Haha wow, cool! :)
Gay Porgs
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its stuff like this that spawned Sup Forums into reality
its like they WANT everyone to hate them
gay progs ? really ?
what are they putting in the water that turns the Porgs gay?
This is end of civilization type shit
whom'st the fuck cares
>"However, this is Star Wars that we're talking about here. Every little detail is gone over with a microscope before it hits theaters and this small detail does not seem like something that would have been overlooked"
Ummmm every little detail sweetie :) just ignore that Finn's suddenly a pilot now m'kay? :)
Fluoride in the bantha milk is turning the porgs gay
What a desperate attempt to sell Porgs.
The warehouse must be overflowing with them.
How deep does the porg hole go?
gays wont stop until every piece of media is gay
They must have spent a fortune on them thinking they'd be the next big thing
This is why ISIS is justified in doing anything they do.
So, anons... you're going out shopping tomorrow to buy a few porg toys, yes?
You should know that porgs are gay, so you absolutely must buy them!
Disney really takes there progressive audience for chumps. This is beyond cynical.
This woman is clearly evil.
I mean look at her.
I have a job so no
The absolute state of hollywood
I don't have a job, so also no
progressive...very progressive....never thought i'd see gay porgs...we've come a long way baby
I'm sorry, what did you just say?
I said you MUST buy them. It's not an option.
>Laura Dern's Admiral Holdo is also rumored to be gay
I mean look at her.
She looks like a super-villain
this has to be fake
I'd say there was lots of p-orgies going on, on that island, even asked the blue milk tit cows to join in haha
>this is the art modern day american men worship
>they will even autistically defend their childish obsession
imagine living such a life
If I were a faggot and I was BEGGING for a fag to be in star wars and it turns out that they made a fucking porg gay as an attempt to assuage my lust to see Luke suck a dick I would be beyond pissed off.
Obvious with Leia.
It's a fun little easter egg, stop acting like this justifies your bigotry spam on Sup Forums, none of you noticed this shit when you saw the movie. A lot of in the closet homophobes will often hide behind "I DON'T CARE IF THEY ARE GAY, JUST DON'T SHOVE IT DOWN MY THROAT, THEY MAKE THE CHARACTER'S ONLY TRAIT THAT THEY ARE GAY" then this stupid little IMDB easter egg trends on twitter and you want to grab your tiki torches. Fuck off
What about this image implies gay Porgs
>>>anywhere else.
OP's pic is just an article header. However apparently only male porgs have orange plumage, and there is a scene with two orange feathered porgs snuggling very quickly at some point in the movie. It was either just some stupid little easter egg, or even an oversight. BUT FUCK THOSE SJWS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It's very real.
>An eagle-eyed Twitter user spotted two Porgs snuggling with each other in the background of a scene on Ahch-To and noticed that both of the creatures were male. Officially, male Porgs are slightly larger and have orange feathers around their eyes, which both of the Porgs in question have. The image of the two gay Porgs has since taken the internet by storm and people are freaking out that they didn't notice the small detail right away.
Males of the same species never cuddle
Except dogs
And cats
And humans
And birbs
>And humans
haha fag
What in that 2 second shot implies that the porgs are gay? Am I missing something? Two males of a nonhuman species touching implies being fags?
These are the people the interpret any sign of male-to-male affection not as friendship or camaraderie, but only homosexuality.
Of course it does. Remember when people on Twitter tried to say Bert and Ernie NEED to come out as gay?
I think people are just being facetious as a reaction to the fact that "people didn't get PoeXFinn, so let's joke that they made a gay couple after all"
It's the same shit as PennywiseXBabadook, people are just having a chuckle, and Sup Forums fucking turns into Fred Phelps
Even for a woman she has an especially dead-behind-the-eyes, soulless gaze.
> TFW two porgs literally buttfucked on screen and no one noticed
gay minion(tm) orgies when ?
No wonder Luke was such a fag.
I'd fuck that slut soooooooooooooo hard
WOW!! Twitter is freaking out??? :O whaaat?!?!
