I'm sorry but this is not Star wars

I'm sorry but this is not Star wars
It's a Marvel flick, it just has the name Star wars on top

It literally looks like Guardians of the Galaxy

ok don't watch it and fuck off

>this is not Star wars
How about growing the fuck up, you pathetic manchild.

> it just has the name Star wars on top
no it no have no star war name i no see star war is this same movie ranger solo??

sorry bad english i china man

That just means it's going to be great.

>it just has the name Star wars on top
Actually it's on the bottom

I'm so sick of your threads you pathetic lucas snob. He burried the franchise with three awful prequels, even then only return of the Jedi is kind of decent out of the original three.

Take your nostalgia goggles off and smell the roses, you all hated George and spat on him but then no matter what you're given you hate and spit on it more. In 10 years time you're going to looking at the new films being like ''aw man always loved Rogue One and Last Jedi, they were the peak of star wars''

Seriously just shut up I'm sick of it and so is this board, the janitors need to get better and deleting these threads, either get on the hype train or leave this board.

Found the soyboy disney shills

when's that disney check coming in?

hey champ, is clearly a joke

No checks, just someone who's had a reality check. Personally I think it's lame that all these people dedicated time and passion just for you to have an autism attack over nothing.

Rey is the most powerful jedi

Poe is a better hansolo

Finn is the best c3po

And how do you dumb niggers defend this? Honest question....

haven't watched any of the nu wars movie but this one looks fun

The only people who need reality checks are the people who only gawk at films for visuals over the quality of the film's story structure. It's because of you morons that we have lower quality entertainment.

Feelings over Thinking. That's what Disney cocksuckers are.


If TLJ shows us what "Star Wars" is these days, I'd rather a Marvel version than that.

Least Marvel films make some sense.

Jesus christ, are you in grade school? Time and passion mean shit when the end product is garbage.

Stay mad redditor.

Cuck yourself

do you have any original thoughts or do you just regurgitate every red letter opinion?

I'm so sick of all this negativity with the Star Wars films.

Do you think you could do better? When do we get to criticize your movie? (before it's even out, no less!)

It's real easy to be an armchair critic, bud.

They could give us a brand new ancient jedi vs sith wars canon movie/tv series but instead they choose to use the Marvel template and just keep milking the OT nostalgia because fucking nu-male """"nerd"""" love to pretend they love it even when they grew up with the prequels

For fuck's sake nobody asked for a Han solo movie. The worst thing is that they basically said "hey GOTG 2 was a success so what if we made the same thing but WITH HAN SOLO?"

>getting triggered by smug
I do it for free

>looks like Guardians of the Galaxy
>having watched that film at all
I haven't. Please explain your comparisson ford.