Our girl is right

Reminder that she is right about bright, it is a mediocre cop movie with a RPG mod slapped on it, if you want to see a movie with the same concept but done extremely well, watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Other urls found in this thread:


But its FUN!

I'd watch it but it's 44 minutes long and I'm not going to waste almost an hour on something Bright related, I already wasted 2 hours on the film.

Naw, Bright was good. She's just a racist who hates black people.

Just turn your brain off.

who is this semen demon?

>watching Lindsay Ellis
>watching a film that Max Landis wrote

yes, of course this disney cultist would suggest you watch a disney movie instead. What happened to her that made her so militant?

The name's Max Landis and I'm here to say
that I rape women, everyday
if I see a woman, I'll most likely cop her
my daddy killed a bunch of people with a fucking chopper

>insufferable feminist cunt who used to be part of TGWTG
>our girl
top kek

>aborted her child and thought nothing of it
why should I care about her opinion again?

>roger rabbit isn't in his top 10 movies
how does it feels to be a pleb?


*dives drunk*

Of course she hated it. She picked a fight with some cops and lost.
Then picked a fight with their cop car, and lost.

But she did win that fight with her fetus. I'll give her that.

Who is this fat cow

Bright seems like a crappy cyberpunkless knock off of Shadowrun

You.. You're alright

How does it feel to have not watched very many films? I never said it was bad. But Lindsey is clearly obsessed with disney. It's pathetic.

>she defends twilight 10 years later after shitting on it because...transformers exists

Woah what a great point. Amazing argumentation, Lindz. You're right. We were all being too hard on twilight because other bad things exist. THIS is why we need feminism. Dumb females should be able to like bad things too!

Indeed also how she goes on ajd on about "toxic masculinity" n9w that everything has to be examined by her through a feminist oense but then she just made a whole video being an apologist for twilight's brand of toxic femininity, she's lost her mind!

that's defintly not what she said
she said that people targeted all the hate in twitlight because it was shitty and an easy target but looking back at it is overblown to do it do a shitty made-to-sell series of books targeted at 12 year old girls


Reminder Lindsay Ellis is a womanchild. She's obsessed with Disney shit and other mindless pop culture trash. She has defended both Transformers and Twilight. Her feminist bullshit is a mask that she wears to hide the fact she's a vapid cunt who has the taste of a 12 year old girl.


Lindsay Ellis made an essay bout my fucking movie
the things she said in it didn't make me feel groovy
I discovered her address and I'm ready for a stand off
I'm gonna fucking rape her while my daddy cuts her head off

Is this another rape rap from Lindsay Ellis?

If you tell me you wouldn’t, i automatically don’t trust you.

Those are lyrics from Max's mixtape that is coming out soon, titled "Daddy couldn't Landis but I'll try anyway".

I'm not a nerd so I don't know anything about RPGs and fantasy, but I kind of liked the concept and I liked how all the cops has mustaches and the pension cliche, but I think that it was poorly executed and that scene with the orc boss was really, really bad, despite its flaws I wouldn't mind watching a sequel.

Sounds to me like another Lindsay Ellis rape rap. Plus we all know Our Boy Max Landis hates the blacks and their jungle beats.

Is this the TGWTG general?

You have to go back, OP

The problem with her argument is Twilight was insanely popular. For 2 or 3 years it was a major force in pop culture. Practically every girl below the age of 21 was obsessed with it and wouldn't stop talking about it. It didn't get shit on because it was an easy target, it got shit on because it was shoved down everyone's throats.

>but looking back at it is overblown to do it do a shitty made-to-sell series of books targeted at 12 year old girls
But that's precisely why someone as sanctimonious as her SHOULD be shitting on it.
Those books teach absolutely horrible things to young girls, regardless of your political alignments.

You're being willfully ignorant of her point. I assume because she was talking slowly and calmly and didn't use the buzzwords you're used to. Next time try paying attention to what is being said rather than just the tone.

If Max Landis did that he would be my hero.


No it got shit on because society hates women, hates them hates them hates them

Didn't everyone know that already?

Her argument was that something of similar quality of role models for boys doesn't get shat on like Twilight did and instead it gets excused as just being "dumb fun" e.g. Fast and Furious. She's not defending Twilight, she's just saying the reaction was not proportional.

Hello Lindsay, I didn't know you browse Sup Forums. Did someone on twitter link you to this thread?

Lindsey us s fucking hot I love her.


I came of age in the 60’s and 70’s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces
were different. That was the culture then.

I realized some time ago that I needed to be a better person and my interactions with
the people I work with have changed.

I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it.
Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go. That is my commitment.
My journey now will be to learn about myself and conquer my demons. Over the last
year I've asked Lisa Bloom to tutor me and she's put together a team of people. I've
brought on therapists and I plan to take a leave of absence from my company and to
deal with this issue head on. I so respect all women and regret what happened. I hope
that my actions will speak louder than words and that one day we will all be able to earn
their trust and sit down together with Lisa to learn more. Jay Z wrote in 4:44 "I'm not
the man I thought I was and I better be that man for my children." The same is true for
me. I want a second chance in the community but I know I've got work to do to earn it. I
have goals that are now priorities. Trust me, this isn't an overnight process. I've been
trying to do this for 10 years and this is a wake-up call. I cannot be more remorseful
about the people I hurt and I plan to do right by all of them.I am going to need a place to channel that anger so I've decided that I'm going to give
the NRA my full attention. I hope Wayne LaPierre will enjoy his retirement party. I'm
going to do it at the same place I had my Bar Mitzvah. I'm making a movie about our
President, perhaps we can make it a joint retirement party. One year ago, I began
organizing a $5 million foundation to give scholarships to women directors at USC.
While this might seem coincidental, it has been in the works for a year. It will be named
after my mom and I won't disappoint her.


