Sup Forums's opinion of event horizon?

Sup Forums's opinion of event horizon?

love it
don't care about others, one of my fav 90s sci-fi movies

I remember it being amazing and comfy as fuck while watching it, but it's been a while.

Reminder that we are NEVER getting those deleted scenes, they are lost forever


It was pretty cool, but it reeked of studio interference. If they'd cut that one silly comic relief black guy and left in the more extreme violence that got cut, it would have been pure space horror kino.

w-what deleted scenes?

what scenes?

there are quick gore flashbacks in movie. they were supposed to be longer, full-on gore scenes

All that gross wacky nonsense they were seeing on those screens when they showed the old crew. Personally I'm skeptical about how extreme they supposedly were.

There were several minutes of torture/rape scenes in the Hell dimension that were filmed but got due to studio pressure.

jesus wept

i keep confusing movies by thumbnail alone.

scared the shit out of me as a kid. watched it a few years ago and it's meh

Legitimately one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. A cosmic horror that drives men to madness--- great concept. It is an evil that cannot be defined.

Awful garbage.

I enjoyed it a lot except when it suddenly turned into an absolute gorefest at the end, seemingly escalating without any kind of provocation.
I still wonder how great the movie could have been had Paramount not made the movie go back for re-edits, and had post-production had more than like 6 weeks to churn out the movie.

Overrated underrated trash

Good prequel to 40k

If a friend said to me "Event Horizon is totally awesome have you seen it?" I'd reply "yeah it's not bad. I found a cheap copy of it, we can watch it in a theme block of movies with From Beyond and Life Force and probably have a good night."

Is a deeply enjoyable and deeply flawed movie.
I still recommend to watch it because even the haters will find something going, at least the basic idea.
Also, I will murder anyone that shits on Sam Neil.

Was going to say the same thing.

some user posted awhile back a couple second clips of the deleted scenes, the only thing I remember is the surviving crew running away from dr. grant and they come to a ladder, and the hatch at the top opens and blood and gore falls down and dr grant comes crawling down the ladder at them.

>You don't need eyes to enjoy this film

The "bloody orgy" video was also longer. As Anderson was sometimes too busy filming other scenes, second-unit director Vadim Jean filmed some parts of this scene.[5] Real-life amputees were used for special effects scenes in which Event Horizon crew members were mutilated, and porn actors were hired to make the sex and rape scenes more realistic and graphic.[4]

oups i fd up there ... anyway, thats from the wiki article

Anderson says they need to restore at LEAST 10 min to make the film properly. according to my research, theres actually about 30 min of footage missing from that film. There was MUCH more gore and dark stuff. its a real shame

apparently, theres a vhs tape of the rough cut, the one that got the studio execs to freak out and demand to shorten the film, but Anderson says it will never be released

I think it was great for its time, it holds up fairly well to modern standards. Personally I found the whole "the ship is alive and trying to kill us" thing to be kind of dumb. Religious horror has never really done it for me so black holes being a portal to hell just doent work for me. Still enjoyable,

>black holes being a portal to hell just doent work for me.
Warhammer 40k or Doom.

the 'found footage' part scared the fuck out of me as a kid, great film

It would be a good candidate for a remake.

I have an extremely fleeting knowledge of 40k universe and plot has never had any relevance to the enjoyment of DOOM

love it have it on dvd one of the great underrated 90s classics . I could give a fuck what the super hero watching neck beards here have to say about it .

Fine, but are other 2 stories with that type of hell.

perfect movie to watch on the couch with your gf

one of my favs

also im pretty sure it was the first to do the pencil through the folded paper to describe a wormhole meme that's been copied 30 times

It's one of the better Warhammer 40k movies made.

It was terrible, I was hoping it would end sooner

it was


Starts great and has great story.
Turns into low brow horror flick.
Wasted potential.

As a horror fan, I am surprised at how well regarded it is by so many people, cause I am not impressed. 5/10 But I like some stuff others don't. Go figure.

I think it falls into "is bad, had potential but it blew it - but has a lot of memorable/memeable things that make it interesting in the least".

Pandorum is a sequel to this set 140 years after and warhammer 40k is the far future. Same universe. And absolutely kino, would have been better if the production company weren't cucks.

I guess I'd put The Void in to a similar category of "looked great, but shit everything else."

Ah fuck, I was counting on The Void.
So Pandorum is at least decent?

Wasted potential.


in the mouth of madness is also pretty fucking kino. Seriously, one of the best horror films.
Also crow: city of the Angels is too, even if that disgusting Jew Weinstein did majorly fuck it up.

I like a lot of Sam Neill's films. The CGI was horribly dated, though.

It's serviceable, not much better or worse than the others.

Bad, but better in retrospect, considering what's come after it in similar genres.

It's a pre-40k 40k movie. Jumping into the Warp without a Gellar field leads to bad shit.

I'm skeptical of the necessity, I think the standard version depicts things well enough to communicate that this place lives up to the title of "Hell", the barbed wire and spikes and mutilation and animated corpses and taunting people with their dead relatives and lost lovers and biggest mistakes and so on

It's schlock.

But it's good schlock. Entertaining, original, and more or less suceeds at what it's trying to do.

comfy space adventure.

