
K. What?

Is there a joke I'm missing?

Something asinine, i'm sure.



Huh? What the fuck was this?
Also the area of DC where the verizon center is has been gentrified out the ass so all the black people were chased out, and now it's one of the nicest spots in all downtown

apparently something to do with payday 2?

Now I'm curious. Is that Houston?

yeah,it has something with payday 2

A quick image search leater:
It is some edgy deviantart fan shit, can drop a link if anyone is interested.

Drop it, yes.


Yea sure, we haven't had a cringe deviantart thread in a while.
Second pick is apperently on tumblr, not on da

the Capitals are the most disappointing team in hockey
even worse than the Nationals because they get farther than the first round of the playoffs
>tfw gonna see the Valor play this Saturday
good to hear the nigs are all but gone
t. Silver Spring resident

How is this Sup Forums material anyway?

So who are these characters? Who's the dead guy? Is him the redhead from the first pic? Who's texting?

You know, you're the first user that's ever been so close to me and I may have even driven by you on my way to Bethesda
Stay the hell away from me

I must say, this is some top quality gore. too bad the artstyle kind of gives off tumblr-y vibes. Artist is probably a sjw too.

You can tell just by the art style that the artist is used to drawing gay porn.

lel yeah we're all pretty fucked around here

They are Payday 2characters and the dead guy is supposed to be the one named Sokol, I guess, I stoped folowing the game for more than a year now.
which is why is ask:

Yep. It's amazing how much an artstyle can give away about someone.

But is it a woman or a gay dude?

Gay dude.

I find it interesting that an overlap between gurofags and just fags is probably the second biggest I ever seen, when it comes to fandoms.

Hmmmm so who killed him? I'm googling Sokol and he looks nothing like anything in the picture.

It was probably the work of pic related.
Also, seriously, how is this Sup Forums related? Shouldn't it be in either Sup Forums or Sup Forums?

It's not Sup Forums related at all

Are the mods asleep?

Dead guy is the redhead from the first picture. The killer texted the photo of the corpse to the guy's friend