Wow. Do people really think this?

Wow. Do people really think this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Did xkcd rip a joke from fucking Gilmore Girls?


The idea that "If I don't like it, everyone else must be wrong or lying" is a common one and it's not just confined to pseudo-intelligent hipster douchebags

I will say that American breweries need to fucking get over IPAs. If your beer list is half IPA, you have a problem.


>seen this comic 100 times on here
>never heard this accusation

go on user...

I remember when this guy shilled for Hillary in a comic. I'm glad she lost even more

>makes fun of beer snobs
>goes on to act like a beer snob

Why do people even drink beer? It taste like shit and doesn't even get you drunk.

Here's someone (slightly) less socially retarded than Randall making a similar point in a better way:

Only people who have never been to a party/bar/club think this comic is nonesense.
Been told to man up and drink beer happens all the time, and if you say beer tastes like crap they'll tell you just to get used to it.

You don't get "used to it"

As you get older your taste buds prefers more bitter flavors. That's why you probably hated beer as a teenager but as you get older you like it. You're not training your taste buds, they're changing on their own.

I like the taster of beer. Well, some beers. It's immature to think that if you don't like something that means everyone else is just faking.

>As you get older your taste buds prefers more bitter flavors.

Do liberals not understand that free speech is more than just a right, but also a concept?

Even in private spaces, it's the idea that "words cannot hurt" and someone sharing an idea should not be "banned" or "removed" just because it's offensive or doesn't follow the hivemind


Stop being lazy and google what you just greentexted, faggot

Also, this is just anecdotal but as a kid I loved sweets. Cake, candy, chocolate, etc. Nowadays I hate cake and hardly eat candy, and if I eat chocolate it has to be dark chocolate because milk chocolate is too sweet.

fuck laws and standards and shit, remember the native americans?

We have this thread a few times a week.

half our catalog is repeated threads, who cares at this point?

This is dumbest shit ever. What point are these "but the indians" people even making? That immigrants actually are an invading force? That failure to force assimilation will lead to replacement? Or that because our ancestors did something bad, we must now atone for this original sin?
All points I dont see those types of liberals actually wanting to make.

lol giant squid so quirky

There's plenty of beer I genuinely enjoy the taste of, Guinness and Blue Moon are pretty good

You understand that you have the right to speak, but not the right to be heard?

you dont need to consume enough alcohol to get drunk to feel better besides a lot of beer actually tastes pretty good and good with meals

Wow you literally cannot fucking read, can you?

>People unironically defend this comic on here

Where does this "Indians let us stay here and we're their guests" meme come from? Whites conquered the land and molded the entire thing into a reflection of their culture and beliefs after absolutely BTFOing the redskins

If anything, we were the ones letting them stay.

>you dont need to consume enough alcohol to get drunk to feel better
speak for yourself

I'm saying you missed the point the comic was making, dumbass. Talk about not being able to read.


>too much of a pussy to say to his family/friends that he disapproves of the topic of their conversation

Passive-aggressive people are the worst and routinely spin their own cowardice and coping mechanisms as clever or oblique solutions.


>implying the Cherokee had any concept of national land
>implying most of the original settlers didn't learn Cherokee
>implying that it's not a reasonable request the learn the language of a country you are living in



He's talking about the right to freedom of speech retard.

Just because something's the point doesn't mean the point is good.

Not him but you literally didn't even read the first line of his post
>Do liberals not understand that free speech is more than just a right, but also a concept?
Then you go on to say
>You understand that you have the right to speak

Is it safe to say Assigned Male is one of the most infamous and despised webcomics there is?

>"Liberals do not understand X"
>therefore, ALL liberals do not understand X


The idea that govt. doing something is bad but individuals or groups doing the same thing is okay is not liberal, but libertarian.

I use to feel the way the comic does, than my brother turned me on to lagers (dos XXX) and I unironically enjoyed the taste and activity of drinking the beer for the first time. Not the alcohol content. Of course, you have good beers and mass produced piss beers and standards vary widely. Besides dos XXX I don't enjoya good amount of common brands but no, not all people think all beer taste bad.

