Tfw you'll never have a fatass jew cyborg help solve your daddy issues

>tfw you'll never have a fatass jew cyborg help solve your daddy issues

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Treasure planet is unironically one of the best Disney movies. I'm glad it's on Netflix now so more people can see it.

Watched it for the first time in 10 years yesterday. Don't know why it didn't get more attention

the overexpressiveness of disney characters is infuriating. there is such a thing as too much animation. the level of animation for tv is objectively better than all the faggoty extra shit they can do if it's a 200 million dollar movie

look at the main character's face. that is why the movie failed.

>literally looks too good
Treasure Planet fans BTFO'd

this and Atlantis will remain as the best western animated films

>What is Prince of Egypt
>What is Thief and the Cobbler


Treasure Planet and The Hunchback of Notre Dame are the best Disney movies ever.

Also, Disney released a 10th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray in 2012 and it looked amazing.

There is no such thing as "looks too good", laddies.

I'm not sure about Atlantis: The Lost Empire but what I am sure about is that Treasure Planet is one of my favorite animated films of all time, while my personal most underrated films of all time are Treasure Planet, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Titan A.E., and Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.

Also, it's a really special film to me because it was my first movie date with my wife when we were 14.
We watched it in IMAX 70mm, and were making out and kissing throughout the end credits.
We also gave each other gifts, she gave me a bracelet and I gave her a hairband.

She had to move to another place when we were 15 and we had to put our relationship on hold but we still saw each other from time to time, even going on some other movie dates like (500) Days of Summer.

We were reunited for real about three years ago and we married last December.

We are now leading very happy lives together.

Prince of Egypt is Dreamworks you nard.


this has to be bait

He is talking about western animated films in general, not just Disney.

Since The Thief and the Cobbler is by Richard Williams while the official release (Arabian Knight) was raped by (who else?) Harvey Weinstein.

Sleeping Beauty is the peak of Disney animation and will never be topped.
Only insecure anti-fairytale faggots would disagree.

Thief and the Cobbler is a fucking gorgeous movie. Vincent Price's character is GOAT.

Too bad Richard Williams was screwed over and over again and the movie was raped by Harvey Weinstein for it's official US release.

Oh fuck off, how is he a Jew?


I mean while is impressive theres always the fact its computer generated, sleeping beauty is on a whole other level

The nose I assume. In the movie he's basically an anthro dog. This movie was made by furries, but it's still gold

I would have posted this scene but I thought it was too frilly to get the point across. It gave me chills as a kid.

The whole picture from start to finish is one long tapestry of art set to some of the greatest music.

Oh forgot to add, the reprise of is underrated as well and hauntingly beautiful.

He also has an obsessive love of gold

He's a fucking pirate. God damn I guess all pirates and bank robbers are Jews now. And in the end he gives up on it anyway. Fuck off.

I'm just giving a reason why OP called him a Jew. I just thought of him as a pirate

Either way my comment is directed at the faggot OP

>tfw you can trace your furry fetish back to this movie

It was a joke you turboautist


I wanted to have this thing as a pet so bad when I was a kid

I really wish the jews hadn't killed hand drawn animation in favor of sterile 3DCG junk

Honestly I really wanted to lke this movie but it was just too bland. Maybe I would like it if I hadn't already read treasure island and seen half a dozen movies based on it over the years?

Alas, the world will never know.

saw for the first time just a few days ago. it was a good film. would show this to my Children/10

I mean the movie was passion project for over 10 years and quite literally disney's magnum opus.
>sleeping beauty could've been disneys last animated feature
>Snow white is there first attempt at a fairy tale and sleeping beauty is the formula perfected
I honestly wouldve been a fine end and better than the slow decline we've had to watch. It's sad walt was pushing for movies where music felt integrated and not flashy muscial numbers.. sad to see thats exactly what it turned into :(

hey my boy, 3d stuff can be cool

someone post it
you know what I'm talking about

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy 3D animation, but it will never have the same feeling as proper 2D animation.
But I'm just a bitter nostalgiafag.

that part was really cool. dont know shit about anumation but i guess they put alot of work on just that part.

Yeah, I mean nostalgia makes me like the "renaissance" of the 90s but it would have better to let the studio die rather than let the Jews win. I can't like Mermaid as much when one of the fucking kikes literally said it was meant to parallel race-mixing in the behind the scenes.

I've always been more a fan of full background animation myself.

