How do you feel that, NuPPG is a Canon Revival to The Original Show

How do you feel that, NuPPG is a Canon Revival to The Original Show

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Is that supposed to be a shocking revelation?

I really don't care about how the modern writers for the show try to pat themselves on the back.

It's not, they're just using old screenshots from the original because they're lazy fucks.

Has that Jew who self-inserted himself been in any episode since the controversy?

Whats the context for this picture? Are they talking about past adventures they had or something?

You know, even with the godawful quality of OP's image, it's fucking grating the difference in artstyle between the original show and the reboot.

Never forget.

This episode had ALL the fetishes.


At least it's screenshots of actual Powerpuff Girls episodes and not stock images...

Damn, that's probably the biggest praise this show is going to get on this board.

Only autists care about "canon."
What's good is good and what's shit is shit, no matter what the writers want to say "counts."

Only this show could ruin both muscle expansion and weight gain in the same episode.

There's nothing in this picture that doesn't piss me off. Those proportions of the humans to TV is what pisses me off most. People get paid for this.

Jesus Christ this looks like the most GoAnimate non-GoAnimate product of my life.

Says who? That flashback episode doesn't count. If Dragonball GT isn't canon because of the creator, same rules apply to nuPPG. Original creator or it doesn't count.

its funy how they couldnt even draw something as the picture and just used a screenshot
they are even lazy when they try to stroke their own egos, it just comes out really pathetic

But CN owns PPG not Craig

CREATOR's opinion. CN barely owns anything from the 90s anyway, then producing nuPPG doesn't change that Craig created the original PPG.

Professor decides to make a wall of memorabilia of their adventures, since an incident with a amnesia ray messed with their memories. The photo is only brought up for a gag where Blossom says "man, I looked so different back then", but the main point of the episode is how Bubbles doesn't have any memorabilia of her own.

Episode proceeds to be about Blossom and Buttercup telling Bubbles about villains she supposedly helped stopped in the past, but it's ends up being them remembering action battles they mainly won. After that it ends with the citizens of townsville showing appreciation for her, being an "everyday hero" that helps them with smaller stuff.

The concept of "canon" is something fandoms created. There is no legal or otherwise "right" definition of what is and isn't canon. It's whatever the fuck you want to believe.

it's a shame how this episode turned out, like the basic idea for the episode(Buttercup bulking up due to feelings of inadequacy due to having a non traditional superhero physique) isn't a bad one, indeed it's something I could see the original show doing, but the way it's handled in the actual episode is a mess

been fiddling with ideas on how to take that basic concept which has potential and turn it into something actually good