what the fuck happened to badass bitches like sarah connor? why did they stop making female action leads like this?
the closest they've come since T2 is leeloo from fifth element. after that...nothing.
what the fuck happened to badass bitches like sarah connor? why did they stop making female action leads like this?
the closest they've come since T2 is leeloo from fifth element. after that...nothing.
There's strong women in literally every role now, what are you talking about?
those are stronk women, not strong women like sarah
its different they're fucking lame now
there are some well made strong female characters these days, just not very many
she wasn't too bad
Because hollwood decided 'strong women' meant 'women imitating men' rather than drawing from themes like a mother protecting her cub. Sarah Connor is strong af for her son. She loves him and understands his role in the future, to the point that she was institutionalized. She's not gonna let her son go without a fight, even if it's against impossible odds. She's relatable because we understand where she gets her strength from. On the other hand, Holdo is just a bitch.
Maybe you're just watching the wrong films
martyrs? really?
>these days
DREDD was 6 years ago, user.
Is not only that. She can fail and she is human because what she knows makes her deranged.
Is believable and her accomplishments have a value.
>linda hamilton in T2
looks like she can beat the shit out of you
>emilia clarke in TG
when did it all go so wrong?
This a thousand times. Women and men are not wired the same way no matter what people want to believe to make themselves feel better. It doesn't make either one better than the other just because they are different. A woman's strength is not the same as a man's and to portray it as such ruins the impact of both.
Unironically Furiosa. Doesn't act like a man, is actually a woman. Has failures and isn't a mary sue, relies on Max for help dozens of times.
that mexican girl from fast and furious movies.
you forgot kill bill
furiosa is a joke
Saves you gender.
I really liked the Furiosa character. Was actually competent, didn't feel the need to constantly remind everyone that she is a stronk wumman. She just got on with her shit because she knew she could do it or would die trying and didn't use the whole thing as some sort of pseudo dick measuring exercise against the lead male.
>one of my first faps in T1 sex scene
>T2 roles around and now Laura Hamilton is buff
>one of my first times fapping using my imagination
God bless that woman. How does a woman have two prime stages?
meh, i never really liked the bride.
Exactly. Max and Furiosa don't quip at each other, they aren't trying to outdo each other. Like the scene with the sniper rifle, any generic action flick would have her quip that it's a "woman's job" or some shit like that. But nope, they both know there's a job to be done and she gets to it.
she's just a psychopath robot
Time flies by quickly, user.
We all forget how old things are.
>DREDD was 6 years ago, user.
holy fuck, if it keeps going like that I'm dead by the end of next week
we're all ghosts though
Wait until you near 40 and it's been over 20 years since you were in highschool, yet all these fucking kids on the internet act like they know something.
Rita Vrataski was pretty great.
They're strong women to sell tickets to women who think they're strong.
Sarah Connor ended up becoming strong because she had to.
Same with Ripley, same with Leeloo, same with Hua fucking Mulan.
Their strength wasn't a selling point in the movie. It wasn't a corporate shill toward a demographic.
It was part of the goddamned plot.
Remember those? Remember when movies had plots?
explain why.
Emily Blunt should have been the new female action star, but no we get fucking ScarJo.
because fury road is entirely shit
Glad I'm not the only one who understands this.
>Emily Blunt
They started forcing it.
For example Blade was a great “diverse” film because it never played on the main character being black as a selling point or as some Great Leap Forward, it was just a really cool action film.
Black panther on the other hand as another example is the opposite, it’s whole schtick is how chock full of black people it is.
The same is true for “strong independent women” the second you start making them mandatory is the second they become a lazy trope.
Remember that part in John Wick where the female assassin comes to kill him in his hotel room and they proceed to beat the shit out of each other?
There should be more scenes like that where women take a punch. Not because I'm a degenerate who faps to bleeding women, but no one enjoys female fight scenes as they are today because the man is always forced to go soft on the woman just because of her gender. If a woman is coming to kill you or attacks you with a fucking knife you will use all your strength to stop her. Not showing this is a disservice to everyone.
This says nothing about the character.
If you have actually arguments, ok, if you think Fury Road is bad because muh feminazi,
the movie is bad, the characters are bad, there is nothing worth a shit in the whole movie, so therefore furiomeme is also bad
Explain why you think this though.
Bonus points: do so without using memer bullshit buzzwords
Found Quentin Tarantino
it's a shitty attempt at making a 90s action movie
Fucking this.
We traded in cool action movies for turbocharged tokenism.
It's disgusting.
>why did they stop making female action leads like this?
They didn't. They're still made at the same rate as back then, if not at a higher rate. The problem is that you don't remember all the shitty movies from back then who had incredibly shitty female "action" roles, because they were shit. You just remember the highlights like Sarah Connor and Ripley. You're comparing the top 0,05% of that era against 100% of this era's roles.
Women don't like to watch other females on screen that remind them of how out of shape they are.