>insulting someone's appearance is the same thing as saying someone can never get any better as a person

You. Are. A. God. Damn. Brain. Dead. Moron.

I know what he's talking about, dumb ass. My point is liberals only care about free speech as the most basic level which is government protection. Beyond that, they'll censor you and shut you down because you said certain words in an incorrect order and they deemed it wrong-speak. They understand the RIGHT of free speech, but not the CONCEPT.

And I guarantee you, if free speech wasn't so ingrained into our constitution, we'd probably have seen that shit repealed 50 years ago.


I'm convinced there's nothing more pathetic then these sorts of comics. Where's the challenge in one upping somebody in a made up conversation? It always fucking ends with the author insert smugly looking at the audience and going "HEH PWND BY LOGIC MUCH!?"

This isn't even about the content of the comic. PUAs are pathetic but this shit is cringy as hell. Add a blue bear and this is literally just a Dobson comic.

ywn meet a trap, not realize she is one (the very definition of a trap), and have her whip it out for your approval.


my dick wants more of this


It's hard to tell when it's an edit and when it's the original thing.

post the edit
you know the one




You can't fooled me, I know this is edited

I would hit and leave him right then and there, fuck dealing with someone who lies about shit that big.

"I'm curious, are you gonna have surgery?"
"Ugh, cis people"
"Well, fuck off, bitch. See? I used the correct gender."

Other than a bit of generalization, this.


Which one? There's thousands.

I'm not referring to anything at all, I'm just saying that applying the lack of knowledge of a topic to ALL people in a select group, parts of who might probably understand the topic well, is a dumb way of stereotyping.

>One liberal supports censorship! That means that all liberals support censorship! Damn those nasty pests who all follow the Crooked Hillary! Pests to FREEDOM IN AMERICA!

this cant be real

There are liberal libertarians though.

I honestly can't tell if this is an edit or not


I don't know how you would have trouble believing it.

Beer is frequently bitter. Some people do not enjoy bitter tastes. I do.

Along those lines, Scotch tastes like tires smell (to me), but I enjoy whiskey.

An inability to acknowledge others have different experiences and emotions is a trait of autism, I gather. Just a thought.


Mmm good comic

The UUUU one.


oh sweet now he's shilling against the healthcare bill




>Where's the challenge in one upping somebody in a made up conversation?

Are we just gonna ignore that this is Sup Forums's go-to tactic?

Is there any actual proof that negging doesn't work? Because everything I've seen shows that it does.

"People who disagree with me are stupid or lying."
Is anyone surprised that the author of xkcd is a narcissistic ass?


Ah, good old wholesome military spurdo, truly the greatest meme the Finns have every given us

>'s big?

That's different. In that situation, the person/statement that Sup Forums is refuting is real instead of the entirety of it being manufactured to make a shitty point.

He's a Gilly, user. Just like Scarecrow and baseball scarecrow.

lo-oh no

There's always someone who will chime in and tell you you're full of shit though. Just publishing some comic where you rail against a position you don't like and have your made up opponent go "UH OH I'M A FUCKING RETAAAARD" is so fucking goofy.


>haha guys look at this loser, he doesn't enjoy rotten plant water!
>I enjoy it so I'm cool!
Kys you'reself

I see it's time for our weekly "Bitch about XKCD as though someone held a gun to your head and forced you to read it" thread. Joy.

Is there any proof that it does?

>Hates when people mock others behind their back
>Makes a comic mocking them behind their back


People that tell me negging is bad and doesn't work: women (usually feminists) and numales

People that tell me negging does work: chads and normie dudes

Guess which group of people is actually fucking women?

A bigot? A bitch?

a real man drinks rum, that stuff will get you drunk


Got any statistics?

>publishing something online for all to see is "behind their back"

I've never met a chad that relied on negging, they just use their boundless confidence
negging is what numales use to make up for their lack of self-confidence

>women cant grow strong