I was noticing the newest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon looks pretty bad...

I was noticing the newest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon looks pretty bad, and even more bad is them taking April O'Neil and changing her into a negress. So forgive me if I sound like I am late to the party in this realization, but a sub-thought had occurred to me with the current trend of "blacking" characters:

OK, so we all know the double standards, how it's almost always blacks and not other races, etc. But a more sinister thing occurred to me: Because changing a white to black is good, and black to white (or any race is bad) it means they made a one way street.

In other words, once they have made a character black, they can't go back, so to speak. You are now stuck with the problem that making the next show, or film, or game, they can now call you racist if you wanna change this black person, even if the original version was white. So while they will applaud James Bond being made into a black, you have now made it that in the future you can never change him back to white without them accusing you of being anti-black, it's a no-win situation.

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green lantern

Damn she had some big tidddies

Why does this "new" Ape look like a 1990s clip art from a multimedia cd-rom?

I never noticed how nice aprils tits were

Aperil O'Nigger

Well, she was named after the half black chick one of the creators was dating. And she didn't look all that white in the original Mirage comics.

>And she didn't look all that white in the original Mirage comics.
yes she did

I don't remember her having so much clevage

I don't like the hair. Tons of other black girl haircuts that would work better for April.