The Cloverfield Paradox

Is it really that hard to understand?

>space experiment goes wrong
>dimensions crash with each other
>monsters appear on earth like in The Mist
>the earth in this movie has a big grown up Cloverfield monster
>the earth in the 2008 Cloverfield movie has the same species but it's an infant
>some other earth had aliens showing up, probably from the same place the Cloverfield monsters came from

So yeah, this is what happened. And now it sort of makes sense when JJ Abrams said the first monster was an infant looking for it's mother, they probably got teleported from their worlds to different earths and got separated

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No one's saying it doesn't make sense. Everyone's saying it's scene-driven instead of plot-driven and JJ is a shit writer.

Move along, everyone. The best thing we could do is not talk about it anymore.

These movies are hot garbage and don’t deserve critical analysis

Yes I'm sure Abrams had it all planned out.

This is why talented writers are valuable. They can take a pile of shit and shine it.

Just finished. Had potential of being interesting as a standalone film. It's really just generic bullshit that is lazily and loosely tied to the other movies.

For those who missed the original ARG for Cloverfield, the monster's origin is basically the same as Godzilla's. The MC from the first Cloverfield was moving to Japan to work for a soda company that had been dumping toxic waste into the ocean. That's literally it.

is there really a point to understand?

JJ Abrams is garbage and propped uo because hes a typical mediocre jew.

Thanks bro

They retconned that with this movie

why was the hand sentient?

where are the aliens?

why did only 1 monster appear in 2008 cloverfield?

why did the ship start killing people?

All of these movies feel like basic sci-fi concepts that J.J. Abrams slapped "Cloverfield" on and is now trying to justify everything by saying "wew alternate dimensions!"

The monster came from space. Literally has nothing to do with toxic dump.


But 10CL is a near perfect movie. Being so secretive throughout production thought should mean that they take their time developing the plot more and linking the continuity between the films in better ways than just easter eggs. I'm really dissapointed in how this movie turned out. But OP makes some interesting suggestions.

>"JJ Abrams said the first monster was an infant looking for it's mother, they probably got teleported from their worlds to different earths and got separated"
If this is true, it would be a great way to explain it except the way that this movie ended it already showed us the grown up monster as they crashed down on the shore even though the grown up monster wasn't in the first Clover movie.

The clovers are supposed to be ancient organisms, that baby was sleeping until the satellite at the end woke him up or opened his nest. But yeah there's room for JJ to retcon it and say the satellite opened an interdimensional gate or whatever.


I don't remember everything about the first movie anyway, but it takes place during one day with characters who don't have access to the news so isn't it possible that the mother landed and NYC didn't find out until weeks later?

>another cloverfield film

this shit is so convoluted and retarded
thanks for saving me the time
i am never going to watch this

they showed them watching a news channel, and only one monster is mentioned. they even nuked manhattan just to get rid of it under the president's orders. if there were others, would they have really resorted to nuking them all?

what makes you think their pod is the same thing that crashes in the original movie


holy fuck it was awful

>shown in the movie
>not canon
Pick one.

lol goofy woo-woo space paradox magic

In another dimension, probably.

Because it was asleep under the sea.

goofy woo-woo space paradox magic.

the speed, the size, the fact that the man on the phone mentioned them coming down at some shore in Delaware.

But we see the pod crash in the background footage in the first movie. 1. That was in 2008, this is confirmed. 2. There was no colossal fucking monster right next to it.

>These movies are hot garbage and don’t deserve critical analysis

In the beginning of the movie, Mark Shambler has some throw away line like 'It could effect the past AND present' and so I guess when the pod hit the clouds, it got transported back to 2007 or something , landing in the ocean near the Chuai Station which woke up small clovie and started this bullshit off.

This movie's director was great. The script was shitty, but the direction was fucking fantastic. Hope the guy gets some more big-budget projects.

