Three Color Trilogy: Which is your fave?

On one hand, I adore Blue. The way the repeating music is used as a cinematic tool to her story is very powerful and one of the best examples in the medium. The acting is top notch too giving one of the best female performances ever.

White is trash.

Red is tied with blue. Such a quiet powerful drama to it. The judge's story really touches me deeply. Also the catwalk music and that iconic gum shot.

>yfw the series was an European Union-funded propaganda about pan-European unity

ehh not really. In fact white is lambasting the fact how european homogenisation is killing their identity

Very similar to you - Blue and Red were about equal. I wouldn't say White was trash, but it was definitely the lesser of the 3.

Hot Fuzz is clearly the best one

Blue is the best, however the trilogy is meh compared to the other films of kieslowski desu.

It seems fairly self-evident that Blue is the best but is only fractionally better than Red, and White is a bit behind them. However, perhaps controversially, White is probably my favourite. It is genuinely funny and enjoyable while still being dark and dramatic. Also, I saw White first and it made me want to see the other two.

The Double Life of Veronique is better than all three!

Why don't people like this director?

White is my favourite too, it just stuck in my memory more than the other two
