Is Daisy Ridley really transgender? What is this I heard about her being unable to bare children?

Is Daisy Ridley really transgender? What is this I heard about her being unable to bare children?

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no she is just infertile. She has some condition. It ruins her eggs and makes sex painful for her.

Thats actually sad

Hollywood is full of them.

She is a man, yes.

She isn't infertile, you retard, it's just harder for her to have children.

>bare children

never change Sup Forums



Ruined eggs and painful sex. The perfect role model for young girls.

It encourages them to be more independent and not be slutty role models for fat basement dwelling nerdy virgins like you.

Got any proof to back that up, son?

poly cystic ovarian syndrome
it makes it harder but not impossible to have children
off topic but allegedly she pisses like a firehose

How come Sup Forums likes this "woman"? What is it that she does well?

You know, I'll laugh about this eventually. But for right now I just feel bad for her. She just plays a shit character, it sucks that she has to deal with that.


I'd say it warps their perception of reality and makes them afraid of feeling the way that their body intends them to feel.

shes a qt

I just want to hold her and tell her it'll all be okay...

That doesn't mean she is infertile.

>be more independent

Yes goyim, don't breed and have children, let Jose and his 8 kids do it for you!

> their perception of reality
> makes them afraid of feeling the way that their body intends them to feel
I somehow get the impression that someone's perception of reality is off and it's not those girls.

So women are supposed to dislike sex because they have a malfunctioning body?

I guess all of us are doing (((their))) work then since none of us are ever going to get laid.

Nobody mentioned disliking sex, Anonymous, they only mentioned that this biological condition makes sex incredibly painful. Not everyone is into sadomasochism like (you).

I dated someone who couldn't have kids. Shit was awesome, I could cum buckets in her anytime I wanted and the sex was amazing.

You committed a degenerate act upon society and God. Why on Earth would anyone consider fucking a tranny?

tfw almost did but was too drunk to get it up

endometriosis makes it much harder to have children and leads to permanent infertility if untreated. The fact that she also has polycystic ovary syndrome (which is much more likely to cause infertility than even endometriosis) as well means there is little to no chance she is capable of having children.

"She" was a tranny, huh?

Are you baiting, retarded, or a leftist woman?


> polycystic ovary syndrome
Source on this one, Anonymous.

> everyone who calls me out on being a creepy virgin must be a woman
Wizardchan --->

> anyone who calls me out on being a fat nerdy neckbeard must automatically be a retard, leftist, or a woman

No, user, unlike you, I actually get laid. I only come here on Sup Forums to bait sad pathetic nerds like you.

just google it you lazy fuck

Nobody here gets laid because they don't have to. Morals and values for whites have changed from having a family and continuing the bloodline to letting Tyrone fuck your whore wife and letting white countries be destroyed by non whites (and that's a good thing!)

I literally only hook up with craigslist trannies. It could not possibly be easier for me to get laid.

But the fact that you cling to the tired old virgin insult so tightly proves to me that you're either a very bitchy woman or a man who is very much controlled by bitchy women.

Those are called excuses, Anonymous. There is a reason why we have an entire board that consists of social justice warriors of a different political alignment () who constantly feel the need to blame another party for why they can't achieve anything in their sad pathetic lives. The Jews aren't holding you back from getting a date or getting laid or having babies. The Jews also aren't the ones preventing you from having a successful career. You just haven't applied yourself so you could be in a position to where you could find much success. You're essentially a special snowflake that is demanding the world cater to you and your chosen ideology. Sound familiar?

Not everyone who disagrees with you is that thing you hate. I believe your people have a term for it. Succubi? Perhaps it's time you paid a visit to your homeland.

See By the way, I still get more pussy than you do and I don't have to result in dating biological men or finding them on Craigslist. Don't touch me, bro, I'll always be more alpha than you.

>I don't have to result in dating biological men or finding them on Craigslist.
Damn, that is a pretty bad burn.

Definitely here for bait.

I don't blame the Jews on my problems on a personal level. I can get dates just fine and I can work and get where I want to be. On a global scale, though, the Jews are obviously the ones to blame for most political and social issues.

> On a global scale, though, the Jews are obviously the ones to blame for most political and social issues.

List them.

And suddenly goes silent.

Most of those virgins are impotent

You're setting double standards by looking down upon males who can't have children

shes really cute when her hair isnt all puled back

He'll probably state some Illuminati tier conspiracy about Jews

Sure thing.

First we have the media. Hollywood is run by Jews, this is no secret to anyone with a brain. In recent years there has been a very anti-white, pro-immigration stance in the media, regardless of facts that things like mass immigration skyrockets crime, non whites are more likely to commit said crimes, and white guilt in general. Prime examples are shows like "Dear white people", which is promoted and hailed as this magnificent show even though it's propaganda.

Next we have financial. Jews control world currency, and can basically collapse a country if they see fit. This is proven through private banks like the rothschilds that have members that are so influential anything they do will be done without question. You can argue this is true with other parties, and it is, but when you control world currency, you have the biggest influence of all.

We also have historical and political impact. Take for example how you will go to jail for questioning the holocaust in some European countries. These laws are exclusive to protecting Jews, and were put in order by Jews themselves. Literally illegal to question them or their doing, and using the holohoax as a sympathy weapon doesn't help. Education and historical impact is also an issue since politicians dictate what is taught in schools, when those politicians are Jews, they have an extreme bias towards making themselves the victim so everyone feels bad.