It's just not all that interesting. They're just wasting time making these minute little connections that don't matter. The Cloverfield connection dragged 10 Cloverfield Lane down and now the name sets expectations for Paradox that it didn't meet.

Wasn't the pod falling from the sky part of the ending of the original cloverfield with the old footage on the ferris-wheel? Didn't they originally say it was a satellite?

No that's not the monster, its a satellite crashing into the ocean but its what awakens the monster from sleeping

yeah, the Chimpanz-III.

somebody thought that was clever.

What the fuck is an arg?

And that's this movie's biggest problem (aside from technical problems like writing and acting): There are no rules. Every good scifi plot needs to have established rules to it, or nothing makes and sense and shit just kind of happens. If you just say "LOL QUANTUM UNIVERSES BRUH" and just use that as carte blance for literally anything to happen and not get explained, then it's a shitpile. And that's exactly what happened.


dude, how fucking new are you?

Very. Can you answer please?

But, people were guaranteed to see a movie with Cloverfield in the title. Valencia or The Cellar would have just been hand-waved off as 'just another horror movie'.

That's what they used to claim, but something tells me they'll retroactively retcon that and Word of God will go 'Oh no it was the pod'.

You are 100% right. It's their bullshit woo-woo paradox science magic that ties together 10CL and Cloverfield 2008 because Mark Shambler said something like 'ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN, AUDIENCE.'

Not exactly. Did you read the manga? That thing was already there, probably for thousands of years. They just awakened it. his ties with the "past-present-future" bullshit.
This movie is bad.

Nobody cares about some stupid manga

They waited too long. If they had just stayed on point and made the Cloverfield movies while it was still new and bright, it would've been one of the great monster franchises. But they let it fester, overthought the theories, made the worst decisions, and now are releasing stale products to a cold dead fanbase. There's a window when it comes to this kind of thing, and they missed it.

That is a bunch of unconnected aspects though, other than perhaps the first two. None of the rest of these are connected.

The being in the 2008 movie had been there millions of years.

The beings in Cloverfield Paradox showed up instantly.

The beings in 10 Cloverfield Lane were implied to have actually invaded.

Well, then you don't care about the movies too. Excluding some chapter from the play, it's not how this work. The manga is trash, but if you can't be ignore that is cannon. A bullshit cannon.

Fucking retard they watch tv in the other dimension and talk about the CLOVERFIELD STATION blowing up and debris falling in the sea. There's your first movie

The audience shouldn't have to read a fucking manga to understand basic facts about the film. Good films have a self contained plot, and this one didn't.

considering how many people seem to like these kinds of stories it's a surprise they never made a half-life movie.

it's basically the same premise: underground research facility experiments with opening interdimensional portals, shit gets FUBAR and alien creatures begin to migrate to earth, everyone panics, world starts to go to shit.

Except the first movie clearly took place in 2008. There's no smart phones, no energy crisis, no connection to the world of this one. Unless the capsule somehow got transported back through time too, in which case literally anything is possible in this universe and nothing will ever make any sense.


I am not defending this movie user, I didn't liked too. And the story for the first and second Cloverfield never was entirely in the movies too. ARGs gallore. I am just saying that these things were always like this in the frachise, but got a pass because they were good movies. This one sucked.

Why would they even be allowed to 3D print a gun?

English isn't your first language, is it?


This is the stupidest shit Ive ever read. I'll do better...

>takes place at some unknown point in the future
>humans destroying the earf
>"Okay we'll use this ship to fix energy crisis"
>ship takes them to alternate universe and either crashes into the ship mid jump or the blast reeled Paradox ship from other universe and destroyed the other one in the process AND goes forward in time.
>Jensen appeared in Paradox ship cause muh nano machines
>Fast forward through shit plot, They overhear earth transmissions.
>No signs of monster in alternate universe but this could be occurring during 10 Cloverfield Lane where the invasion is happening. Possibly nano machines.
>"Fuck that place lets go home"
>Fast forward to end, either the capsule entering the clouds goes through some slipspace back to 2008 which ended them in the water "waking" baby clovie,.
>OR that is the parent Clovie looking for baby clovie thats getting nuked in NY in around the same time cause NY got destroyed in the morning.

