How was George Carlin a comedian?
I've never heard him tell a single joke.
All he ever did was rant about shit everyone knew was a problem already, and of course they clap and cheer, cause what else are you gonna do?
But that's not funny?
More like social commentator than comedian...
How was George Carlin a comedian?
tune your senses
>"How come all the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?"
Absolute quinoa.
I get what hes going for and hes really good at it, but why is he such a revered "comedian"?
I've watched a ton of is stuff, people never laugh, they're just cheering like they're at a rally.
He was funny in Scary Movie 3.
Here's something you never see, a korean fellow with freckles and a big hooked nose.
He's reddit core
A lot of his old comedy from the 1960s was more observational humor, and there was sort of a beatnik / stoner / hippie vibe.
Read brain droppings and you'll get the idea. A lot of dad-joke-tier shit about words that rhyme.
those arent jokes...
ive heard better shit from drunk strangers..