>Our ad is inclusive and positive in every way! Oh and we are a communications company!
>But fuck you if you wanna comment on it!
Our ad is inclusive and positive in every way! Oh and we are a communications company!
Andrew Scott
Other urls found in this thread:
Leo Gutierrez
>Literally showing just pictures of babies from every race imaginable including whites
>Sup Forums sperg-out
Jesus Christ...
Gavin Cooper
Jaxson Morris
woah dude u were in that thread thats still up too?!
Brandon Russell
best goy
Joshua Gray
> Not every race is shown
> Majority are black
David Foster
Aiden Young
>wtf other races exist
What's wrong with Sup Forums
William Davis
Anyone with stocks in it should sell ASAP.
Lincoln Reyes
>pans over baby black boy
>love who you want