Fuck that SJW whore

If that's the case, then she's being willfully ignorant of the fact that they were constantly being pushed at the time as perfect role model material. Bella, Edward and Jacob were presented as ideal people that should be looked up to, despite each one (in the books at least) marking off the psychopath checklists with unnerving completeness.
To contrast, nobody ever said Fast and Furious/Transformers provided good male or female role models; they just had dumb shit that kids happened to like.

>insufferable feminist cunt who used to be part of TGWTG
Shes not insufferable, but otherwise correct.

> they were constantly being pushed at the time as perfect role model material. Bella, Edward and Jacob were presented as ideal people that should be looked up to
desu I don't remember any of that happening


every time i see latza on Sup Forums i know the world has some redeeming qualities. you make me wanna do a fistpump like he did during the credits of lets make a deal

That fat chick roommate came out as bi, you think they ever fucked?

You're a good man, user. I miss Latzaposting so much.

And it's true, In all honesty shit like twilight and hunger games, really piss me off.

I'm Max Landis coming straight from the underground
had to lay low now for a while
they cancelled my show and that stinks
but I have the authority to rape a minority.

Literally /ourgal/

he's already my hero for shitposting here and making american ultras, in no particular order.

thank you based max! nice jackson pollock (can blow me?) reference in your doomsday rap song

I believe Lindsay and Nella already admitted that they've lezzed out w8th each other

Consider yourself lucky.
That shit was obnoxiously prevalent when the books were out, and part of the reason the backlash was so large.
The only disproportionate part was against the sparkling. It's dumb, don't get me wrong, but it's barely present in two books (as in barely a paragraph between them).

That said, the largest backlash probably came when breaking dawn came out and neatly torpedoed the book fanbase.

Based lush.

>She has defended both Transformers
When? I thought her transformer series is mostly her shitting on it.

I only found this chicks youtube channel a couple of weeks ago, and I was pretty impressed with her content. Her arguments are well made, backed up with evidence. Another channel producing neat video essays I listen/watch to while playing vidya gaems.

I had no idea she had the name, "The Nostalgia Chick." Jesus Christ, she's doing far, far better than the Nostalgia Critic. Wow.




No she unironically loves at least the first Bayformers movie

That fat chick has great tits.


Her boyfriend is a chink, right?

I don't always agree but I think she is alright.
She uses logic and she is well articulate.



As a true neck-beard pigfuck, I unironically think she's great and her content is top material.

Yes user. I totally believe you. YA totally pisses you off. Yep. This isn't a fake post made by an weird loser that wants to pretend nostalgia chick made a good pointshe didn't by the way, No, this is a totally sincere post. Yup.

>tits size of her head

Lindy did nothing wrong, Bright was hot garbage.


>she unironically loves at least the first Bayformers movie
How disappointing.

I would like to spooge on her chest.

She loos Asian to me, am I just being autistic?

I would unironically fuck the fat one.

Bright dropped (drop), Bright flopped (big flop)
K' it made money but the critics hate that (hatin' it)
Rapin' on your bitch, she a thot, thot (thot)
Cookin' up scripts cause I'm a hack (hack)
I came and raped everybody, nigga (hey)
I trust my daddy, he'll chop a nigga (choppin)

>all these gays
>now all the trannies

what the fuck is wrong with the "gaming" community

so glad i dont give a fuck about videogames anymore

Agree, nothing wrong with that.

probably the heartiest laugh i will get today. latzaposting was an oft-maligned golden era of Sup Forums shitposting. seriously, the dude was (inadvertantly?) entertainment personified.

The first one had ...something.
The dependence from technology plus how many infos about ourselves we had.. were nice leitmotifs.
The hacker team was good (and I prefer the blonde to Megan, fite me).
Toilet humor was at a minimum. Plot kinda made sense because they did not pile up more shit.
The "stealth" scene in nice.
The parens are not complete retards yet.
Is a decent movie.. of that kind.
From the second, every single problem in T1 was amplified.

so wait is vic morrow a nigga? didn't chris tucker claim he was vic marrow's kid in money talks?

>"gaming" community
Lindsay Ellis was part of TGWTG (a.k.a. Channel Awesome) and nowadays she pals around with some of the pseuds who make video essays on YouTube.

It's amazing how a pretty face can change your mind, she would be unbearable if she was ugly.

>it is a mediocre cop movie with a RPG mod slapped on it
actually is a cop movie that talks about black people and jews and how they fit in current day society and it uses fantasy characters to be able to go to town without getting everyone involved burned in the process.
Fun fact, even if they go to great lenghts to talk about niggers and gangs and jews and money/power they just use latinos as latinos because nobody gives a fuck and whites, jews and niggers are racist towards then

Latza was pretty much the perfect state of Dunning Kruger for comedy gold.

I think Max meant nigga as a general person, not just a black one.

She's one of those cartoon nerd girls who ship star-scream with megaton.

that pic is old as fuck, post a more current one

I assumed it was the elves=jews that offended the critics, not the actual movie's mediocre quality.

What planet are you from?

If we are being honest, so is Nostalgia Chick.

I don't get out much.

>mfw Sup Forums thirsts after an over the hill feminist who wasn't very attractive in the first place