Idgi why are people so mad at him for forcing his actors to do their own stunts...

idgi why are people so mad at him for forcing his actors to do their own stunts? isn't there an article about the 'top 10 insane things directors do on set' every month basically praising directors like Herzog for pulling a gun on one of his actors? why the hypocrisy with Quentin? is it because he looks like a creep?

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I am happy to see this fucking hack go down, his movies fucking suck and anyone who likes them is a retarded ape

lol he say n word a lot

i don't think his movies are all that great either but wishing the downfall of someone because you think you're superior for thinking their entry-level films are shit is kind of asinine. hate him all you want he's still one of the few mainstream directors with full autonomy for their own creative vision.

I think it's just the sheer stupidity of it... there were a hundred ways he could've gotten that shot more safely, people raised concerns about the car & the setup and he basically just ignored it and forced her to do it anyway. It's not right to force somebody to injure themselves just cuz they signed a contract and you don't care enough to plan it out better

also because the Weinstein company withheld the footage so that she couldn't sue. It wasn't good, dude. I like his movies, but that doesn't mean this kind of reckless stupidity should be swept under the rug without consequence

>pointing out someone did something reckless
>praising them

You're just an idiot.

>It's not right to force somebody to injure themselves just cuz they signed a contract
nobody gives a fuck about morality here. what's law is law. if this bitch wanted to stay in her air conditioned RV for 7 hours only do 5 lines a day then she should not have signed the contract
have you even read uma's statement or are you regurgitating reddit's reactions? how was what he did reckless?

hes perfect and the savior of the western civilization

not my fault, it's like Klimt with artsy girls, I hate his movies because normies jerk off about them as if they are the best thing since sliced bread. Blame them. If this stops him from making any more of that overrated shit all the better, it's not like he's not a millionaire, it's hard to feel pity for these sheltered people that constantly patronize everyone from their ivory tower.

You’re a small sad pathetic person

are you that BP executive?

>I hate his movies because normies jerk off about them as if they are the best thing since sliced bread
hows film 102 class?

The law is probably on her side, though. They held the evidence hostage & stonewalled her because they knew they fucked up. Directors/producers have a responsibility to set these things up as safely as possible, I guarantee her contract doesn't say "you can kill me lol it's fine"

>I guarantee her contract doesn't say "you can kill me lol it's fine"


The funny thing is in another interview after the one published uma Thurman says she and Tarantino fought but he sincerely apologized and she doesn’t actually blame him at all. Especially because he did give her the footage later on. Really she says she just blames Weinstein and the other producers for the incident not Tarantino.

It pretty much says that in the ny times article. He's the one responsible for planning the stunt that way, but Weinstein was responsible for the cover-up

>what's law is law.
if what they did was all above board, why would they not give her the footage right away without trying to make her sign an NDA, and why would it take her 15 years to get the footage?

>have you even read uma's statement or are you regurgitating reddit's reactions? how was what he did reckless?
are you retarded? was responding to OP's line "isn't there an article about the 'top 10 insane things directors do on set' every month basically praising directors like Herzog for pulling a gun on one of his actors." he's saying, people aren't praising werner herzog for doing a reckless thing. they're calling him insane.

Because we live in the pussy generation, especially when women and minorities are involved.

Not holding women to a lower standard than men is mean and sexist
Not taking women at their word when they say they were raped and having a fixed definition of rape is mean and not ok
Not accepting every single person who wants to enter the US and letting them in without any sort of vetting is mean and racist
Not prioritizing black people over white people is mean and racist
Not lumping every black person together as one group is mean and racist

People today prioritize what's "nice" over what actually makes sense. A good Sup Forums related example is when margaret cho saved finn from blowing up the ship and killing himself. She didn't want him to die because that'd be sad, so she decided to fuck over everyone by stopping him from saving everyone. She ended up making Skywalker kill himself instead because the "love over logic" ideology is so stupid and shortsighted.

This is not a good example of what you're talking about, stop trying to make everything about politics

It is a good example, it's her prioritizing niceness over what would actually make sense.

who, uma? you think forcing your lead actress to perform a stunt she hasn't been trained to do makes more sense than just using a green screen?

Women are like big children. Herzog didn't pull a gun on a woman.

guys women love dangerous men this is objectively verifiable biology. we've known this for millennia. the only reason the faggot masses are up in arms is because they're jealous of quentin's success. and the only reason uma is coming out NOW of all times is because she knows it's the only way to stay relevant. she's a nobody who's been in garbage since tarantino brought her to fame. she owes her entire wealth to him. she's coming out because tarantino is continuing to make $100 million dollar films while her career is faltering into NOTHING




our guy quentin will prevail, despite redditors like wishes who think they're cinephiles for hating his based movies and praising trash like inaritu and kaufman in the same breath.


based n word poster

You didn't even read the article, did you? The way they did this shot made no sense. It was pretty much the most unsafe car they could've used, on the most unsafe road that was still technically a road, and they easily could've used a professional stunt driver because it was filmed from behind her head. And then they withheld the evidence for 15 years because they knew how badly they fucked up.

