Is there any way to improve the Emoji Movie (besides erasing it from existence)?

Is there any way to improve the Emoji Movie (besides erasing it from existence)?

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Reveal it was all an elaborate prank for THE real movie, the long awaited sequel to (insert cult favorite here). The "Emoji Movie" is actually just a quick short at the beginning.

It's irredeemable trash just from the premise, the only way to "improve" it is to make it even worse until it's a glorious trash fire that would put even Foodfight to shame

>it's Thursday night/super early Friday

I genuinely hope no one on Sup Forums (or Sup Forums: not even they deserve that much suffering) actually ends up watching it. At least not before Monday or so.

>At least not before Monday or so.

Take away TJ and throw in Ray Romano.

We need one user to bootleg it for us so we can all experience the trashfire without supporting it

If it was a massively ironic shitpost I'd love it

Tie it with Foodfight to create a cinematic universe

>someone out there an idiot executive is blaming the failure of this movie on technology itself being a drawback

"Well The Emoji Movie didn't do well...let's cancel TRON 3 because clearly the worlds inside computers is the flaw here.

Ray Romano improves most things

TRON 3 was cancelled a while ago though.

Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

make it an animated comedy/documetary on an exageratted impact emojis had on america with cute (but fuckable) characters

my plan was to watch it on monday if the box office was shit

I wish this movie were made in the 90s now.

>in a car ride with cousin and his kids
>he wants to watch Atomic Blonde
>kids want to go watch Emoji movie tomorrow

I genuinely feel sad for anyone expecting to enjoy a movie with their kids tomorrow.

I hope he doesn't take his kids to see it

They should focus on the loli more. At least then it'd have more redeeming value.

And this is why the movie will succeed. Sony will be rewarded for this. Rejoice.

Sony's survival is not something to rejoice

I was being ironic.

Reminder this is what we could have been watching this weekend

Put it in a cinematic universe with Foodfight, Elf Bowling, Bands on the Run, and Norm of the North

I fucking HATE that the emoji clearly had alot of effort put into it.
The animation is good and everything looks wonderful, most of the emojis look pretty cute too and have some fun expressions; All wasted on some trash heap that you could barely call a 'movie'

The Emoji Movie is a movie about a fictional animated film called "The Emoji Movie".

A team of talented writers, actors and animators led by a naive young director get their hopes and dreams shattered again when the circumstances force them to make a movie based on a property as empty as smartphone emoticons, commissioned by greedy out-of-touch executives. As unhappy as they are with the task, they decide to be true artists and professionals and to try their best anyway.

Throughout the movie, they learn that art comes from adversity and that with some effort and creativity, a bit of directorial freedom and some faith in their audience's intelligence, even the silliest premise can be turned into a great film.

The movie becomes a critical and box office success. The studio becomes a famous creative brand not unlike Pixar and is allowed to pick their own projects in the future. The End.

Call it 'The Emoticon Movie' so that the retard term 'emoji' will become less popular. Not that 'emoticons' are that much better but 'The Smiley Face' movie would be pushing it, I guess.

Nobody thought that the Lego movie will be good. You can make a stupid concept fun.

Maybe they should make it about humans and the misuderstandings of modern comunication. Make it meta but relatable.

Animated Tropic Thunder for kids. I like it.

90 minutes of avant garde dank memes

Those are not identical concepts, user. An emoji is a unique Unicode character shaped like a small picture, it's not just any kind of smiley face.

>Originally meaning pictograph, the word emoji comes from Japanese e (絵, "picture") + moji (文字, "character"). The resemblance to the English words emotion and emoticon is purely coincidental.

>the greedy executive of course doesn't realize that the movie was good despite of his retarded ideas, not because of it.
>proceeds to shit out more garbage, roping other new and naive directors into it and releasing a stream of shit in hopes of repeating "his" past succes.
>meanwhile, the talented new studio gets bought by Disney

Get lost Eric

Emoticons are not characters though. They are the stupid pictures that replace the characters you type in. :) is not an emoticon, though I suppose you could call it an emoji by the Japanese definition it's not what the smartphone generation means by 'emoji', is it now.

It just makes me mad that the English language has gotten so gay. See my angry faces. >:( D:

You don't understand. Emojis aren't image files.

Some time ago, when you typed :( into Facebook it would get replaced by sad.png. Your browser would allow you to right-click it and save the image on your computer.

