What happened? Is this a fan movie? Why is it only a 59% viewer score?

What happened? Is this a fan movie? Why is it only a 59% viewer score?



its garbag

>affirmative action director can't manage to make a good film
lmfao no wonder JJ sold it to Netflix rather than release it to cinemas

Good. I'm always happy when JJ fails.

How are they at all related? I may have missed something big but I've seen the first two and the only relation is the fact that aliens show up, but not even the same type of alien

It's an anthology series you stupid fucker

It's MADE for the FANS! Stop being so damn feminine with your nose-emoji!

thanks nerd

>brilliant casting
what was the last time that a DIVERSITY™ cast wasn't enough to save a film from the ((critics))?

no worries poopster

Why are western nerds so obsessed with Jews?

Seriously, I live in Hong Kong and came to the US. During school and among people with jobs and etc. I never heard about Jews or had people going on about them constantly. In China Jews are just viewed as richer/smarter white people

Then I get into warhammer 40,000 because I'm a weirdo with lots of money, and all of the fat shutins at the gaming stores are constantly yelling "oy vey!" and are obsessed with Hitler and blame Jews for everything. It's so bad that simply bringing up money has them all rubbing their hands and arching their backs because I guess that's something Jews do? Recently they've started wearing kakistani flags on their shirts and drink milk because it "triggers libtards". It's fucking repulsive and cringey and I am embarrassed and worried someone will find out I hang around with these people sometimes

It's like 2 different worlds. Go to work and nobody cares about Jews and are clean shaven, go to gaming store or the like and all of these fat man-children congregate and start raging about how the jews stole their girlfriends.

t. jew

They all deal with supernatural/alien shit and supposedly JJ is thinking about hamfisting something that connects the movies other than thematic elements.

t. neckbeard

It is honestly a trash movie, but the kind of trash that you watch with friends to laugh at how ridiculous it is.
Don't bother watching it alone.

>Its the Jews fault that both fans and critics don't like this meme movie by a black director

Christ, this is what your brain looks like when its been fried by Sup Forums and you can never see past your obsession

I read that as jaws and thought this Was a shark fin

t. neckbeard jew

>not afraid of Netflix

says the fag who's obsessed with Sup Forums