How will he fare out in the world, every international assassin after him and his dog without access to magic suit jackets anymore?

More importantly how many motorcycle chase scenes will be in this movie?

peter stormare and larry fishburne's secret hobo army will probably help him

he is gona die in the last one.

I've seen two different script revisions and basically it's Logan but with John Wick. He spends the whole film paired with some younger girl character. It's that "old man protecting daughter figure" thing again


I mean it worked for Leon.

He'll run a restaurant and is screwed over by a fastfood company. He's going on a rampage and will team with a group of vegans as a cover up to gain access to their headquarters. A young girl will convince him that violent-free protesting is superior to violence. She'll die in the process and John Wick will revenge her, but with martial arts and not killing anyone.

I fucking hate that old man/daughter figure maymay

Fuck it's so boring.

Rule of ninja, they'll attack one at a time, so many will mean each is muchless impressive than they should be.

And I assume some will kill each other so they can be the one to kill Wick. Like imagine a fight . Where one gets the drop on Wick then another snipes that assassin then takes a shot at wick, or he's fighting hand to hand and some start shooting at him as he uses some others as human shields or they just get in the way or manage to get him in a hold

>Keanu Reeves judo chopping McDonald's goons for 90 mins

I dig it

In reality, he could just get plastic surgery then live out his life in peace with all the fucking coins he stockpiled.

He can't spend those coins now tho, he has no access to the underworld at all. He basically became a pauper the second he shot that guy inside a safe zone.

The real ninja rule is that one is always more powerful than many, which will be the case, the assassins after him will drop with very little effort except for the big bad assassin who will be the guy who trained John or some shit come out of retirement and is legendary and thus his match.

Does your father work at Nintendo?

Inb4 it's his estranged dad who happens to have the best seat at the high table

Are they not gold? Melt that shit

Yeah but he has friends. John Leguazamo will give him his car back, etc etc

I always wondered why he didn't just drag him outside and shoot the guy there.

that's still conducting business on safe grounds. not allowed friendo

Source? Details?

The source is his ass

its obviously pleasure

>on safe grounds
I meant dragging him outside of the safe ground.

The whole movie will be about his motorcycle considering he'll probably end up funding it.

Have another (You). You deserve it.

>give money to a hobo
>feel decent about self
>inadvertently fund global assassinations

>john wick kills a lot of people
>eventually he gets tired and dies
>reincarnated as a dog in john wick 4
>learns how to ride a motorcycle
>recruited into hugh jackman's circus
>competitor circus attacks one night and kills everyone, including hugh jackman
>dog keeanu begins to take vengeance on rival circus
>air bud kino returns to save us from capeshit and disneywars

>vin dozzle tries get get him to mak appearans in ffurious 14

I'm fine with it if she isn't black.

You could have just admitted that you don't know.

>dude let's go kill world's best assassin for 6 million us dollars lmao

He can spend the coins still ding dong.

This is how John Wick 3 will go.
> Takes place right after the events of John Wick 2
> Car will be fixed
> The Pest will be killed helping John
> Common and Deaf chick will return
> Winston will be revealed as his father
> John will kill the whole high table
> Ends with him alive
> Dog might die again


Did you not watch John Wick 2?

I've read the script. John Wick's pitbull gets loose and kills an innocent child in the first act. The rest of the movie is pretty heady and deals with genetic/racial themes and tJohn Wick realizes the dog needs to be put down and in a stunning reversal of the first movie, he shoots his own dog in the head.


Since the original plot was based on cowboy bebop

I'm going to say he's going to die at the end and take all the "excommunicado" type callers with him

bang !

I like both movies but story and ending of the second one was fucking stupid.

The coins are assassin tokens you moron. The only way he could use them would be melting the gold and selling the metal as it is. because the only people who would accept the coins want him dead.

Did you? Hes banned from the entire assassin world. Do you think Subway will accept a fucking giant gold coin as payment?

He'll team up with the hobos and the russians for one last job before becoming a tibetan monk

But monks can't have pet dogs

The other monks are welcomed to fight him over it

spike didnt die according to the animu jap that made it

I can imagine most of them wouldn't do a fucking thing and just stay out of his way because of his reputation.