Now it is replaced by the character (it displays when I'm typing but I don't know if you'll see it once I post), with the code U+1F61E. It becomes yellow on certain websites or apps, but it's still text.

You can even use it in filenames. Check it out!

Oh. Far out. How is it that I've never seen one of these characters before? Living under a technological rock I guess.

But on smartphones and tablets and shit, it's totally still image files like pic related right? I'm sure it is. I don't have a smartphone of my own so I can't test this. But I guess I have to accept that the word 'emoji' refers to a lot more than what I thought it did. I still don't like it.

Emoji (not pluralized with an s, because Japanese origins) STARTED on phones.

Japan likes silly pictures that mean things. A Japanese guy said "Gee, I wish I could just text the sun to my friends when they ask about the weather," and then followed it up by designing ~200 12x12 pictures and yelling at phone companies until a CEO said "Huh, maybe this is a feature people will buy our phone for." The CEO was right, and people loved it.

Apple makes the iPhone, but Japanese people don't care because they can't text shit or fish wind-kites to each other on it, so Apple adds emoji to their phones. Americans notice that installing Japanese apps lets them use an alphabet of pictures and the cool kids in school start doing so. Apple realizes they can market this. The board of boring engineers that defines Unicode, the programming thing that tries to make it so you can type every possible human writing symbol, sighs and wastes a couple hours adding "couple holding hands" and "toilet" to their registries.

Now, any electronic device that complies to standards can type these things.It should be obvious by now, but all of this means that they aren't image files ANYWHERE. They're the same as letters. Think of wingdings but in color.

Two nukes wasn't enough.

>The board of boring engineers that defines Unicode, the programming thing that tries to make it so you can type every possible human writing symbol, sighs and wastes a couple hours adding "couple holding hands" and "toilet" to their registries.
Oh god, that's hilarious and horrifying.
>but all of this means that they aren't image files ANYWHERE.
This however is just regular horrifying. I don't consider myself to be tech illiterate yet I had no idea. But it's also so stupid that I'm getting angry all over again. Quick, what's the 'fed up with the stupid shit kids like' character?

Anyway, thanks for explaining this stuff to me. How embarressing it is for a supposed IT professional to not even know this.

Have it replace popeye

Tuesday is 5$ movie day at the one by my house

>Hollywood writers
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

Now that would be something

Bretty gud.

>This however is just regular horrifying. I don't consider myself to be tech illiterate yet I had no idea. But it's also so stupid that I'm getting angry all over again. Quick, what's the 'fed up with the stupid shit kids like' character?
It isn't stupid. The point of the system is to make sure files stay compatible. That Unicode intends for you to be able to send something to both Japan and Saudi Arabia, and having what you sent be what they see on the other side. And the intention is to make sure old documents can still be read in the far away future on a completely different OS and display tech.

What's this from?


This. The point of Unicode is to be a universal alphabet that operating systems can parse without error.

The only problem is that emojis are custom-designed by the operating system developers, which is why you have Pic Related, not to mention other issues with the way that emoji are designed and how they are interpreted.

Have the line about children not deserving to laugh actually be in the movie

Have it redpilled like the angry birds movie

>redpilled like the angry birds movie
Man imagine how childish one would have to be to project their agendas onto a children's movie about a children's mobile game with a bird that shits rocket eggs. pretty sad man.

Post credits sequence of the producers being executed via firing squad.

Holy fuck an actual good-looking kids movie.

I like your thunking but unless they raise the rating for it; I doubt the real movie would be worth thinking your going to see this mess for.

>shitting on Arnold

Oh, come on, now.

It still hurts user.

>emoji movie made 50 mil on thurs

It's over boys

Nah it made 900k.

>even Sony knows
If they knew that it wouldn't be a gigantic box office success, why even make it?

>The film ends in an "Exit through the gift shop" style commentary about animation.

I just looked it up on imdb and apparently this fucking thing opens today in the US.

I feel so sorry for you guys. At least we don't get naked avarice: the movie until next week.

pic related for schadenfruede. Dat metascore.

Some things just should't exist. What's next? The alphabet movie? The spinner movie? The fart movie? Farts are still pretty popular with kids Sony, go for it. Lower that bar!

Sony pictures is probably done for.

Product placement.

do you have image where the executive admits half the movie's point for existing is brand synergy?