"Super" Man

>"Super" Man
>crooked teeth and receding hairline


>bong genes

well he's british so ye

And he is still better looking than you

He had a natural birth

Superman was born the normal way, he didn't get the genetic correcting most Kryptonians got.

He's probably got his foreskin too. Such is the life of a true white person and not a disgusting Amerigoblin.

That's a normal hairline for a man his age

hahaha no

The vast, vast majority of white guys lose at least some hair, you would know if you had European genetics



The 'super' part of the name refers to the powers he has.

Whats Sup Forumss obsession with hairlines?
Just so you know, if you're 40 and you still look like a boy, then screw you.
Why do you think we still love Jude Law? Or think Kevin Kostner in Robin Hood is hot? Or Bronn? Its much more characteristic and way more interesting. We want men, not boys.
And most importantly: if you look right, then nothing will change that. If you look like a pussy already, then no amount of hair will change that.

tl;dr- hairloss won't disfigure a handsome man.

not at 34 fucking loser

Who the fuck maintains the same hairline they had at 14 into their 30s and 40s?

It happens in your 20s, idiot.

literally every asian and latin
whites have shit hair, maybe indians too
dunno about black guys, they are prone to balding but must also have strong hair

Wowoweeeewaa we gotta doctor in here. You're fucking retarded. No need to continue.

Holy poop, just like me! I guess that makes me Superman.

Why didn't they just fix his teeth with cgi?

He's a qt smile. The kind I want to protect.

How the fuck a 30 something got a hairline like that?

but only fuck mutt mericans care that much about fake "teeth"
that disgusting American grin with all pale white complete symmetric teeth is downright disgusting. Pure new worlder crap

I wasn't really looking to have a serious conversation about this.

I'm so sorry anons

Good lore.

He's Superman by Earth standards but on Krypton he's just a normal guy.

There's nothing wrong with this. It fits fine.