Is it true?


Yes, she is a he and traps are gay.

Is what true

Is she pregnant?


There are nudes?



It's all about jews

Damn them.


too soon...

It's true. All of it.


Yeah. She was at his concert.

Its true.


She got the worst case of britface syndrome
She already looks like a cow or a 50 year old British woman

Can someone tell me?

Her nose is literally a pig nose

Is WAHT true?


I can only see a boy pretending to be a girl when I look at this thing

Hey man i know you usually self-validate by talking down to women on the internet, but that's just a little girl you just typed that about. how about you reflect on that hate and either grow out of it or kys?

Who the fuck keep spamming this hideous jew kid everyday?


unironically...Sup Forums

what an ugly cunt



IT, fahget


you queers were more than happy to beat off to a child, but now it turns out she might have a peepee and you're acting like it's his/her fault that you slapped your salami to her

implying at least half the people here wouldnt think that made her hotter

Yes, Millie has been defiled by her boyfriend Jacob and Milliefags no longer have their innocent princess.

Yes. She too loves orange soda.

Yeah she got btfo

>proof that she isnt a tranny
Finn is gay.

And knowing how much of a douche Jacob is, he probably doesn't use protection