I think you are just too inarticulate to discuss even your breakfast.
not a single female in the past 20 years have gotten anywhere close to creating an actual strong female character like linda hamilton did in t2. there's some decent ones scattered here and there, but nothing on the level of hamilton
Then who are the top 0.05% of our era? Most of the women posted in this thread were pretty good but I can't see them being iconic 20 years from now like Ripley or Connor.
lmao you actually think fury road is a good movie. that's fucking hilarious
>when did it all go so wrong?
When Sarah ended up having her own personal Terminator protecting her for her whole life, thus making it so that she never needed to become the paranoid prepper fucking a hundred ex-military and biker guys.
sarah connor becomes a badass...
...so she can prepare her son to win the war against the machines, save the human race and pass on her genes
bravo cameron
What the heck!? I've been waiting for a torrent this whole time. Every time I'd see a thread about it I'd think "can't wait, so annoyed I missed it"
Define good movie.
Is a good action movie. Is not fucking Bergman and is not meant to be.
But its action, setting and characters work. Is an entertaining cavalcade.
Now do you have some argument or you want to keep being smug without answering, you pathetic little shit?
t2=good action movie
memery road=shit action movie
I really like her in True Detective Season 2.
Brienne of Tarth from GoT.
because sarah was a psychopath and really unstable so, where it counted, she wasn't strong at all.
Only in the books.
Are you Polish?
why does she have to be all coy and walk on top of the bed? shes hunting an unarmed little girl just step down, put the shotgun under the bud and kill her.
she was pretty good until she beat the fuck hound. the hound is supposed to be pretty much the second strongest guy in westeros after gregor. briennes not on his level in the books
>Furiosa won't be iconic in 20 years
Downright delusional.
Modern strong women cannot have flaws.
Just buy a DVD already.
she won't be, everyone has already forgotten about fury road
I'm waiting for bluray to get big first.
Came to post this
I find T2 way superior but FR is good.
Again, no arguments from you.
I honestly hated her character in T2. She was so god damn annoying screaming and shit acting like a straight bull dyke. In fact, I wasn’t fond of T2 in general and I refuse to hop on the faggot reddit hype train. T1 was superior in almost every way
She was strong and determined, just flawed because the revelation of what was going to happen required her to pay a toll
yep, t2 is totally leddit brah
how is that downright delusional? do you really think fury road was some groundbreaking masterpiece?
>tfw Rey could've been an interesting, cool, strong female lead but we get Reylo generals instead
Those Hollywood bigwigs really dropped the ball. Fuck, they broke open one of those big cages of balls in a Walmart and dropped all of them.
yeah but she was a psycho who tried to murder someone and then broke down when her son confronted her. There are flaws and there are deficiencies. At her point in judgement day she is deficient. In 1 she is well-rounded and believable though.
Don't get me wrong I don't dislike sarah connor in 2 but shes not supposed to be looked up to.
her son did not confront her. her reasons for trying to kill dyson were completely justified but she couldn't go through with it because he did not do it yet. john didn't stop her from killing him, she stopped herself.
unfortunately couldn't help but look soft and daintily feminine when juxtaposed with urban's dredd
she was pretty tuff in Looper as well, came to post her.
Because James Cameron is a genius and can write a believable female badass who's got understandable motivations and abilities.
Everyone else is a fucking retard who makes the female unbelievably competent like male action heroes who are also shittily written or not meant to be taken seriously in the first place or just some slut who will le seduce youuuu.
That's mostly because she was cute as fuck in Dredd. Hard to be tough and cute at the same time. 99% of the time they're mutually exclusive.
the 'female' characters in avatar were really shitty though
yeah you're right its been a while. She still broke down though. She's unstable.
i think fury road was a shallow disappointment with tons of shortcomings but your posts are fucking horrific dude. did you wander in from yahoo! news or something
It is. Pretty much all of James Cameron’s movies are overhyped to shit reddit garbage.
>See: T2, Aliens, Avatar, Titanic
She is more of an anti-hero there.
Which is even more rare for a female, if you think about it.
That reminded me of that fight escene in Atomic Blonde. Shame that the french whore ruined that movie.
nice try faggot you obviously like it lmao what shit taste
We could have a had a more stoic, samurai-esque character. Instead we got a raging bitch in the first one and a twilight character in the second.
Notice how her only good scenes in 8 were her training with Luke.
of course she's unstable, most of humanity is about to be wiped out, everyone thinks she's insane for knowing this, and she has to protect her son so he can be the savior of the human race. if she wasn't unstable the movie would be awful
Because men are portrayed powerful since men have a preference to aspire,
while women are portrayed as straw-armed spaghetis with magical power since women have a preference for low-tier representation without aspiration because their response to seeing someone better than themselves is hate and jealousy rather than aspiration for self-improvement.
why do you neckbeard faggots always use her as your 'strong woman done right' example? she doesnt do anything
>Notice how her only good scenes in 8 were her training with Luke.
All 12 seconds of them.
post a better example of a strong woman then. you can't
This. She’s almost to realistically woman. Her random tantrums, crying, and outbursts make her just your average woman dialed up to 11
I don't want an arm like that jerking me off.
Uma in Kill Bill
okay then we agree.
she didn't sucked enough producers cocks