Thank you. I say this in too many Disney threads, and people bitch about it. It's literally the most beautiful animated film of all time.


this scenes pretty great aswell, wish there was male protags like this still around

they whine about it not having "muh character driven narrative" when its supposed to be a straight up good vs evil narrative. the good and evil fairies are the real main characters.

Also every line Maleficent delivers is pure kino like in what a brilliant evil cunt to, rather than fight the prophecy, to keep him for 100 years before letting him wake her up, unaged while he's about to die.

>People actually hated Sleeping Beauty
Never knew shit taste this shit exist.

well, you either had women hating it for not being stronk enough like Ariel/Belle or men not liking it for being 90% old lady screentime "Disney princess" plot. You have to give it a fair shake on its own merits.

The woodcutters cottage is top comfy, would inhabit.

who else /brotherbear/ here
such a fucking comfy movie

I like watching Brother Bear but it's kinda boring and the Phil Collins has awkward placement. The brothers are really cute though.

>Phil Collins
don't remember that. then again, the last time i watched it i was young as fuck and didn't know who he was

it's kind of a road trip movie, if you know what i mean

Disney execs intentionally undersold it so it would tank. They didn't want a good performance as a reason to continue having to spend money on traditional animation / Deep Canvas; they wanted to move 100% into 3d cgi shit because it was so much cheaper. Treasure Planet was the end of animation.

Yeah I watched it when I was a little kid too and when I finally watched it years later, I was disappointed how it wasn't good like I had remembered

Just like they are doing with Solo right now?

>released it on the same thanksgiving weekend that chamber of secrets came out

>taking your date to a disney cartoon while being 14

14 year olds go to the latest capeshit movie or jumanji etc..

We wanted to watch an IMAX movie for our first movie date, but the only IMAX movie in our nearest IMAX cinema at the time was Treasure Planet.

Also, it was back in 2002, when IMAX was only mostly nature documentaries.

this nigger was going on movie dates with his future wife at 14 and making out with her during the credits, while i turn 19 in two weeks and have yet to have a first kiss or girlfriend
what the fuck

The worldbuilding and the sense of adventure in this film was great.
Sad that the gba game made me really angry back then, or I think it was gba

difference is, capeshit/starcrap is shit while modern classics like jumanjj are pure kino

A tripfag no less as well.

kate is cute

Winnie the Pooh is the best disney movie. best characters, best dialog, best voice acting. that is what makes something good.

And best final boss

Deepest lore

Don't remind me, I already had enough of that.
My pride is still wounded

look into those eyes and tell me there is a God.

get the fuck outta here with that shit


what an adventure that was

Best animated Disney movies: Pinocchio, Snow white, Hunchback of notre Dame

worst: aristocats, robin hood, lilo and stich

underrated: great mouse detective, rescuers down under, Hercules

>no more american 2d animated movies
>only 3d

Disney kept dropping the ball again and again with their 2D movies you'd think they were doing it on purpose. The final nail was The Princess and The Frog, it had a different title at first to not alienate the audience to young girls, and they released it the same day as Avatar. So Disney canned 2D because they thought people were tired of it, and not looking at their fuck ups

>A teenager writes some silly story on Sup Forums and posts a picture of a bunch of shit he duck taped together in 2 minutes
>Anons: Woah wtf that's crazy 8O
>Lives on as a jpg for years

>Sup Forums
>Picture clearly has Sup Forums
What did user mean by this?

Are you autistic?

I want to F__K that cat!

Real or not, that guy is freakin cool as hell, I don't care what anyone says,


he's not cool user

I don't get it...

I love this song. Gives me so many emotions. I really like how disney had Jim's father be an asshole who left his kid rather than dead.
I remember I used to play I'm Not Okay by MCR as I watched this clip

Thank god for that, you saved yourself from the torture

Those were the worst hours of my life


When are you coming out with Prince of Egypt blu-ray, Spielberg?!

You wouldn't understand, user

Not knowing is better for your sanity

>tfw always confused Iris with I'm Still Here


Just forget, Shorty. You already know too much

Have fun.

How dare you place this upon this newfag, do you really want him to suffer?

>he has not done battle with the ultimate one

dont brother young one. many have tried only to have failed. you will make no diffrence.


Why? you know the suffering, I had to start playing as well now, you doomed everyone in this thread

I can handle the truth, i know i can

Then challenge god with your own hands.
Just remember we warned you
Follow the link



Probably one of my favorite disney movies. Still baffled why they never made a sequel.

I never even got to taste god. I only go to Owl