You can have any brew you want as long as it's this filthy Mexican piss water

>You can have any brew you want as long as it's this filthy Mexican piss water.

What was Dom trying to tell us with this line?

He didn't want him touching his good beer I assume.

what is advertising




corona is the beer poor people drink to look rich

It's a weird line. Is he saying Corona is the best, and as a sign of respect he is only offering the best? Or does he only have Corona?

Corona with lime is pretty tasty and I could honestly go for about 10 of them right now.

get out u fat fuck

some1 respond to my other thread

he wanted a whiskey, dom was telling him that was a mistake

whats the deal with beer snobs? you guys just trying to sound cool or something?

I'm not fat, you're fat.

>hey I have a marketing idea, lets alienate any of our potential consumers

That people that are into car tuning and street racing have shit taste

A few companies do this shit

I'll be back for that tuna

Im no beer snob. But Corona is legit piss weak.

this, I'll drink just about any beer but corona is always shit, especially in a can

Arrogant bastard isn't really good enough to pull it off though

This is the problem. People make this about opposite ends of the spectrum. Someone needs to make non-piss water but market it as "Just good beer for good people" kinda vibe, not this hipster shit.

personally, a simple cheap whiskey and water will always taste better than any beer.

strait whiskey is better if you just wanna get buzzed fast.

Most craft beer that you buy in a 6 pack more or less is along those lines. The ones that treat it like wine or something are in the minority

>lines of text demeaning people who don't drink "craft"

>has more than a dozen variants of seasonal/collaboration beer that ALL TASTE THE FUCKING SAME

i swear, I hate everything about the whole craft beer scene. Everyone involved is an insufferable faggot who gets militant about their brands. I remember meeting one guy who was over 40, who almost had a tantrum when I ordered a Ballast Point. He went on to explain to me how they were acquired by some multi-national corporation and they had "sold out" and their beer tastes weaker now as a result. Of course I told him to shove it and drank it anyway, but holy fuck. Why is it all these people who are supposedly into hip and cool things turn out to be the most easily triggered on the face of the planet?