I like it overall but having the ship literally go to Hell seems a little too on the nose to me
also it's essentially the same plot as Doom, so it kind of bugs me that this wasn't adapted slightly (keeping the Hell angle or a hell dimension) into a Doom movie, it would've been easily the best game-based movie ever

Stock 90's film character wacky black "DAYUM!" comedy relief guy almost completely ruins the movie.

The 90's had some REALLY shitty film trends

cloverfield paradox but r-rated

Remake it, add in hints to Daemons and chaos, boom, entrance into a 40K cinematic universe!



Set before the current setting of 40k, you sillyhead. Before they had the know-how to safely navigate the Warp.

>all the mama bear, baby bear stuff
actually cringeworthy

agreed. there is nothing quite like that 90s sci-fi / horror vibe for me.

just thinking about it makes me wanna watch Dark City or Deep Rising or some shit.

lowbrow shlock. the original Cloverfield Paradox. imagine what a director like Kubrick, Tarr, Bergman, or Herzog could've done with such an interesting concept. hell I'd even be interested in Bloomkamp's take. PWSA is just garbage though

EH is set in like 2100 or something like that. Plus, we canonically don’t know when humans and chaos first made contact so this movie is fine headcanon.

Still much better than The Cloverfield Paradox

What about del Toro?

I rate them as
Pandorum 4/10
Event Horizon 5/10
The Void 6/10

If you're looking for some serious recent horror/sci-fi, may I recommend:

Banshee Chapter (2013)
Splinter (2008)
Isolation (2005)

The more the merrier

the best warhammer 40k movie we will ever get

Another great shout. He's a Lovecraft aficionado so he'd be perfect for it as long as he doesn't try to romanticize cosmic horror. Villeneuve would do it justice as well, I reckon.

>Deep Rising
never heard of it before, just looked it up, looks nifty

>Where we're going we won't need eyes to see.
What did he mean by this?

fuck I forgot about that movie, I really wanted to see it, I need to fix that

These actually look quite decent. Thanks user.

it's all in your head once you're a zombie

1997 had Event Horizon
2007 had Sunshine
2017 had garbo like Life and Alien Covenant.
RIP Sci Fi Horror

I hope Annihilation is good.

Oh dude. Don't want to overhype it, but I own the BD and have seen it many times. Very solid movie. Limited creature FX budget very well-spent. The big reveal is awesome, imo. And plus, you got Shea motherfucking Wiggum.

Such an underrated movie.

No way Garland disappoints after the brilliant Ex Machina, right?

It's a film based on a book, so I'm naturally suspicious. I don't want to say that book adaptations are bad by default, I'm just saying a lot can go wrong.

Started nicely, was good in the middle, went to shit at the end

My pleasure. Oh, and I was about to mention >Sunshine
for fans of EH. It's really good semi-hard sci-fi for the first half, then it becomes something else.

I believe he diverges from the source material, which makes sense since it's a trilogy that weakens significantly with each instalment apparently. Have hope, user.

>then it becomes something else
That's a hell of an understatement. The movie just kind of takes a sharp turn into... I don't even know what the fuck to call it. It's like they changed everything, director, scriptwriter, crew, and just kept the actors for a completely different movie.

Right? Shame that the director has only done one other feature: The Grudge 3 in 2009.

He meant 30 minutes were cut from the final cut of the movie

yeah, it's more actiony with lots of levity.

like under siege meets tremors. pretty fun flick.

Another recent horror that pulled the old switcheroo on me was Baskin. The first half was amazing atmospheric surrealistic horror that drew me in, and then it's like they threw a fucking switch and it turned in to torture porn. I'd still recommend it with that caveat.

I really hated this.

Thematically it makes sense. First part is all about how great the sun is. Second part is about how we mustn't worship the sun. We'll get burned, literally and figuratively.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of either, but I figured fans of EH would dig Sunshine. And I really dug the first half. Felt like a betrayal when it flipped.

Is Sunshine sci-fi horror? Haven't seen it yet so please don't spoil anything. Just curious about the genre and what the drastic shift in tone between the two halves accomplishes. I know a lot of people hate it.

Again, a lot can go wrong. Most books of this caliber are basically only interested in providing an interesting premise to get you to buy the book at the airport, then proceed to do fuck all with it.

I fucking grew up on Michael Crichton and his shitty 'we gotta blow up the raptors/nanobots/gorillas/whatever while it's sleeping inside a conveniently nearby cave' finales. Unless you have someone like Spielberg at the helm who actually wants to realize the concept, you're probably gonna get something mediocre and forgettable.


Huh, surprised IMDb doesn't list it as such. I'd say so.

>I know a lot of people hate it

guess it's time to find out why.

Sunshine is a sci-fi thriller, not horror. It is a good movie up until it gets hijacked by anti-religious stupidity.

I hear ya, user. I'm willing to be disappointed if it means I can be excited and optimistic now, though. I trust Garland.

Oh, and I mean stupidity. Spoilers: NASA decided it was a good idea to let a crazy religious fundamentalist be the captain of its super important 'do not fuck this up or humanity goes extinct' space mission.

The whole hellraiser saga falls into this description

>As a horror fan
Shit genre. There are literally less than 5 horror "films"