The Problem with Apu

All new TruTV special where Indians talk about how racist The Simpsons is.

What does Sup Forums think?

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Indian comedians are fucking pussies these days.

This is retarded.

I just want to shitpost about cartoons not shitpost like I'm on Sup Forums about cartoons.

I think if you've got time to be bitching about The Simpsons being racist then you've got a really fucking easy life and should be spending your time on something more important like becoming a comedian actually worth watching on your own merits

>the simpsons stereotypes everyone the problem is apu was our only representation
sounds like a personal problem to me

hes a cucked snowflake impotently raging in a hugbox. he said it, I didn't

Meh, I agree with him. Mostly cause I'm sick of the Simpsons.

Boohoohoo everybody is such a fucking crybaby these days

So you would disagree if this came out in the 90's?

Apu is a pretty cool guy

They should ask the Chinese if they're offended cause everyone in the show is fucking yellow


I fucking hate Sup Forums for making "cuck" a mainstream word.

Yeah seriously. Whenever I hear of the phrase Indian I automatically think of Native Americans and how fucking awful they have it even now at least where I live in Canada, there's some people who live in almost subhuman conditions up north.

But then one second into my brain realizing it's about actual Indian people I see the most pointless whining I've ever heard and my brain can't take it.
Also there are so many payed actors in this trailer it's not even funny.

its weird because most of the apu gags are at the expense of 7-11 more so than indians

So if the issue here is that Apu's voiced by a white guy, how long until there's a special for the blacks to bitch about Cleveland?

I hope this thing becomes huge and ends up getting the Simpsons canceled. Apu will become the hero we deserve.

meanwhile carl

He's supposed to be a caricature, that's the entire point. They make fun of EVERYONE on that show.

Not him, but yeah. The Simpsons was funny back then, you could get away with anything if you're funny, if you're not you look like a huge asshole and make everyone around you uncomfortable.

Forgot pic.

Or for asians to bitch about Jack?


just go with it bro

Oh, you have got to be kidding sir. First you think of an idea for a documentary of a show that has already been talked about to death, then you give it a subject that nobody could possibly like. Didn't you think this through? It was the highest rated animated sitcom for over a decade! Every magazine cover had it! It was one of the most popular TV series of all time, sir! What were you thinking?

I mean, thank you, come again.

how does someone literally make a picture of themselves hiding in a safe space while being called a cuck and/or special snowflake and not realize how much of a fucking loser they are that they're letting a bunch of fat virgins on Sup Forums affect their life this hard.

I know it's a meme, but it's also legitimate advice. Just walk away from the screen. Like, nigga, close your eyes.

Are we gonna get a documentary on Bumblebee Man next?

He's the reason the bees are dying.

Why cant these people shut up and take a fucking joke. Also, him refrencing us makes us resent the left more. Hilary clinton deserves to rot in hell.

Everyone is fucked in Simpsons. Homer Simpson is an awful person.

>a telemundo movie about how much they fucking love bumblebee man

I could see it hapening

Hillary did nothing wrong.

>him refrencing us

I only see the reddit mascot there.

Wait a second...

Notice how he says "You probably think I'm some SJW..."

But then doesn't say anything to refute it, in fact he seems to support that he is in fact crying about it.

Kek. Good show.

Kill yourself you feminist bitch

Literally everybody is a stereotype/satire/parody in The Simpsons. Also, aside from the stereotype, Apu is a legitimate character and not a one-dimensional joke.

Why accents exist, so do concepts foreign to us. No one gets mad the way white people get portrayed in foreign shit.

>it's a "nu-Sup Forums plebbitor thinks he is Sup Forums" episode

White people watching anime seem to like the Japanese characters more than ones from their homeland.

Fair point about Apu being the only immediately recognizable Indian representation there is out there, but that doesn't make him racist enough to warrant an entire goddamn documentary. Tons of pajeets work at convenience stores, and a lot of them do inevitably have prominent accents. But so fucking what? Is this fag not good enough to be compared to the countless other working class Americans monopolizing a modest but practical business niche? Does he assume all white people are automatically compared to fucking Superman or something and he's getting left out?


Everyone knows the best anime babes are the ones with blond hair, blue eyes, preferably an american flag bikini and gigantic tits.

Well, that may be true but if you'll notice, that trailer was using a lot of classic Simpsons clips, so it seems that even the good stuff isn't worthy of escaping their hatred.

Is it possible that this is satire?

Or is it at least possible that they know it's retarded but just want to cash in on race bullshit?

Is that possible anons?

Please tell me it is all bullshit. I don't care if it's a lie.

Groundskeeper Willie rant when? Sounds like a fun time.

Never because Cleveland is too straight laced to be offensive.

I think Apu is generally a cool guy (with flaws since he's a parody of mart owners), and that tv special is obviously made for entertainment purposes and i seriously doubt a considerable number of people consider him a harmful depiction of indians (And if there is, they should look at the italian characters: either incompetent mobsters, greasy guidos or douchebag cooks).