By the way the ending scene from the first movie takes place in coney island, NY where the delaware river is clearly visible. As the capsule goes towards the water you can hear the monster roar. The time frame though I have no idea hot to explain that. How does the monster travel from 2008 to reasonable distance into future.

Hey, shit-for-brains
The 'falling object' in the first movie happened in 2007.
The movie takes place in 2028.

> The being in the 2008 movie had been there millions of years.
The movie explained that the particle accelerator can effect the past. Clover was sent thousands of years in the past and woken up in 2008.

Nope. Reading my post I see what I did wrong, but eh, fuck this. I think you understood what I meant.

At the end of the first film when they are on the Ferris wheel, you see something crash land in the ocean in the background.
I thought from the beginning of paradox that it would end with them cutting to the footage of the first film showing the crash, which was then thrown out the window when it showed the monster full grown in the foreground.

They could have tied in 10CL and the first film perfectly but they fucking butchered it.

If anything can happen without explanation due to the multiverse being fucked then all they are doing is basically saying they can write whatever they want any you should believe it without question

Does the second one show the god damn thing for more than 2 seconds?
If not it can go fuck itself like the first one.

No they couldn't because they returned in 2028 and the crash occured in 2007.

Nope. In fact Clovie isn't even in it.

It's technology, you can 3D print anything. They just didn't realize you could 3D print a gun too.

Anyone else feel like this was an episode of black mirror?

Yes, exactly. Because it's a shit movie and a laughable "trilogy"

Not only that but the monster is apparently 2 miles high compared to the sky scraper the original monster was.

The thing crashing in the sky was supposed to be the satellite that woke up the creature however Cloverfield Lane implies they invaded so it was either dormant in the water or sent from the ayylmaos to the water where it then traveled until it found NY.

I mean, they could have just had a scene where the pod had a little bit more paradox fuckery while it was falling, making them jump from 2028 to 2007 at the last second before they hit the clouds.

Not him but this is literally the only "explanation". They time jumped before the clouds or the monster we saw was in popping in from 08 but the crew is heading towards the earth that has the invasion which is occurring in Cloverfield Lane

Mind you Michael said 'THINGS" so it implied that he say more than the clover monster.

>The thing crashing in the sky was supposed to be the satellite that woke up the creature
Wrong. The creature came from Japan. It was sleeping there.

I dont think either of you get it. They shoved in a Deus Ex Machina aspect of 'Multiverse is broken' and expect that to solve all inconsistencies.

In essence, 'shut up and give us your money goy'

The ARG literally said Taugruato lost a sattelite in the ocean. They didn't retcon the first's ARG.


>In essence, 'shut up and give us your money goy'
>implying this movie needed to be profitable
>implying this wasn't a last ditch effort by netflix to save a movie in limbo for 6 years by throwing it out the window to their subs.
I didn't pay any extra shit for this movie, outside of what I already pay for netflix that I've been paying for for damn near a decade.
For a free movie, it entertained me for an hour and a half, I wouldn't however have paid any amount willfully to see that movie

I know. Which is why the series of (retarded) event would have gone thus:
>Pod falls
>Oh no more paradox shit
>Pod disappears before it hits the ground.
>BIG Cloverfield Monster roars from the clouds.
>Meanwhile, in 2007
>Pod and the two humans are probably fused together/dead/burned to death/fuck if i know or care
>Pod falls near Chuai Station, waking up Clovie and kicking off the events from the first movie.

Oh no, I 100% get it and I hate it.

At this point, they can literally say 'Multiverse is Broken so the satellite was always a pod haha paradox.'
It makes me angry.

