>Donald McKinley Glover[1] (born September 25, 1983) is an American actor, writer, director, comedian, and producer, as well as a singer, songwriter, and rapper under the stage name Childish Gambino, and as a disc jockey, he performs under the name mcDJ.
I can do many things as him too. he just sucks at all of them
Henry Miller
Say what you will about niggers but they can sing and dance and run.
Isaiah Bell
awaken, my love ! Is an amazing album
Jonathan Cruz
So cute.
Joshua Barnes
la creatura
Isaac King
When you have money and are a minority in Hollywood, you can do lots of things
Juan Cooper
Awaken My Love's a good album. Didn't really give a shit about him before that though.
Isaiah Harris
He seemed like such a joyous lad from community and his comedy stuff but since he grew the beard he's always looking or pretending to be sad/worried/mortified.
What gives?
Blake Powell
I mean, he's on the fucking Magic Mike XXL premiere all teary eyed and shit, waht the fuck
Jose Ward
James Wilson
He had that existential crisis when he wanted to quit Community. Remember when he posted those depressing notes on instagram?
Then there was that really embarrassing vice video he did with Chief Keefs autistic ass that he wasn’t proud of. Around that time he became more laid back and somber.
Owen James
He doesn't look like Lando tho. Lando's face is more defined.
Angel Brown
He's an asshole.
David Reed
If you want street cred in rap you mustn't ever smile, see Kanye and Eminem.
Jackson Martinez
Truly a renaissance man
Grayson Scott
>If you want street cred in rap you mustn't ever smile Curren$y smiles in his photos and he's got street cred
Brody Mitchell
How exactly?
Kayden Jones
He's entitled. Indignant. Smug. And the opposite of talented.
Evan Gomez
>Billy Dee Williams is a black man who experienced racist America and the Civil Rights movement first hand. >Plays a smooth and suave Lando >Donald Glover is a pampered entitled nigger faggot who never sweat a day in his life >His version is Lando is simply several layers of smug POTTERY
Jeremiah Reed
Atlanta is legitimately kino.
William Moore
Kevin Long
this. his rap shit was terrible and cringey. havent actually seen him in any shows or films yet tho
Jack Rodriguez
One of my school "friend" (really a reddit tier soyboy) cheered when he saw him during the han solo movie trailer He didn't even seemed sincere about it...
James Martinez
Because the Internet is a legitimately great album in its own right. Better than Awaken, My Love IMO.
>gossips about other people behind their backs >calls other people "soyboys"
Everyone on pol behaves like caricatures of women and you have no self awareness
Parker Wood
He's a pretty talented nigga. I fuckin hated him coz his rapshit fucking sucked, but when Awaken my Love came out I gave him a chance. His comedy special's pretty funny, and Atlanta is great, honestly.
Angel Smith
Including you apparently
Levi Lewis
>Because the Internet is a legitimately great album soyboy detected
Jayden Rogers
comedian and actor are pretty similar, director and producer are pretty similar, and singer/writer/rapper/DJ are all pretty similar too. hes really only doing 2 different things, movies and music. still impressive but not impossible.
Benjamin Harris
Loved him in his old Derrick Comedy days and then on Community. His stand-up is also really good. But his rap sucks, Atlanta looks like tryhard Emmy bait garbage, and he seems like he hates everything now. Not sure how you go from being a super funny comedian to a guy who no longer seems to have a sense of humor at all, unless he's got some severe untreated depression or something.
Luke Lopez
i respect your opinion but its wrong
Matthew Perry
I unironically like him, even if he is a whiny nigger
Elijah Moore
To each their own, I guess. Can't force people to have taste.
Benjamin Gomez
seems to be an american thing. people are always going on about how they have 4 or 5 jobs.