>waitu piggu go homu


Like Dr. Hibbert or Obama

and so now all the indian representation is apu
and indians complaining about apu

oh and also that girl on youtube who does all the racist apu shit in her comedy sketches but doesn't get shit for it because shes actually indian. This is just another thinly veiled anti-white propaganda

notice how all the white people are framed as villains in the trailer. and the one guy specifically saying indian accents sound funny to "white" people
no, retard, they sound funny to all english speaking westerners

Eh, that might have been the case early on but once he got spun-off into The Cleveland Show the arguably made him into more of an outlandish jackass.

No one watched it

The biggest character arc Apu had was the shit with his wife...which was some of the most racist shit.

I love him honestly, but you gotta recognize that shit ya'll.

Her leaving at the end was really sad

Cleveland acting like a jerk doesn't automatically make him an offensive stereotype.

Shit lasted 4 seasons. Someone must've been watching it.

and it would be a completely valid complaint if thats the only racist thing the show did, but obviously it isn't

If Apu is racist then how come all Indians speak English with the same unintelligible accent that he does?

It took them nore than twenty fucking years to make a documentary about this shit that no one cares about?

"Hello there, funny sounding Cleveland" - Peter Griffin.

>this shit that no one cares about

This Sup Forums thread seems to be moving swiftly and discussing it.

>He can't understand Indian English
Sucks to be you

You need to go back to twitter.

does the show depict Apu shitting in the streets? no?

then shut the fuck up

>eye color is what defines "people of color"

Why do white people try so hard to win the oppression Olympics?

Ironically the Simpsons has always depicted East Asians as being less yellow than whites.

The show explained it by reuniting Cleveland with his white mammy

If anything, the stuff Apu sells at the Kwik-E-Mart is more likely to have his white customers shitting in the streets.

This shot grossed me out so much when I was a kid.

Are you FUCKING kidding me? I adore American characters in anime. I've been in love with the very concept ever since I met Chibodee Crocket in G Gundam.

Fuck's sake, dude's a boxing, surfing, football playing mech pilot with cowboy tassels on his jacket and 5 bitches on his arms all the time. What's not to love?

Nobody cares about what Indians think.

Because it matters more than the actual Olympics?

Willie already did that one for us.

asians are yellow
whites are gold

>What's not to love?
He's a bigger jobber than Yamcha.

I think he's an idiot. It's a purposely over-the-top and obnoxious stereotype. I swear, people would take fucking Moral Orel seriously if you didn't tell them it was a satire.

Don't be ridiculous. I've never met a fellow Burger who didn't get a kick out of the way the Japs portray us.

She shouldn't have tried to sway moderates. Let them rot in hell.

But, Does Apu in the loo?

Yes. He is very adapted to his current home.

He was calling out people's reaction to this whole show thing.
And he was right- look at the first fucking 5 posts in this thread and you see the first example of his anticipated reaction.

Wow, this really is Sup Forumsmblr.

>Release date-TBD

Yeah, it's bait.

>lipstick makes me a person of color

Did Sup Forums make this?
Because this is just fucking silly.

So just for the fun of it Sup Forums what would an accuratec Indian character be like


There are dozens of Indian guys where I live and literally all of them either work at gas stations or are the children of people that work at gas stations.

He should stretch his limbs, throw fire balls from his mouth and teleport.

I'm more offended by Quimby at this point, no one watching today gives a fuck about the kennedys and the dude who he is parodying died a decade ago. when is Springfield getting a new mayor?

It's too pathetic for that.

A "cuck" reaction would come more from artists crying that they should create art that caters to minorities.

These are fourth-to-fifth rate entertainers complaining about a background character from a creatively dying series.

> creatively dying

It's DEAD.
They're repeated the same damn "Marge hangs out with Moe after Homer does something" episode like three fucking times.

do they have to blame whites for everything Jesus Christ everyone thought Apus voice was funny the Simpsons is full of fucking stereotypes the shows basically centered on a stereotype of the the American family with them being played of as a parody

>Hannity with lightning powers
>Not Electric Pence
They can't even research memes.

Being extra racist doesn't absolve you of racism brotato

There's also some pro-SJW test on Buzzfeed or something called "Are You a Snowflake?" and if you're not a snowlake according to the test it says "Not a snowflake. Sorry." As if being a snowflake is a good thing.

Isn't the point of snowflakes that although they have different patterns, they are all part of the greater collective of "snow"?

I dont get it.

I'm Nepalese (which most people can't distinguish from Indian) and while I dislike Apu the stereotype is true. There are 3 convenient stores where I like and I haven't met 1 person who works there after living here over a decade who isn't South Asian, albeit only about half of them have accents. Hell I've been offered a job at one several times solely because I'm South Asian

They're just doing that thing where they ironically call themselves whatever insult their opposition calls them, like when Hillary supporters called themselves "nasty women" after Trump called Hillary one.

Everyone does that. Insults don't really mean anything at this point. Simply people being mad at each other forever and claiming things about their opposition.

All retards aside I'm actually very curious to know how the writers themselves will react.
They're actually known to respond to shit now and then and something like this will certainly count.

But its not true, manjula & apus cousin brought more insight into indian culture. Apu also has his brother