>dude on news mentions demons, aliens, underwater monsters
>think they're going to end the film with clover attacking everything, the aliens from Lane showing up and killing them, with humanity being thankful
>then aliens proceeding to fuck up humanity

would've been neat

Yeah, but we got something better and greater.

Strong black womyn saving the world from evil white womyn isn't exactly better

Skip halfway. How do you guys feel about that explanation?

>hey guys, 1+1=2!
No shit.

>Why was the hand sentient?
They said some bullshit about "The Cloverfield Paradox" where two dimensions affect each other, I don't quite understand what was controlling the arm though.
>Where are the aliens?
What does this have to do with anything
>Why did only 1 monster appear in 2008 Cloverfield
Because there is only 1 monster from what we've seen
>Why did the ship start killing people
Abrams got bored.

Its possible.


That is basically the point. That is the reason why in the beginning the scientist mentioned the experiment can effect the past, present and future. Basically the films are points in the timeline when reality got fucked and they don't plan on explaining it further.

I thought Cloverfield was going to be one of those multi-media franchises with hidden clues and mysteries like the viral marketing that the Blair Witch had....and then they just dropped it.
Now all theories are equally correct and trivial at the same time because 'multiverse' happens to be the latest trending catchphrase.

>Yeah, but we got something better and greater.

No, we didn't. We got a movie with a tacked on Cloverfield Monster ""SUB""plot to make it """CONNECT""".

From the paragraph just below that:
>Cloverfield takes place in 2008, and 10 Cloverfield Lane takes place sometime later when the world is already fighting the monsters.

I don't believe the 10CL events took place in the same universe as the attack on New York City, an event which would have been pretty highly publicized by the press, the people who survived and the people who witnessed the events take place from miles away.

How would that not have someone like Howard's character going fucking nuts earlier? How would that not have the WORLD going fucking nuts earlier? The way the guy in Howard's bunker spoke about helping make the bunker was that Howard was a little crazy for even thinking of making such a thing.

Why would any rational person think Howard is Crazy after what happened to NYC?

Augmented reality game

Alternate Reality Game

It's a common marketing and lore dispensal tactic that's different movies have been employing for some time, often tied to Mystery Box shit. Generally takes the form of Internet scavenger hunts where you piece things together from in-universe websites, but a handful of these ARG campaigns (like for Tron Legacy and Tomorrowland) have done actual events.

>How about we just take a x-ray shot or do a Magnetic Resonance Imaging?
>Nah, open him!

That's not what the arm said obviously. He said open up the guy. Besides, he's dead anyways. It's not like it matters.

That was nothing like event horizon.

Yeah I don’t know why anyone would even expect the Godzilla style monster when 10 clovwrfield lane had full blown aliens and ships

The god particle tore apart the separations of spactime letting the realities bleed into each other and since we are talking about multiverses time makes no difference

Think the warhammer warp, event horizon, General lovecraftien shit.

It’s not complicated or even a bad concept they are just a lot of fags that want to bitch about no big monster destruction

so some guy who wrote a conspiracy book in 2028 about the energy harvesting particle accelerator was right. the resulting mandela effect can explain a cloverfield monster, alien invasion, or nazi demons popping up in at any time or in any timeline. also, sentient arms or whatever stupid shit they come up with next. weak. weak

But how did he know? How is he exactly right? Is he dare I say, some sort of Time Traveler?

Direction was pretty mediocre desu

>Because there is only 1 monster from what we've seen
the monster in this movie is clearly different from the first, and the husband in the cellar says there are multiple.

iunno guys i liked pacific rim

what was wrong with some creature sleeping deep under the ocean being awoken by a crashed sattelite?

why do they have to make it all magicak science shit..

Sorry, sorry, I haven't watched 10CL nor really read any of the books, was watching the Super Bowl with my friends and the TCP ad came on and one of them got super hyped so we watched the original and TCP tonight.

So the pod the black woman was in at the end that was the same pod from the first movie at the end right?