LOL!! WOW!! Tell me more!! haha? twitter is freakiiing out?
Gay porgs? I'm literally seething with rage
> and thats a good thing
>Bantha's main food is soy
It all makes sense now
You'd probably break her, even with your tiny wiener.
Can we kill everyone now? Just kill everyone of those people. They all have to die.
This is a thing you should care about because other people care about it.
She's a great white shark, man.
t. Shadow
This is the modern day cosmo equivalent. Stop reading this garbage and taking it seriously.
That is why when people start killing gays we should have bo remorse.
I am fairly sure it was stated in a book that she was bisexual.
Hell, there have been a couple gay characters in books.
Ugh, here's why what you just wrote is gross (and why it's actually a bad thing)
c3p0 was a good gay character. This holdo shit is just SJW personified though.
Haha good joke but fucking delete this, C3PO was straight you fucking newfag he had a beatiful relationship with his wife C3DL
Welp, back to being a closeted gay man.
Aren't tits great bros? Hahaha...
Is this some beastiality shit? Why do we have to think sexual of something small and cute?
Fuck off faggot.
Are you talking about the Crait scene?
Rose has to instruct him how to fly in a straight line. He's hardly a "pilot"
Are males just not allowed to be affectionate with other males without being gay any more? Does giving one of my friends a hug mean I'm gay for him?
Dumb catposter DUMB DUMB DUMB!
i dont wanna live on this planet anymore
>two Porgs snuggling with each other in the background
wtf dogs are gay too?
>freaking out
why do they lie
Yes R2D2 is gay and that's a good thing!
quads of ruthless lies
there is no such thing as a dumb kot poster
only dumb animu and dumb frogposters
>Garbage clickbait site has garbage clickbait
you yourself are the liar
quads of dogs
this. the fairwell scene.
We begin to swim very well?
whoa, back up- they gendered some of the porgs???
Ugh, did they just assume the Porg's gender?
Wow, when it's fitting the narrative I guess right?
yes, any animals sitting/sleeping next to each other are now gay.
I'm sorry user, I don't make the rules.
>i'm sorry, I wasn't strong enough
Yes. Ever hugged your buddies after winning the match? You fellas are now gay!
So Porgs are not only fake but also gay
Yes, just like they try to push the narrative that best friends of the same gender are gay lovers too.
have you seen the new McDonald's mascots? they are two living, sentient happy meal boxes that speak gibberish. both have male sounding voices. both have blue eyes and the yellow arcs on their heads could be interpreted as blonde hair. they are pictured holding hands in printed advertisement. it's not explicitly gay but it's there on giant posters in big cities
How the fuck do they even know the porgs are gay?
They don't have visible genitalia as far as i remember.
Was there a shot of 2 guy porgs fucking i missed?
Its sad, really, ruining such a respect movie, the reason ? le progress and diversity.
>be me Sup Forums
>41 years young
>wife asks me to buy Porg stuff animals for son
>son brings his Porg to kindergarten classes
>mfw I read this post
Disney is setting up responsible parents. We buy the toys. See the movies. Months later "a twist" is "leaked" online, redefining the sexuality of characters. And beloved animal characters at that, to make "talks with the kids" even more confusing.
If my son gets bullied for having a Porg, can I sue Disney? Any legalanons? I'm planning to buy him something cool, and made the Porg disappear. I'm livid. Haven't told the wife yet.
Nobody cares about some clickbait article. I'm sure this thread alone doubled the amount of people who knew about this retarded fan theory
What you should do is not worry about it, just keep parenting your kid right and make sure he doesn't end up a gay or a fuckup
IIRC there was controversy about Pixar's UP that the rainbow colored bird was multi sexual or something gross. I even rewatched it and something sexual was definitely being conveyed. Maybe gay porgs are the next step. This is something Disney would do imo.
Some birds even fuck dead bodies. Why are birds so progressive?
Nothing wrong with homosexuality but looking at animals as a role model is kinda stupid.