MacReady KNEW Childs was the Thing at the end of the movie because he had replaced the alcohol in the bottle with...

MacReady KNEW Childs was the Thing at the end of the movie because he had replaced the alcohol in the bottle with gasoline to make a molotov cocktail. Childs drank it and acted as if it was just alcohol, which is why MacReady laughs after he's finished drinking.

Childs was the Thing confirmed.

Other urls found in this thread:

>he had replaced the alcohol in the bottle with gasoline

Yeah. It works but in that case you wonder why Child's wouldn't just attack him.

plot armour

alcohol and gasoline aren't too far off from each other in taste. regular is kinda tangy, supreme is sour-ish, and diesel tastes pretty good

Well OP, I am pretty sure YOU replaced the alcohol in your bottle with gasoline


Thanks Ricky

howd this abo get a computer


That's pretty fucked up to be stealing gas like Cory and Trevor did.


There wouldn't really be a point in attacking him mac is going to die anyway. The thing doesn't really show itself unless threatened or in danger its only intention is survival and to spread. I guess in this situation it chose survival. Freezing as a perfectly formed human is the smart choice rather than a half mutant freak when someone collect the bodies.

smokes lets go

>he loses chess game with computer
>gives computer drink
>he loses battle with thing
>gives thing drink

mystery solved. why do people still talk about the ending like it's super complex?

It's not rocket appliance, everyone knows how to syphon gas on the quicks

Source: your ass

The video game sequel showed Childs as a dead human.

>Childs drank it and acted as if it was just alcohol
How cold was the bottle? Serious question. The colder something is, the less you can taste it.

t. Thing

frig off rick!

Dumb theory, The Thing absorbs the memories of what it consumes. It would know he was drinking gasoline because im sure Childs has drank alcohol before.

Have you ever put gas in your car during the winter? It doesn't mater how cold the bottle was, it would have reeked of gas. The Thing just didn't know that gas is supposed to be toxic.

>mfw someone in the thread is the thing


Is the Thing the best movie of carpenters apocalypse trilogy? I’d say so. In the mouth of madness was great too though

What about the dude that says that drinking gasoline is a-ok

I'll just leave this here.

They are all great but The Thing is by far the better executed.
I appreciated the Mouth for being so daring.
Prince of Darkness is indeed less well made but has few scenes that are great, and the whole basic concept with the mix of dream/future vision and supernatural/science is absolutely fantastic.

He's not wrong. Filming was delayed for months due to weather. Carpenter spent the time reworking the script. Not only is the chess game foreshadowing, there's little clues in the background of the film, like the keys hitting the floor off screen or the coats hanging by the exit.


cheap tequila, and e85 taste the same.

Really shit dick? See you after school ricky

Chest hurting now

fuck off heavy metal dick

I see what you’re planning


I fuckin atodaso

They're both human at the end, Carpenter wanted to do a sequel with Russell and Keith David.


holy fuck you're right

quick, what's the meme equivalent of a blood test we can do?

a dub test

We have to get dubs to prove we're not the thing or if we get dubs we ARE the thing???

Don't be fucking stupid there's no such thing as a "thing." And if there was we wouldn't want to be called something as lazy as the thing.

yep. pretty sure that's the agreed upon theory. for those of us who care enough about the plot of a 36 year old film to go and discuss it on an indonesian basket weaving forum anyway

thing detected

If you get dubs you’re a thing
I’m not a thing

Dubs is a thing.
I am clean, obviously.

MacReady offered Childs a drink to trick him in a callback to the opening, because the real Childs wouldn't risk infection, but when he accepted MacReady realized it wasn't conclusive since they were both fucked anyway.

Now I've explained it there better not be anymore discussion about the ending!

I just thought the ending was cool and it could have been either of them though I like Kurt Russell so I always leaned on David being the thing. Rolling to confirm I am not A/The Thing


>diesel tastes pretty good
is this one true, boys

I am not the thing.

This is bullshit, Mac!

Why is the remake so much better? Same with 2049 > Blade Runner

What coats? I've heard about the keys and such but nothing about coats.

Mother fucker if you're stuck in a frozen hell hole with an alien trying to rape you you ain't gonna waste the J&B. OP is a fag who never had J&B.

Remake sucks ass

clean here too, thingfags get out

>on Sup Forums when first transformers released
>everyone laughs at some news reporting a retard kid died after drinking gasoline because he wanted to be like optimus prime
>on Sup Forums, 2018
>people advocate for the drinking of 3 different flavors of gasoline

what a time to be alive

>not knowing about Trailer Park Boys

Kill yourself.



Always loved bearded Kurt Russell.


[unintelligible screaming in something that's clearly not Norwegian]


If The Thing is one of my favourite movies and I've never watched those Escape From movies, will I love them too?

No shit dude. That's a widely accepted theory. Why did you make this thread?


>implying norris-thing planned that outcome and didn't simply succumb as per the nature of the imitation itself

Norris-thing was backed into a corner.

you know this scene always didn't made sense to me. Who administers a defib with such a force that both your hands would go that deep into the stomach. He would have been able to stop and pull away before the mouth opened up to chomp his hands

It did not have any bone in its chest, just a layer of weak skin.
No dubs

im clean boys







back the fuck up

sounds like it would be amazing if it happened 20 years ago


remake would be primo without the studio interference

Does the Thing even has a true form? Where did it come from? One thing is for sure, The Thing doesn’t work in hiveminds.

comfy thread

Holy shit this blew my mind

Simple, Macready is the only living thing left their and he needs a host to survive, otherwise he might just freeze again like last time and who fucking knows when he'll be found again then.

Only a thing would think the remake could have been good

also it was technically a prequel




Told you i'm human, so who is next?

There is a short story by Peter Watts thats from the point of view of the Thing.

It's pretty interesting.

trips is the original thing

>knowing about trailer park boys
How about we hang each other user, we can do it facing each other so we can touch tips.

You got in the mouth of madness instead :)

How about we all drink this nice gasoline

Has anyone here played this? I bought it the day it came out and, once you play one or two games to get a handle on the rules, it's one of the best board games I've played in years.

Reminder that Childs was the Thing.
>pic related is the establishing shot after the explosions
>MacReady walks to the smaller shed on the right, not on fire
>Childs shows up
>asks "You're the only one who made it?"
>not WE because the thing obviously doesn't see himself as human
>later sips explosive mixture from the bottle
>dun dun music as soon as the bottle touches his lips
>MacReady chuckles

>final shot is pic related
>the small shed is on fire as well because MacReady set Childs on fire

Oh no! We should all huddle up really close to each other in a circle facing outward, so it can't sneak up on us.