
Just started this classic series. I'm a few episodes in, so I figure it's time to form an opinion. What do I think about it? Do I like it?

>hey guise what did i le think of it xddxdxdxdxdxd

Yes everybody laugh at OP and his original comedy genius

Perhaps the jewiest jew show that ever jewed.

it doesn't get good until about season 4-5. every episode is gold after that though


Wrong. It gets good in the middle of the first season

It's not a joke, it's a thread prompt so people can respond with that they think of the show. You're supposed to read it like it's your very own thought. I suppose I should go to /lit/ with anything requiring more than a middle-school level of education; there's always going to be some fat, peabrained slob on Sup Forums who hasn't gotten off the couch in a year and passes the time by contradicting people clearly smarter than him only to claim a posterori that he was merely trolling

i think the idiot store just called and they're all out of you!

Nobody talks that way though. Except maybe on reddit. Are you from reddit?

>except maybe on reddit
You think they type in first person inner narrative
but in character as someone else on reddit? But, only on reddit do they converse like this? Are you that fucking stupid? Ronnie the Retard, that's what I'll call you. Little Ronnie the fucking loser retard that replies to people he's clearly inferior to! Where do you get the confidence to act so smart when you're clearly so dumb?

What a pleb post. "The time the series got good is precisely the time it received mainstream attention." you should actually kill yourself. I turned off my vpn just to post this.

I swear I have been looking high and low for some Newman bloopers that I heard exist but to to avail.

But I didn't just start rewatching the series.


>Season 1:

Handful of good scenes. George and Jerry staking out Vanessa's workplace is classic Seinfeld Kino. No great or even good episodes, but you should at least watch them.

>Season 2:

First two episodes are okay, but "the Jacket" is the first good episode imo. Followed by "the phone message" which is the first great episode. Really get a feel for the character George is going to become in that one. "The apartment" and "statue" are okay, some funny moments in both.

"The Revenge" feels a bit weird to me at times, maybe because George being a real estate agent never made sense to me, by i digress. It's a good episode. "The Heart Attack" is good, "the deal" is hit or miss with people. Never found Jerry and Elaine's relationship as particularly convincing, but the rules conversation in it is pretty classic sitcom kino. "The Baby shower" is good. Its strong point is that George's general relationship problems with women becomes really apparent in this.

"The Chinese Restaurant" is the first essential and must watch episode. Kino to the core.

"The Busboy" is probably the worst in the season. Although "The exgirlfiend (first episode) is right around the same level.

>Season 3:

The show begins to pick up pace and is slowly becoming the fucking juggernaut of the sitcom world with this season. First two episodes are good, and the third "The Pen", is another essential watch.

But then you get the worst episode in the entire fucking show, "The Dog". I'm not counting the pilot because it's so completely different from the other episodes. "The Dog" is annoying and shit. Only one I suggest you can skip, not worth the watch.

After that though it's pretty much smooth sailing. Absolute classic and important episodes throughout. Also a few of my favourites, already this early on. "The Parking Garage", "The Cafe", "The Alternate Side", "The Subway", "The Red Dot", "The Limo", "The Parking Space", "The Keys", all fantastic episodes and essential watches imo.

>walks in room
>*2 minutes of applause*

I think The Deal is worse than The Dog, but it's at least propped up when you know everything behind the scenes. It's a great "fuck you" episode it that respect.

You dont have friend is real life right.

Wayne Knight never makes mistakes


Other episodes of season 3 are all good. Only low point besides "The Dog" is "The Letter", but it ain't anywhere nearly as bad, so still recommend you watch it.

>Season 4:

I would argue this might be the perfect season, but even if you don't agree this is pretty much the beginning of Seinfeld in it's prime, where each season might only have 1 or 2 sort of okay episodes. Absolute essential and classic episodes throughout this one, tones of kino. "The Old Man", and "The Visa" are my least favourite from this season, but still good.

This season is also one of two that are different from others in that it's a bit more serialized than episodic. There's connections between episodes and a greater sense of continuity than before.

>Season 5:

Prime Seinfeld again. Classic essential kino throughout. Contains one of my absolute favourite episodes "The Dinner Party". One episode, "The Sniffing Accountant" which feels more like an episode from season 2 or 3, but it's still good and has some classic Newman in it. Low point is either "The Stand in" or "The Bris", but still good.

Also I always forget George doesn't work for the Yankees until this season, which is crazy because of how important that becomes to his character.

>Season 6.

Still in prime Seinfeld era. George is working for the Yankees and you get so many fantastic story lines because of that. Elaine also gets a job switch this season as well, which results in the introduction of Mr. Pitt, one of my favourite minor characters. Also see David Puddy introduced this season, a on and off again boyfriend of Elaine's, who has some great moments in the show.

This season also has an episode that feels like it belongs more in season 2 or 3, "The Gymnast", not my favourite but it's alright. Low point is the clip show of the 100 first episodes.


>Season 7:

For me this is the last prime era season. Last season with Larry David attached to the show as a writer. Also this is the season that is somewhat serialized to the degree season 4 was, in that George has a fiancee throughout this season, and that involves a bunch of plots.

Contains maybe the most famous episode of the show, "The Soup Nazi". It has tones of absolutely classic episodes. You also start to get story lines that are a bit more ridiculous and out there, which becomes the direction the show takes in the next two seasons.

Low point is either "The Wink" or "The Friars Club". But again since this is prime era, these aren't bad episodes.

>Season 8:

With Larry David gone from the show, Seinfeld became the only main writer and you really feel the shows pace change. Storylines become a little bit more ridiculous, crazy, and even fantastical in a few cases, and that's what takes this season out of the prime era. It just doesn't feel quite like the seasons before it. That being said, I'm not say it's all together a bad season. It's just different and not as impactful. Lot of the strength in this season is with Elaine's job working for J. Peterman catalogue.

Low points are "The Andrea Doria" (quite bad imo) and for me "The Bizzaro Jerry" (way too weird and just not that funny).

>Season 9:

The last season. Suffers from the same problem as season 8, with episodes sometimes being quite strange and out there. Has another clip show I'd avoid. Low points are "The Strongbox", "The Wizard", "The Maid". "The Puerto Rican Day Parade" is half good half meh for me. Not a low point necessarily but a week 2nd to last episode.

Finally you arrive at "The Finale". Perhaps one of the most least liked and controversial endings to a show out there. One of the most watched finales too. Brings back a bunch of past characters so you get some nice moments, but frankly the whole premise is too ridiculous.


On the DVD, I forget who it was, but two people discussed in the commentary track for "The Subway" how they thought about ending the show in one particular way. In that episode you have the 4 characters split up about 5 minutes into the show, and all go out into seperate storylines. The way they seperate is by just looking at each other, shrugging and walking away.

For a show about nothing, I really think that would have been a better way to go. Just have them go off their seperate ways, knowing they'd still be doing shit together, but we just wouldn't be following them anymore.

Anyways, a tldr; of all my posts.

Seasons 4,5,6,7 (prime era)>Season 3,8,9>Season 2>Season 1

Only episode to truly avoid is "The Dog" imo. Some other shitty episodes, but it's pretty much worth it.

Now get to watchin.


first two seasons are not that great desu.

I think 3 is where it really picks up.

he was raped. he was fucking raped and we laughed at him