47 writting credits

>47 writting credits
>45 directing credits

How does he do it bros?

he gets to make blackface comedies

everytime he goes to take a shit, he writes a script

I watched Boo! A Madea Halloween and it wasn't that bad. Just needed about 20 minutes of dead weight cut out.

man knows his audience

The reason he writes so much himself is because he doesn't want to pay actual writers decent wages. Perry fired writers when they asked for a raise and benefits. Afterwards he started handling everything himself. He switched from TBS to OWN because TBS told him his writing wasn't up to par and the ratings for his TV shows were tanking. The same criticisms popped up again over at OWN and when Oprah brought it to his attention he basically told her to F off. Now he's moving to Viacom.

the dude is revered by the average negro

I can actually see a future where everyone stops going to theaters and destroys hollywood but this dude will still somehow make movies that gets black people to go out and shill 12 bucks to watch it

Eric Roberts and him need to collaborate.

What a chad, can he be stopped?

he's a very smart man