude from a young Anakin. Who knows.
Anyway, old man Ben is a qt old fucker.
>Why has Star Wars turned into revenge of the autists
Star Wars was always autistic.
>Why is there a prequels Renaissance
Because they were cheesy and a little awkward but at least they weren't ashamed to be Star Wars.
>why do people like things that are bad
Because it's fun.
there's no prequels renaissance, there are just 3 movies full of character and good intentions.
also the lightsaber fights were cool as fuck
My headcanon is that Mace genuinely disarmed Sheev but the "ahhhh i'm so helpless save me Anakin" was just an act
a true master like sheev isn't helpless just because he doesn't have his laser sword
>movies that are so bad theyre funny are now not labeled as just that, but instead labeled as "full of character and good intentions"
kill me Sup Forums, this is the stupidest timeline
The worse the ST gets, the more these apologists will crop up.
Not really.
I think people have stopped being cynical about them. They've realized that they can dislike portions, even vast portions of the prequels, but admire the narrative arc and artistic vision.
>people changing their minds on something must be mass contrarianism
Yeah Sup Forums should kill you
>faithful to and in line with what the originals established?
Ben had no real character outside of being a mystical hermit.
He was the only good thing in the prequels and made him a badass. All I want is the spin off film.
>Prequels made him a lot better than fucking "Old Ben"
Well, the Prequels and The Clone Wars. They added a ton of characterization that provides real weight to his character in the OT.
>The prequels just reinforced that Obi Wan was never good at fighting.
>That explains the weak ass lightsaber fight and Alec Guinesses slow as spin move.
Obi Wan was a badass mother fucker in both the Prequels and The Clone Wars. He 1v1'd the nightmare machine 4-armed cyborg, General Grevious. And cut the legs off of full power Vader. Sure, he could have easily been murdered by his psycho ass little bro, but still.
>He's not a gary stu either
Oddly enough, neither was Anakin. Part of being a Gary Stu is being incredibly powerful for no reason and being liked by everyone for no reason. Anakin got his ass kicked a lot, and all the important characters hated him for no reason except for Sheev, Obi Wan, and Padme.
>My headcanon is that Mace genuinely disarmed Sheev but the "ahhhh i'm so helpless save me Anakin" was just an act
If you watch the scene closely, Sheev doesn't look at all worried until Anakin shows up, then he suddenly starts his "Oh no. I'm just a helpless old man" act. I don't doubt that the fight would have been far from over without Anakin there.
>Why has Star Wars turned into revenge of the autists? Why is there a prequels Renaissance?
The Prequels are genuinely flawed movies that were judged in their time by actual critics and audiences that had much higher standards. It's likely that after the new movies were disappointing, many people began to wonder if the Prequels were as bad as they're remembered as only to find that compared to the films of today, they're surprisingly good.
>Luke was driven insane from from the stress of trying to blow up the Death Star and Hypothermia into imagining his mentor's ghost showing up and giving him advice
Suddenly him trying to kill his nephew in his sleep sounds far more plausible
Alec Guinness was shit as Obi-Wan
I'd say the prequels not only kept it in tact, it improved it.
t. prequeltard
go suck mcgregor's cock
Dude, c'mon. No matter how bad the prequels are, people can still name things they liked about them. It's ok to say good things about bad movies.
dont even like the prequels
Guinness even hated the movies
you really have to understand that for a post to stand out as exceptionally retarded on this site is an accomplishment in itself. congrats.