OP is being a faggot again. Classic.
jus juan tineh wayferrr
Fuck off, Muhammad.
I can't, i'm absolutely full.
dude americans cut their sons foreskins off and then pray to a kike on a stick but its ok because theyre la creaturas
Show me that your "god" exists. Go on. Don't be shy. I want to see it. Come on, you can do it.
t. apathetic agnostic
this is better than holy grail or life of brian. It's not even a really anti-god movie either, you maybe are just missing most of the jokes
don't worry, Bongland won't be religion-free for long
The last scene of the movie is literally set in heaven and singing about christmas.
the songs are great and most of the sketches are funny but it just not a strong a movie as Brian.
i dont know what kind of strength you're looking for, but it's a lot funnier than anything in brian
Nothing in "life" is as funny as
What have the Romans ever done for us
Biggus dickus
now FUCK OFF!............how should we fuck off
By strength i was thinking of actual plot, instead of sketches, which is what "life" is
that's not that funny
Grail > Brian > Life
Cut is cleaner and better looking anyway
good goy keep believing (((lies)))
without a doubt the weakest of Monty Python movies
all i remember are sex education class skit and random long cut of cameraman following someone
How can you forget the universe song, though?
The skit before the actual movie was also great.
You won't believe and that's okay. But Welsh femanon here and cut cocks look fucking disgusting, cocks where the foreskin retracts because of a nice big head are the absolute best.
>tfw was circumcised against my will
>people act like I was the one who told the doctor "just cut my shit up fampai" even though I was only minutes old
We need you on the fight against kikery. You are not my enemy brother. You are a martyr. No more white boys being defiled for jewish tricks.
At least you don't remember it. I was three when I lost mine. Got an infection.
Closer to Swansea though.
>tfw my dad was the one who made the decision to get me cut
>he told me about it one afternoon when he was drunk in a way as if he did me a favor
>tfw there's some studies that show correlation between at-birth circumcision & autism
You dont know how deep this goes
My parents knew ethnically Jewish doctors who didn't circumcise their son out of respect for his person, and they still decided to have me circumcised at birth.
>tfw your life is so shit your parents decided to mutilate your genitals before you had any possible agency as a living being
...and why that's a good thing
oh but user, it is only... whaffeyrr thin.
You won't believe it you repugnant Anglo sow but attractive European hybrids on the West Coast of the united states prefer cut dicks and have told me numerous time in bed and before going to bed with them. Enjoy John's pig stick
it's really an anti people movie
All bong movies arw garbage
is that a young hans herman hoppe
You're right I don't believe any woman would like a dry scarred up cock, they just look so fucked up.
i'd say it's anti meanings of life... maybe nihilistic but more existentialist or something
i know that feel user