Ya'll think that nazi Wernwer Von Braun built the rocket that put man on tha moon...

Ya'll think that nazi Wernwer Von Braun built the rocket that put man on tha moon, wypipo aint even no about the real queens who wuz da human computers behind it

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I want to make sweet affectionate love to the one on the left

Dear lord this movie was shit.
>Black people in period piece oscar bait flick that discusses outdated civil rights stories and rebrands them as "relevant' because muh trump
This is literally just self-indulgent porn for liberals. It has no merit as an art form because it lacks originality totally. It can't even hold off from copying itself.
>scene where black woman goes to chalk board, has a montage of her writing a bunch of jargon and then all the whites in the room get confused
>they do this exact scene twice, not even that far apart from each other
>scene (profile view of the character) where black woman walks in slow motion through an area full of white people looking at each her
>this scene also happens twice
Also I think I might slash my wrists if I ever see Octavia Spencer again. She looks like an actual toad.

he's underrated

Von Braun didn't put a man on the moon either. This is what you think when you're a 55 IQ Sup Forumsbeard who read wikipedia for 20 minutes

Modern rocketry and most of its principles were founded by Goddard, oberth, and tsiolkovsky. Neither of these were german, let alone Nazis. Most were Jewish. Operation paperclip was only necessary because the US wanted to have people who had EXPERIENCE launching rockets as part of Hitler's autistic V2 program not because Nazis introduced any major innovative concepts in rocket science.

Why are they so ugly tho hahaha

After spending some time looking into it, it's a very interesting story that surrounds Wernher, including the history of the v2 rocket.
This to some extent though, he didn't have any involvement in space travel.

>it was jews all along!

>implying it wasn't a Jew who put a man on the moon

fuck off back to riddet, kike