That's what I like about these high school girls, man

>That's what I like about these high school girls, man
So he's basically a pedophile?

Other urls found in this thread:

yes high school girls are 5 years old

14+ is fair game

No, he is an ephebophile.

He's just a straight male

>Sup Forums is actually defending this

>t. brainlet who thinks theres a difference between a 16 year old and an 18 year old

In his defense, nearly all seniors, especially by the last day of school, are 18. Nothing wrong with him chasing some totally legal strange. I also need to watch this movie again now.

I'm shocked-shocked! I tell you, to find this on a website as morally upstanding as Sup Forums.

alt right alt right alt right

Being a mid 20s chad still slamming high school teens is the dream of literally every western male aged 18-65.

>banging teens
>dream of literally every western male aged 18-65.
and the potential reality of every middle easterner

How do you "work for the city"? Can I do it?

banging, not raping

of course my bad

yep just go online. plenty of city or municipal jobs like driving snowplows, planting trees in city parks etc

I've never seen this movie
And I'm older than you
Should I watch it

>high school girls
No man. THIS is a pedophile, the guy at 0:57 into this

>How do you "work for the city?"
How the hell do you think cities work?

>cities work?
then who do the cities work for

under 18 is a child you sick fucking pedophile, read US federal law!