This was an idiot move on Tarantino's part, there's no other way to interpret it

lol hes not going down you fag he's too much of a money maker and he didn't rape anyone and thats all the idiots care about now

>praising directors like Herzog for pulling a gun on one of his actors

That didn't actually happen. He said he would shoot him but he didn't have a gun.

In fact, Kinski had the gun and he shot at extras with it. Herzog did nothing wrong.

very good

yeah man society should just be a free-for-all murder/rape fest. i'm sure you'd last at least five seconds with all that brain power you have.

>It's another "some hack gets his start from having a

i don't even care about tarantino but this is the most immature post i've ever seen on this board

He didn't psychically force her to drive the care, she chose to.

>physical force is the only way to make a person do something they don't want to do

Severely underrated post

>margaret cho

You do know that wineburger produced all his flicks right

>didn't even read the second half of my post

She was contractually obligated to do what was necessary for the movie. Tarantino and his producers/crew are obligated to make it as safe as possible. They argued about it for like a whole day, and he made her feel like she was holding up the production and being "difficult" because wasted time = wasted money. No actor or crew member wants to be the one causing a holdup, a film shoot is a high-pressure environment

This is 100% clear-cut, there's really no ambiguity here, which is why the Weinstein company deliberately covered it up. honestly I'm starting to get the impression that some of you guys don't even think for yourselves, you just disagree with anything and everything "liberals" say no matter how much you have to twist logic and ignore common sense to do so

i take it you've never had a boss or worked on a film set.
see this post:

I'm sorry but I still don't see the part where she was forced to do anything.
Where did you get the details of her contract?

this is why I think there's shenanigans with the article.
Uma might've talked about the accident in a somewhat jokey manner, but then Dowd manipulated it into something fucked up upon making the article.

Every actor signs a contract saying they can't refuse to work or quit in the middle of a shoot

>She was contractually obligated to do what was necessary for the movie.

I guaranteed if she absolutely refused to do the stunt they would have worked around it.

I wish these women would have some fucking backbone for once and just say no. No "Oh he convinced me even though I wasn't comfortable with it". Just say fucking "NO" and walk off the set. Just LEAVE. Fuck.

>It's one or the other
>You're mentally retarded for disagreeing with my points of view

You're a good example of how people violently villainize everyone they disagree with. It's not enough to disagree, the other guy has to be stupid, racist, sexist, bigoted, xenophobic, homophobic, etc...

Do you actually disagree that women shouldn't have the power to ruin any man's life with an accusation, that no immigrant should be vetted in any way, and black people should be given priority over white people? Or did you decide I'm hiding my "true feelings", because you subscribe to the "if my enemy says they're against one part of one thing, they're against every part of one thing" mindset.

don't drown in your own drool

Surely they can refuse to do dangerous stunts right? How many people do their own stunts anyway!
Having to blindly follow director's every order even if it's potentially dangerous sounds like slavery.

There are strict safety standards in place for film productions, and there are supposed to be professional stunt coordinators and safety supervisors chiming in on this stuff. Tarantino/Miramax violated those standards here, then covered it up and withheld evidence, and that's the entire point of this whole thing

I don't think Tarantino's evil, I think he just underestimated how dangerous it was and didn't even think of it as a "stunt." In his head, she's just driving a car down a road for a few seconds. In reality, it was an old car with very poor handling and no airbags, and it was a very narrow, twisty dirt road lined with trees, and he was making her drive way too fast for those conditions

It's because he's a squeaky voiced deviant.

>I don't think Tarantino's evil, I think he just underestimated how dangerous it was and didn't even think of it as a "stunt." In his head, she's just driving a car down a road for a few seconds. In reality, it was an old car with very poor handling and no airbags, and it was a very narrow, twisty dirt road lined with trees, and he was making her drive way too fast for those conditions
this. he was so focused on getting the shot right that he didn't realize how fucked the car was.

>Do your own stunts, I'll lick your feet, don't worry about it

He trod on the toes of the mouse, who neither forgives nor forgets.

He learn that in film school

How retarded are the people who say "I didn't like his movies so I'm glad his life is getting wrecked"?

Do you say that you wish McDonalds owners go down because you don't like their product? Or just fuck off and ignore it like an adult?

but it's still his fault for not using her stunt double. The entire shot is from behind and you never see her face at all. Why would you even need Uma for that bit? It would have saved a lot of trouble if he just did what was smart

>TFW you don't give a hot shit about either of these people but you still wanna engage in the shitposting
Wat do?

upvoted bro

You think anyone here cares? Just get outraged and angry anyway

He probably wanted it to "feel real" for the actress, he was essentially forcing her to method act, ostensibly so that her final meeting with Bill had more "real" emotion or something.