2018.....It all comes to an end

2018.....It all comes to an end

Is he back?

God, I'm sick of seeing this loser's face. Can't he die already?

he has forgotten...

just like his "career"

>obviously not Sam sucking a dick behind a spoiler tag

People keep asking if Sam's back. Until now I haven't really had an answer. But yeah, I'm thinking he's back.

hey reddit


is Sam effay with his Jerry Lewis chink influenced style?

Why is he pointing it away from his face?

You know most of his fans are on /r/MDE right? Sam is as reddit as it gets.

Damn, that’s Sam? Yeah, he’s back.

>tfw literally know nothing of this guy aside from the occasional Sup Forums thread that doesn't even hit bump limit
Would he even count as a meme at this point or is he just a guy that used to have a 15 minute Tim and Eric-esque show at 3:00 a.m. on adult swim?

What's his name again?

vegetable lasagna

he infects all boards
think of him as super gon

Sams bulking paid off

Cancerous newfag

Saddam al Hyadi

MDE never dies

He's a famous mass shooter

Back to having his shills shit up this place so he can sell more forced-meme shirts in the future? Probably.