I could go on about this, but I just recommend everytime you see something scheming, check who's the schemer. 8/10 times a jew is behind it.

I'll post some more pictures as well showing just how much of an influence Jews have on the world. Also keep in mind Jews naturally see non Jews as inferior and treat them as simple goyim.

Not reading that psychotic word salad.

And here's writings in the Talmud that Jews worship, as you can imagine. Following these ideologies on a global scale can be quite problematic, don't you think?

>Take for example how you will go to jail for questioning the holocaust in some European countries.
That's just a leftist agenda. It's not a Jewish one, user.

You do realize that most Jews are secular, right? The only ones who care about the Talmud are orthodox jews who tend to be conservative like Ben Shapiro

And you would most certainly be accurate.

I didn't read that too long; didn't read text of autism, but that seems pretty Illuminati to me.

You did this. We were all having a fine time shitposting in a thread about Daisy Ridley's genitals and you demanded to get serious.


this is a Daisy Ridley infertility thread, NOT a thread for complaining about Jews!

I didn't start anything, Anonymous, and this thread wasn't going anywhere regardless.

Laws specifically inciting punishment for questioning an event that supposedly happened to Jews sends you to jail. You don't go to jail for questioning the millions and millions of Russians killed, or who the allies killed, only the holohoax is illegal to talk about. Think about it, why is it the only event in history you will literally go to jail for if you don't conform and believe what you're told? It's clear there's a (((certain agenda))) behind that.
Keep in mind people like pic related have massive influence in Europe. Look through all the kikes in the EU and I bet each one will quote about Jews saving Europe.


This feels like a very personal thing that people on the internet should not know

Kill yourself.

Mad about their waifu thread being ruined.

Some people aren't a closed book, Anonymous, sometimes they find closure in disclosing things.

Yeah no shit dumbass. Stick it in Stacy, stick it to the jew.

It's easier to tell others to get laid than to get laid yourself, Anonymous.

>kill yourself

It's a sad day when a "nazi racist" like me is willing to have a calm civil discussion, but big brainers like yourself resort to insults and telling me to commit suicide.

You know that Jews aren't a hive mind, right? Many Jews are leaving Europe because of the rise of Muslim migrants who share the same opinion of Jews you do. That literal who Barbara Spectre is a favorite of your image pastas because her quotes almost fit your ideal of the Evil Responsible For Everything, even though you're taking her out of context when she's talking about fixing Europe's falling population by increasing immigration to avoid the problems of an aged population like what Japan is dealing with.

Are Jews behind Japan's falling population as well?

>fixing Europe's population issue by flooding it with non white migrants that have no cultural values or morals and refuse to assimilate

Yeah, she definitely had good intentions in mind that's for sure. Jap population is a problem but you don't see them shipping in sand niggers, because they're not idiots and they know what will happen. Japs also aren't part of a global union where the majority is run by Jews.

No she transpecies she used to be a xenomorph before the took her second mouth away.

That is because it's not worth arguing with someone who is mentally ill. Now as your mental health examiner I could only advise you take your medication or else I would have to provide your information to a special clinic that could better assist you and your special needs.

Please take your Domestos, sir.

You're probably an American, which has remained a successful country despite being a product of continuous immigration from many countries and peoples. If you're American, you have no right to decide what Europe does with its borders

>Japs also aren't part of a global union where the majority is run by Jews.

Holy fuck you are delusional. Companies led by Jews aren't a majority in the United States, let alone the world. They're a minority, and outside of the US there's little to no jewish led companies.

You know what you're right. I don't know best, yuropoors obviously have it under control. Take this for example!

>companies led by Jews aren't a majority on the united states
The biggest and most influential companies are majority ruled by Jews.

You are a fucking retard, wow the US managed well with european immigrants that means it shouldn't have any problems with mexicans and africans! All immigrants are the same!

I thought it’s like disease, I forgot a name for it, that she can’t give a birth, dummy !!!

>The biggest and most influential companies are majority ruled by Jews.

That picture isn't for companies in general, just media companies. IT shows that 46% of media companies have Jewish CEOs, which means that they're the minority against the gentile majority.

But for the sake of argument, let's grant that they're the majority. Why is the media vehemently anti-Israel and pro-Palestine? Why has the media been so critical of Jewish values and teachings? Many of these people are Jewish only in the sense that their parents or grandparents happen to be Jews. They do not live Jewish lives or support Jewish causes. They're not conspiring to exercise any sort of “Jewish control” over the areas in which they work.




my sister has the same thing. it completely fucks up her period, she only gets a few a year, and does fucked up things to her hormones that make her grow some facial hair and have weight issues. wouldn't wish it on anybody, but still think daisy is a shit actress

No way. Are you THEM? Are you LEGION?

So that is also why she has no tits.
I mean literally NONE. My moobs are bigger kek.

I love her either way

>Shit at her job
>Can't bear children
>Weird mouth
>0 cup tits
I'm baffled anyone even likes her

Still waiting for an answer

Her 10/10 legs and feet make it all up


It's also why she is balding, thus the forehead

Source on painful sex?

It actually turns me on, t. sadist

you dont understand, her insides are upside down sex is extremely painful

who comes up with these stupid ass rumours?

My ex has this and it is pretty much awful.

Aren't those genetic disorders too? Like ones that she would just pass on if somehow they could let her have a kid?