GOD DAMN this actress is bad

GOD DAMN this actress is bad

yeah but she fappened so there's something to like her for.

spader is the reason to watch, obviously.

>yeah but she fappened so there's something to like her for.

>but she fappened

Sauce to the fapenning?

I found something

Her foot game is great though

Thighs too big.

weak waist game

Nips are perfect though

The only reason you should watch this show is for Spader. Most parts of the episodes are skippable.

Who was she sending this to? Weinstein?

You gigantic mongoloid faggot.

I like sticc girls.

Things I watch the show for, in order:
>Spader's brilliant acting
>Boone's foot game/that obligatory "once every episode there has to be a shot where Elizabeth is running and we show her tiddies jiggling around" shot
>also I'd be lying if I said I still dont get entertained by the plot

Why is Jimmy putting on so much weight though? His suits are gonna turn him into sausages soon

Arams dumb terrified personality also

who /bostonlegal/ here

Blacklist was my primer into Spader's acting. Am I missing out on Prime Spader and Prime Shat by not having seen Boston Legal yet?

>when the cop from Pacific Rim gets addicted to pills for no reason

do you think she took this before or after she fcked wienstein

it was the first time I realized everything Spader touches turns to gold

I like how they dismantled the criminal empire of Redington and now he has to be more careful and build it again.

This season's antagonist looks great.
I want more episodes where Redington rebuilds his criminal organization.

I'm in Same boat as you.

that mom hair is so hot

1st scene of the 1st episode this season was fucking brilliant
>Spader outrunning the cops in a cherry red convertible after pulling off a classic quick 1-man con


Yes!! I want more of that.

BL was his best work. Also the last season of the practice.

Every episode:

>Liz: are you my Daddy?
> Reddington: No lol (maybe)
> Cooper: Reddington, we don't solve any hard cases without you so here's the info dump
> Ressler: Oh boy, I get to fucking do something
> Aram: I have magic hacking
> Dembe: *unclear words of praise/encouragement*
> Reddington: Lol, plot solved via one of my genius plans
> Ressler: Time for me to chase somebody/arrest them
> Liz: Thanks Daddy, you still evil?
> Reddington: I'm not your Father (lol maybe)


The skeleton is her mom, right? It's gotta be

t. brainlet.

Sorry I can't speculate user. I dropped this show at the end of last season. If Sup Forums had threads I'd probably resume, but it's literally so repetitive. I've moved on to new schlocky twisty television, How To Get Away With Murder.

>ressler gets beat the fuck out of at least once every week.

>yfw you try hard and succ

>main character literally named after Reddit
>wears a fedora


Fuck off Bill Shitner

Spacer's acting/character is just charismatic enough to keep me hooked

Sorry, I try to keep my schlock to AN APPROPRIATE MINIMUM. Bad shows are a poison to the mind after all. Can't watch more than two-shit shows at the same time.

What? That shit is still running? I dropped it like 4-5 years ago.
Is she still wearing that ugly wig?

I just wish Spader would be in an actual good show. Then I realized right now I can't really think of many good shows. Golden age of Sup Forums is over.

Think he's referring to the way your filename got truncated m8

Oh, yeah, that's part of the joke.

She wore a wig??

Also check on PH for a sex tape. Shitty quality so I'm not sure it's her

At least when I was still watching (S1?)

she has a bigger jaw than Dolph Lundgren

It seems to be a curse among wh*te american women of nordic/anglo stock. Lotta manjaws here.

I think they got rid of the wig after her separation from Tom or something. She got a "haircut" in show. Can't remember well though since that's around when my interest started dipping.

Tom was based. I actually picked this show up when I saw it on TV and saw him kick his wife. What ever happened to him?

la creatura...

t. faggot

>>Tom was based. I actually picked this show up when I saw it on TV and saw him kick his wife. What ever happened to him?
He got killed by the fatman with glasses somewhere around the beginning of the current season (S5) when he was kidnapped for knowing the location of the suitcase

That's what Bruce Willis' daughter would look like if her face wasn't scaled like this.

I stopped watching after the fucktarded fake death plot
does it get better?

>sex tape
I don't think it's her. Probably simply a bizarre coincidence the film was shot at the same hotel that Boone stayed at when she shot her nudes.

I'd love her to suck my cock to see if it feels like I'm being rescued by a dolphin

her dad is a billionaire if i remember correctly

Granddaddy, Harold Gary Morse

She looks like Jennifer White.

>When dad pays so you can play actress

She was good in Dead Like Me.

Isn't Cara Devagene in the same category of "actresses who can't actually act but they come from old money so we humor them"?

Semi-mad, to be honest.

Did Aram go beast mode and fuck the Iranian girl or was Ressler still using his BWC to cuck him?

This show had so many frustrating elements man.

It's her mom but I don't understand why her bones are so important to Reddington.

Don't watch it while trying to follow Reed as the main character. Follow it as Raymond. Much better if you think of Reed as a side character.

>Did Aram go beast mode and fuck the Iranian girl or was Ressler still using his BWC to cuck him?
Yes, Aram and the Iranian girl are in a relationship now. It's actually kind of cute if you're a woman or a sentimental faggot like me

I'm assuming it's important because maybe the bones might still divine some evidence to the way she died, and I'm assuming Reddington is the one who killed her. They seem to be implying that pretty fucking hard

her family owns a bunch of fashion magazines

Most of them come from well off families. Your average girl can't spend years "auditioning" while living in LA/NYC/London

>Your average girl can't spend years "auditioning" while living in LA/NYC/London
They can if they do escort work/webcamming, or if they find a "sugar daddy".

I think you're right.

It was nice to see her in a couple of episodes of Hannibal.

>PH for a sex tape
Could be fake. She looks like the pornstar Jennifer White.

She's homely, but I'd still fuck her within an inch of her life.


Weak body
Great face hair combo

I prefer huge tits, but they are just perfect


Bump, Blacklist threads are too rare

This is the perfect role for Spader at this point in his life and career IMHO. It's funny that Shatner is on board because Spader is such a scene stealer in ways I only recently thought Shatner could achieve. This is a very fun show, but it is 100% Spader's.

That's the Midwest "Let Me Speak To Your Store Manager" suburban mom hair. Her wig on the show is absolutely ridiculous.

It's the very low body fat that makes the jaw and facial bones more pronounced.

>That's the Midwest "Let Me Speak To Your Store Manager" suburban mom hair.

That's the other version of the hairstyle. Haven't seen Boone wearing guages or tattoos yet.
