Swedish woman glassed in Malmo for rejecting a nigger

>A teenager has told how a man smashed a bottle over her head in a nightclub in Malmo, Sweden, after he sexually assaulted her and she pushed him away.
>Sophie Johansson, 19, told Swedish media that she had never met the man before, and that she suddenly felt his hands on her bottom and between her legs on the dancefloor.
>She says she hit him in order to get him to stop, to which he responded by punching her in the face and then hitting her with a glass bottle.

Cast her

Uma Thurman

shill thread


Ayy I live 10 minutes away from the club, it's a known shithole for lefties and criminal immigrants, what did she expect?

So she got glassed for getting with a black, then lied about it to the newspaper

I can't even spot an injury. It's like she was just splattered with fake blood.

There's literally no mention of skin color or race but you imbeciles already know huh

liberalism is a sickness

t. never been cut with shattered glass

>Cast her
phew! now it's Sup Forums related because OP said to cast her. everyone can calm down





hey look its NOT the feds wow, hi NOT the feds, how are you guys? just spreading some internet fascism right? ok have a sage and report

Rose Mcgowen

But she'd really have to take a bottle on the head.. for artistic purposes of course

swedish article describes the man as dark haired and short

Idris Elba

>trying to cover up an obvious Sup Forumscuck thread by just adding "cast her" at the end

I have brown hair and I'm 5'6"

Fuck it was me

Yes I know, the club in question(Babel) only caters to braindead individuals and their immigrant pets.
The only realistic conclusion is desert arab type person or a negro.

A teenager in his 20s or 30s, amirite fellas?

Pathetic star wars tourist

roastie BTFO

Literally posted last week and the week before that. At this point i hope more swedes just get killed, fucking posting Sup Forums shit into Sup Forums, fuck off

Shill thread for an upcoming Buzzfeed article defending Black Panther

Why was a girl in a nightclub anyway? To get wasted and fingered and lose her virginity?

They should check her hymen, if she's not pure she should be strung up alongside the nigger.

Shakira law can't come fast enough.

Check out captain save a hoe over here..

Good job faggot, now go make some #metoo signs for your next "protest". Pussy

fuck niggers and fuck people that go to nightclubs

Of all the things to spam, why this
Who cares

>Calls the bitch a braindead immigrant lover
>captain save a hoe

She was glassed?

So what you're saying is that the nice man paid for her drink?

t. Jaden C. [uck] Whiteknight

At your service milady

who even fucking care anymore

so all short men and men with dark hair are niggers? good to know

Sup Forums - Literally Anything


Whores and negroes should get strung up side by side

sure is Television & Film in here


>waaaah why can't I make off topic threads
Fuck. You.

Yep, he's capt. Save a hoe
Just like most of you pale cucks. It's your fault this anti-male movement is happening. Even when the bitch gets her Just deserts you turn on the guy who laid her flat on her ass

in malmö, yes the probability is very high that it was

t. reddit

>off-topic threads are fine if they're the kind i like
Fucking parasite


>Go to nightclub
>Basically a place for trashy women to grind against strange men and get groped
>Go around shoving guys who are in a highly aggressive mood
>Get glassed
Got what she had coming to her, I like how they didn't even clean her up before taking the picture. Fake news.

that one blonde chick from those zak synder movies

your worse than all of Sup Forums's Sup Forums posters combined you massive faggot

t. r/the_donald tourist