A daily reminder this happened on twitter

a daily reminder this happened on twitter.
Hate to sound feminist but emojis apparently like rape

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honestly, who doesn't?

It's the fact that they used that emoji, of all the ones available.

They could have gone with the cry react, or at least the :/ awkward.

But nah, biggest shit eating grin available. Big smiles for sex slavery.

Bravo Sony, biggest laugh I've had in a long while.

Well, I think the smile emoji is supposed to be the villain of the movie.

yeah she is


That doesn't really explain why she's so jazzed about being a sex slave

And barely anyone batted an eye when Sesame Street did Game of Thrones. The only reason anyone cared about this is because The Handmaiden's Tale is the most recent piece of "This is just like politics/life!" fiction that fem/manchild adults will use during their pink pussy hat or "Science!" rallies

Opiates are the opiate of the masses.

>sesame Street game of thrones
whoa when was this

It was bound to happen, if emojis are sapient, they can have fetishes. And if they have fetishes they can be non-con fetishes.

>Hate to sound feminist
Then don't bring it up. If you state your opinion and some Sup Forumsmrade doesn't like it because it sounds feminist, that's Sup Forumsmrade's own problem.

maybe that's her fetish

That makes sense.
Emoji = only used by women.
Women = lots of rape fantasies.

sex is pleasurable, duh

All the time, actually. Fuck, but what they did to Oscar was brutal. And my god, that rape scene, how did that even get filmed?

emoji movie would have been better if it was about an emoji killing other emoji's

it should have been about emoticons from late 90's/early 00's web forums fighting back

Tons of women are into rape, as long as you're attractive enough that they'd fuck you anyways.

It'd be better if it was a Manhunt film, alright.


Holy shit this post is insane though.

how did the stop me meme start and do you have more images of it

Prove me wrong, mate. Prove me wrong.

A tone-deaf ad for a tone-deaf movie.


I'm sure that protest is totally genuine and not at all stealth marketing for the new Hulu series that they make sure to mention in the article.


How is that show anyway?
I read the book back in high school, How are people reacting to the bit about how the reason women got reduced to chattel (aside from the infertility) is because feminists sided with muslim extremists?

It's okay. People on the right are severely trigger by it and apparently can't comprehend the concept of dystopian story.

>Sup Forums gets triggered more than the feminists they hate

color me fucking surprised

Is it a direct adaption or do they take liberties?
I thought the book was alright but not great, although it did something with dystopia that I have only ever seen with 1984 which is having post script that tells you that eventually things get better.

>the reason women got reduced to chattel (aside from the infertility) is because feminists sided with muslim extremists?
Wait what?


Is this true?

Because if it is, that's fucking hilarious because THEY'RE DOING IT IN REAL LIFE RIGHT NOW